Don’t frame me in…
M: “Hey, that’s a nice lay out you’re makin’…”
Me: “Oh, but that’s not finished yet.
I’m just cutting squares to glue them in a grid.”
M: “Why in a grid? It looks great this way.”
Me: “Yeah, now that you mention it…
but uhhmmm, the challenge at “Scrapping out Loud” was:
“This week we want you to get out those rulers and get measuring,
because we want to see you use the grid technique to create a LO!”
M: “But you’re measuring already, and you ARE using a grid, aren’t you.
You just glue them outside the grid, they didn’t say it had to be all square,
did they?”
Me: “No………”
M: “Well then, look at it!
But it’s your lay out after all…. you don’t have to listen to me.”
I looked at it.
I thought about it.
And I did it!
I glued the squares just as it lay there, random.