Another Friday already, MAN – time flies!
I do love my freewheelin’ Fridays, but during the week I’m not that much
freewheelin’ – I’m working my hands blue (and red, and orange and purple:
paint and spray ink!) preparing my upcoming workshop!
Somewhere in the next week the registration will be online (still working
on some loose ends according to the “rules” and “payments”) and I’m
scared and exited at the same time… a new year and a new adventure…
but I’m ready for it!
And here’s another intention for the next year 🙂
Teehee… I wear mostly black! But maybe it’s time for red pants…
Jeanet? Wanna join? 😉

This is also the title of my latest layout I made using two challenges…
From “Scrapping out LOUD!” and from “Scrapbooking Supplies R Us”
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19 comments | tags: Challenge, happy mail, Layout, miscellaneaous, Scrapbooking Supplies R Us, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud
Aaah, I had some playtime this weekend and I made layouts for several
challenges! It was fun to do that again – it’s been a while.
So here we go…
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21 comments | tags: Bay City Rollers, Challenges, hidden journaling, memorial journey | posted in Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud, T.A.A.F.O.M.F.T., The Creative Type
You found my blog on the new address!!!
It looks very professional to have my own “maritscrapworld” domain,
don’t you think? I’m a lucky girl to have a lover who put it all together for me!
(Thanks a lot dear – also, on forehand, thanks for all the technical community-
site-web-stuff that you installed and will have to explain to me in the near
future and all the support you are giving… I love you!)
Next, I do want to apologize neglecting all of you in the past week…
I did had my reasons, you know that, but now that things are settling down
I promise I will catch up with all your blogs in the coming week.
There’s another reason I wasn’t around much…
I spend two days with my parents in Zeeland!
It’s a two hour drive, and to you who think Holland is a beautiful country:
let me show you something else for a change…
This is a photo
I took on the way
to Zeeland.
All the way from
my place to
my parents,
I see this….
Two hours,
this panorama =
(but being there
is worth the drive!)
On to an image less boring now (I hope)
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13 comments | tags: Art journals, boring, Miscellaneous, quote | posted in Art Journals, Marit's blog, Photos, Scrapping Out Loud
Image this:
One day you wake up and and a blur spot has appeared in your right eye.
You ask your partner if he/she sees it.
He/she looks into your eyes but doesn’t see anything…
During the day, the spot in your eye grows.
And grows.
And turns from blur to pink to red to black.
In less then 34 hours, you can’t see anything anymore with that eye…
you’re blind.

You go to
the doctor.
You have to
have surgery
right away.
You go to
the hospital
and they stick
a needle
into your eye…
That’s my dad’s story (the short version)
I wrote that down here.
And I wrote down the (long) version in my Art Journal…
(I warn you for a horrifying picture!)
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11 comments | tags: Art Journals, blind, Dad, eye, Miscellaneous, surgery | posted in Art Journals, Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud
One Little Word came with the word “Why”
I haven’t played OLW in ages, but I liked this word
and decided to give it a go this time.
I don’t know how you call this in other countries, but here in Holland
every child around 2-and-a-half to 3 years old goes through
the “Waarom-fase” (“Why-phase”)
If you have kids, you probably know how irritating it can be
when your child keeps on asking “why….” all day long.
Every mum has the intention to “always take my kids serious
and answer their questions” –
that is untill the kids reach that certain age… 2-and-a-half!
Then it starts.
And in the end, every mum finds herself saying:
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9 comments | tags: Challenge, Disintegration project, Lay out, OLW, One Little Word, Photo, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Marit's blog, One Little Word, Photos, Scrapping Out Loud
Don’t be frightened, there’s no fire around here, but this was the challenge
over at Scrapping out LOUD!
“Fired up!
FIRE! – Your house is on fire, your family and pets have escaped and taken your scrapping stuff with them…..including albums and photos. What is the one thing you would grab to save from the fire? and why? “
Now isn’t that a question we all asked ourselves one time… like when you where a kid? I remember when I was in primary school, questions like this where common, it was like a game we played: “You move to a deserted island, what would you bring with you?” or (one of the heavy and meanest ones!)
“One has to die, who would you pick, your mum or your dad?”
I don’t remember what my answer to the first question was back then,
but I definitely wouldn’t answer the second one! I just couldn’t! (Still can’t!)

Anyway, I knew my answer
to the “Fire question” right away…
I also used Jessica’s sketch
to scrap my “One item”
(well… in my case it’s about
50 items but they’re in one
plastic box – and although
that box is quite heavy to lift,
I would run for it to rescue
that treasure!)
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9 comments | tags: A to Z photo, C-photo, Challenge, Diaries, Lay out, Photo, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Marit's blog, Photos, Scrapping Out Loud
We had a wonderful weekend! Temperatures were Summer-like and I spend Saturday playing with glue… Alice wasn’t in Wonderland, but on my big crafting table, very much alive and laughing! (Sneak peek soon to come!)
Late in the afternoon, I got a phone call and it was a big surprise to hear my niece Lisa talking from me all the way from Canada!!! She spend the weekend at home (on Sunday, she had to go back to the hospital again) and it was so nice to hear her voice!!! She wears a bodice to protect her back and a collar (as you know she broke her neck and back) and she can’t use her left arm, so she’s handicapped but was glad to spend a weekend at home with her parents and brother! She has to wear all that “gear” for at least another few Months (we don’t know how long) and it’s not sure if her arm/hand will recover either, but at least she walks and talks and sounded good! Hooray for my strong niece!!!
On Sunday, we drove to my parents in Zeeland where we spend the day sitting in the garden, laughing and talking and getting a tan! I also payed my friend Lena a short visit, and she informed me that there was something wrong with the menu on top of my blog…. It’s fixed now but I’m sorry I asked you all to take a look at my gallery and pick your favourite lay out, while the menu
wasn’t working!!! So here’s my question again! Which of my lay outs would you pick as your favourite? Take a look at the gallery and let me know, I’m curious!
OK, enough with the talking!
You’re all here to see my latest work so I’ll show you some pictures of
the lay outs I finished last week, but didn’t publish earlier ’cause the
“Lotus introduction post” got in the way…
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9 comments | tags: Art journals, Award, Bauhaus, Lay out, leonard cohen, Lisa, OLW, One Little Word, Reflect, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud, Summer, Tower of Song | posted in Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, One Little Word, Scrapping Out Loud