I'm back today, as promised, with a blogpost showing my latest Chronicles art journal spread. I'd thought you might like it when I explain a little with each spread... enjoy! Week 15 A quick, fairly simple spread with a 'fat crayon gelli print' background, a large illustration from a magazine, … [Read more...]
Chronicles 12, 13 &14
Not much to tell you, just three weeks of art journaling to show... Chronicles - Week 12 Chronicles - Week 13 Chronicles - Week 14 Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your day! … [Read more...]
Tiny journal, Chronicles and woyww #772
Goodmorning lovelies! It was fun to visit you - the round of desks - last week and since I have this day off of work again I join in once more to show what I'm up to and what my desk looks like this morning. WOYWW #772 Last week a friend of mine came over and now that I refurbished my … [Read more...]
What’s on my desk? (woyww #771)
Hi there folks, goodmorning! Marit here, to join the woyww-tribe once again. It's a long time since I played along (november last year I think...) and I'm looking forward to visit the blogs of all participants and see how they're doing. First: here's what my desk looks like this wednesday … [Read more...]
(almost) two months of journaling
O my, I did neglect my blog this past weeks didn't I? I haven't yet posted any art journal pages that I created this year, what's more: I haven't even showed you the journal I bound for 2024. There's a lot of photographs hanging in the draft to be published so today I post them all at once. It's … [Read more...]