Bad book!
Shame on you – don’t you poo on the sidewalk!
Just a pic to make you laugh…. I’ll be back soon! See you!
(P.S. If you haven’t the slightest idea what this is all about,
go to this post and laugh some more!)
Shame on you – don’t you poo on the sidewalk!
Just a pic to make you laugh…. I’ll be back soon! See you!
(P.S. If you haven’t the slightest idea what this is all about,
go to this post and laugh some more!)
We had a wonderful weekend! Temperatures were Summer-like and I spend Saturday playing with glue… Alice wasn’t in Wonderland, but on my big crafting table, very much alive and laughing! (Sneak peek soon to come!)
Late in the afternoon, I got a phone call and it was a big surprise to hear my niece Lisa talking from me all the way from Canada!!! She spend the weekend at home (on Sunday, she had to go back to the hospital again) and it was so nice to hear her voice!!! She wears a bodice to protect her back and a collar (as you know she broke her neck and back) and she can’t use her left arm, so she’s handicapped but was glad to spend a weekend at home with her parents and brother! She has to wear all that “gear” for at least another few Months (we don’t know how long) and it’s not sure if her arm/hand will recover either, but at least she walks and talks and sounded good! Hooray for my strong niece!!!
On Sunday, we drove to my parents in Zeeland where we spend the day sitting in the garden, laughing and talking and getting a tan! I also payed my friend Lena a short visit, and she informed me that there was something wrong with the menu on top of my blog…. It’s fixed now but I’m sorry I asked you all to take a look at my gallery and pick your favourite lay out, while the menu
wasn’t working!!! So here’s my question again! Which of my lay outs would you pick as your favourite? Take a look at the gallery and let me know, I’m curious!
OK, enough with the talking!
You’re all here to see my latest work so I’ll show you some pictures of
the lay outs I finished last week, but didn’t publish earlier ’cause the
“Lotus introduction post” got in the way…
To all blog readers who came to my little space here via Lotus Paperie:
And to all of you, truth followers of my blog – my scrapping blog buddies:
Today I was introduced
on the Lotus Paperie blog,
as their new DT-member.
I answered a lot of questions,
so for those who didn’t
read the interview,
hop on over to Lotus
and get to know me even better
than you did already!
But don’t forget to come back
here, ’cause I fill in some blanks
in this post!
Yep, I lost it for a couple of days. Of course it always returns, I know that, but after a few days I got a little bit worried anyway… I had the time to create and no inspiration at all! That’s pretty frustrating!
But, eventually, it returned to me on Monday… and so I say:
May I introduce you to
It must have been 1996, when this man gave me the album “I’m your man” by Leonard Cohen. He wasn’t quite “my man” then but he for saw that one day he would be, and he
was right. Since 1998 we are together. And by “together”
I mean all day and all night
long. We own a small company together, work together, sleep, eat, laugh, argue and experience life together.
Every hour of the day…
Most women love to have time for themselves, when their husband goes to work, but I am perfectly happy being together with him all the time!
So when my son made this photo of him, a few weeks ago, I knew immediately this was the pic I was going to use with the song “I’m Your Man” in my Leonard Cohen Art Journal.
And look where it brought me… I “met” a lot of lovely scrapbookers from all over the world, it brought me tons of inspiration, I got nice feedback and sweet words from all of you, it got me in a Design Team and I have some true followers who read my blog and inspire me to keep on going –
I wanna thank you all!!!
So ladies, keep on visiting me and 6 months from now I will offer you all some nice goodies; the one-year-online-date will not go by unnoticed, I promise!
Because I had a party going on here since Friday (see former post) and a lot to organize and re-organize, I forgot to show you some lay outs – tell you things etc. etc. This post is to catch up with all that so beware… this will be a chaotic post with lots of random stuff and some lovely pics!!!
The official way:
Ladies and Gentlemen (Hi Pa…)
I’m very proud to announce that I made the June-Nov ’09 session
of the Lotus Paperie Design Team.
My way:
I was thrilled when I got their e-mail yesterday evening.
I had to ask M. to print the mail and attachments for me…
I instandly forgot how to do that, just soooo exited!!!
I went over to their blog, and it is weird AND exiting to see my face
pop up there… weird in a nice way of course!
So I drank a glass of wine (and another one…) and celebrated with
my loved ones.
Today I will spend dancing and crafting ’cause – believe it or not – I went to the scrapbook store in Heesch last week (40 minutes drive) and bought me 7 (!) colours of spray ink, one glimmer mist, a lot of patterned paper and (last but not least) a crop-o-dile Big Bite!!!!
So I’m ready, I’m soooo ready to start designing!!!
I had plans to work on my Art Journal today, but I may find myself too shaky (too much wine yesterday, or still too exited? Both, I guess…) to work on that. Instead I might just play around with my ink or go bloghopping and leave you all some love and happiness ’cause hey, today I’ve got plenty to share!!!
Have a nice day ya all, Je t’embrasse!