Alice in Wonderland keeps popping up on several blogs due to the movie,
and you all know that I’m in love with Alice since I participated in the
“Alice Journal Swap” (Haven’t seen the movie yet – it’s released this week
in the Netherlands – but I’m going to see it with my son soon!)
Anyway, I had Alice in mind when I started playing in my art journal…
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19 comments | tags: Art journals, ATC, dixie chicks, Miscelaneous, yellow brick road, Zentangling | posted in Art Journals, ATC's, Marit's blog, ScrapMojo, Zentangling
Let’s start with the yellow brick road.
When I looked for a picture of it on the Internet this morning, I not only
found it on a blog – I also read the words accompanying this pic,
written by Vanessa Leigh:
“The yellow brick road,
the road to everywhere
and nowhere at the same
time…. …in my life, there
have been so many paths
that I have taken, ones
that have been yellow
brick roads to my goal,
my pursuit, my dream,
or so I thought at least.
Some of the yellow
brick that I have followed
have been dead ends…
But, every path was meaning, every brick in those roads was purposeful
and meaningful, and I needed to gain full trust in myself that I knew,
deep within, which way to go. I ALWAYS trust my soul now, no question.”
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18 comments | tags: art journaling, brain, Challenge, collage, ScrapMojo, yellow brick road, Zentangling | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
Sunday Morning, and I experienced the weirdest week…
But before I start telling (and showing) you, I want to give a little
“geographic lesson” ’cause many of you who saw my last layout
thought/asked if I live on an island…
I wrote about that figuratively – no, I don’t live on a real island.
I once did though, so let me show you where all that waves and
beaches in my head come from…
For all you Americans and
Asians (and Africans???)
this is a map of Europe.
I live in the Netherlands.
This is a map of the Netherlands (or Holland, if you like)
As you can see
I spend my childhood
right at the beach.
That province is called
“Zeeland” and it
exist of many islands
connected with each
other by dikes, dams
and bridges – so I lived
on a peninsula.
I don’t live there anymore
(my parents & best friend
still do though) but I love
that place and that’s why
waves roll through my
head, still!
I’m a “Zeeuw”…
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13 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, ATC, Challenge, Eye surgery, Gift, Journal, Layout, Miscellaneous Art Journal, ScrapMojo | posted in Art Journals, ATC's, Harlee Quinnz Designs, Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
WARNING: long post… Lot’s of stuff!
It’s been a while, but I made a lay out for ScrapMojo again.
There’s been some changes on that challenge blog and from now on
they’re doing only one challenge a month instead of the 2 they normally did.
This gives you longer to do them, which I am happy with ’cause I usually love
their challenges, but I can hardly find time to make all the lay outs I want
– or have to make – in one or two weeks!
Anyway, this is challenge #36
“Desperate times call for desperate measures. We have all been through some
tough times or seen someone close to us struggle. We challenge you to make
a page about how the economy has affected you. Tell us your views or maybe
how you have survived these tough times. The second part of your challenge
is to use something square or something recycled.”
The first thing I thought about, reading this, were my shoes…
I have quite a few pair of shoes, but last year a lot of them got tattered,
and I didn’t have the money to buy new ones or even let them repair….
And every time I saw my shoes I had an old nursery rhyme spinning through my head…
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16 comments | tags: BOM, Book of Me, ScrapMojo #36, Tagged | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
” One ring to rule them all
One ring to find them
One ring to bring them all
And in the darkness bind them “
I’m like Frodo. I carry this ring.
Mostly around my finger (I don’t become invisible though…)
“What would you do if you ruled the world? Would you sit on a throne and wear a crown? Would you make everyone walk backwards? Maybe it isn’t this world at all…Maybe it is a made up world. We want to see a page telling us what you would do if you ruled the world. The second part of the challenge is to use stars. This challenge was inspired by many many things. I hope it inspires you to create something fabulous.”
This was the challenge over at ScrapMojo – and yes, it inspired me…
(I hesitate if the ultimate result still fits the challenge though. I think so,
but do give me your opinion!)
My son took this mysterious picture while I was working on my lay out… getting curious?
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6 comments | tags: Challenge, Elves, Frodo Baggins, Lay out, One ring, Ring, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo, Tolkien | posted in Challenges, Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
Had to smile, when I saw the latest ScrapMojo challenge #30…. HA!!!
This was it:
“We know Valentines Day is done and over but we are sure you have pictures to scrap. This challenge is for those of you who have those love inspired pictures laying around collecting dust. Our challenge to you is use one of these as your title on your page… For the love of ______(fill in the blank) or My heart belongs to _______ (fill in the blank). The second part of our challenge is to use heart(s) on your layout.”
Those titles I can fill in easily! The name never changed either.
It’s a fact all my former boyfriends had a problem with! (Not that there were too many, but one by one they couldn’t cope with it. Until I met my love.
He’s the only one who understands and doesn’t have “issues” with this…)
I do love my man. Very much. No other man can compare to him.
I do love my son. Very much. No other child can compare to him.
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7 comments | tags: Challenge, Child, Childhood, Dad, Heart, Lay out, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
Remember this photo? (See post February 5th)
A lot of things came together with this picture and it sort of became a major project! Let me explain…
(A bit of history)
After years of “scrapping on my own” I looked for other scrapbookers on the Internet, mostly to find inspiration.
While surfing, I came along the ScrapMojo challenge blog and liked the challenge there so much that I decided to play along. (Challenge #24,
my “Season of the Witch” lay out)
Of course I wanted to send my lay out to their blog, but didn’t know how to do that, so I e-mailed them and Marie (ScrapMojo girl) mailed me back and helped me along. By that time, I was already hooked on the blogs and challenges I’d found, so with help of my dear love and son (who already had a blog) I started my own weblog. (And yes… I became an addict pretty soon!) But being busy with that, I had to skip ScrapMojo challenge #25.
I never forgot about that one though ’cause I liked it so much!
This was it:
Your challenge is to use Alice in Wonderland as inspiration. That means take ANYTHING from the story and use it. It could be images, quotes, book pages, colors, whatever your little heart desires. The second part of the challenge is to use lace.
While working on the above “sixties”photo, giving it a “psychedelic look”
(I showed you in February) a song popped in my mind, and I couldn’t get
it out… it was the song “White rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane.
It’s a band from those psychedelic – flower power years, and the song
refers to… Alice in Wonderland!
And there it was! The inspiration to make this lay out. It all came together!
The song I like, the picture I like, the challenge I like. I wanted to make the ultimate lay out out of that! It had to be a spread, ’cause I wanted lots of flowers and butterflies and beads and overwhelming colours and, and, and…. you already know it took a lot of time to make this one, ’cause I mentioned a little something sometimes on my blog to make you curious (and that worked didn’t it? You ARE curious by now!)
OK then, here it is. I proudly present…. (tatatatadaaaaaaaa)
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8 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, Challenge, Flower Power, Jefferson Airplane, Lay out, Psychedelic, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo, Sixties, White Rabbit, Wonder | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo