Goodmorning lovelies, how was the first week of this year going? Are you used to the number yet? 2018, djeezz….
I wanted to spend last week to recuperate from the hectic Top 2000 blogparty (did you see all the art that was submitted? It was A LOT and you can still visit those blogposts by clicking the category Top 2000) It was the busiest week of the year – processing all the incoming submissions and creating some pages of my own too)
…but what was I talking about… oh, yes, recuperating. I wanted to, but it didn’t really come to that. How come? Well, my beloved is building a new website for me and I had to make decisions about which of my art I want to showcase in the gallery, I had to write (and translate) texts and in between, my son came to visit and lessons had to be prepared (I teach guest lessons at a school next Thursday.) So much for recuperating.
Today I plan to take care of the ‘loose ends’ in my atelier – and that means, among others, showing you these spreads in last year’s Chronicles. These pages were created in the last weeks of 2017.
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 50
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 51
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 52
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Last page
I already started working in the new “Chronicles” journal for 2018, creating a first page that is all about my word of the year, but I will tell you about that in another blogpost.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I really appreciate it that there are still people out there who come to read my posts. Have a great day. Spend it well.
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