Thanks for all the nice words on my Gutter Girlz Guest spot!!!
I really appreciate all your comments (I always do!) and I’m
honoured that I have so many blog readers that like my work!
Had to spit this out before I start my usual chatter!
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14 comments | tags: anticipation, dreams, exams | posted in Marit's blog, S.F.T.I.O., weekly art journal 2010
After a week filled with work, work, work… I desperately needed some
“me time” this weekend. Because my son went to Amsterdam with
some friends, and my beloved took care of some household chores
(thanks love!) I got the Saturday AND the Sunday “off”! YEAY!!!

I had some unfinished
business to take care of
and there was also a
cybercrop going on over
at Scrapbooking from
the inside out, so I took
all my stuff downstairs
to the dining table and
had a blast!!!
As you can see,
I even had my
sewing machine
stand by…
It’s been a while
since I sewed on
a layout – I LOVE
this detail photo!
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11 comments | tags: Art journals, Doors, Layout, sewing, SFTIO, week 18 | posted in Marit's blog, S.F.T.I.O., weekly art journal 2010
(Warning: picture overload!!!!)

Good morning you all!
Today is queensday
in the Netherlands
and although the sun
isn’t shining, I will
spend the afternoon
outside trying to score
some useful goodies
on the giant flee market!
For you foreigners
who have no idea
what “queensday”
in the Netherlands
is all about, and for
you Dutchies who
want to have a good
laugh… you have to
have a look at this!!!!
(but you may want to watch when your children are out of the room!!!)
And the first photo in my post today shows the tree in our front yard
bursting with blossom.
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14 comments | tags: Landgraaf, Photo, poetry festival, Queen, queensday, weekly art journal | posted in Marit's blog, Photos, S.F.T.I.O., weekly art journal 2010