Teehee…. the new Lotus Paperie challenge #135 just went on line,
and this week it’s all about finger paint!
When I saw the challenge, I went looking for the most difficult and confusing
(Latin) synonym for the word I had in mind to use as a title.
Just to tease you!
I giggled when I found it.
I imagined your faces would look like this when you read the title. 😕
Am I right?
Rhypophobia = “fear for dirt”
uhhhm, I found out later: fear for a very DIRTY dirt
I should have used “Automysophobia”
but the lay out was already made
Oh, well
never mind.
(…still giggling…)
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8 comments | tags: Challenge #135, Fingerpaint, Lay out, Lotus Paperie, Paint, Rhypophobic, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog
I support the Stop Art Piracy Campaign Project Marsha Jorgensen started
on Flickr after having bits of her own original work illegally downloaded
and used in someone else’s work.
Here’s what she wrote on her blog on July 19:
“So, let’s do something. Let’s do something positive.
Let’s stand up and “say NO!” to art piracy!
Let’s educate the ones that may not have enough sense to know
and some that do know, stealing from your colleagues is not acceptable
in OUR artist community.
I have a loose idea for a group project…”
So she started a public group – I made this lay out and I joined the group!

Copyright by Marit (Marit's Scrapworld) 7/30/09
Image credits - Backgroundpaper: bought in a cheap store ("Action") -
no brandname on it. Playing card from the "Pirate Game"
(Disney "Pirates of the Caribbean" - Game made by Cartamundi-Belgium)
I used gesso, textstamp, alphabeth stamps, fibre tip pen and
distress ink (Tim Holtz - Ranger)
You MAY copy this image for the sole purpose of displaying on your blog
or website IF it is linked back to this flickr group
You may NOT use any piece of this image for your own artwork or any
other publication or reproduction.
You do not have to give a long credit line to me, just a brief tiny credit by name
only IF YOU WISH, but please link it back to the flickr group. Thanks!
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2 comments | tags: Art Piracy, Lay out, Stop Art Piracy Campaing, Thou shalt not steal
I just found out I WON the One Little Word challenge!
You can see my lay out here.
Tuesdaymorning, and it’s gonna be a lovely daaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
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17 comments | tags: Challenge, Lay out, OLW, One Little Word, Scrap lay out, Why | posted in One Little Word
This is going to be a chaotic post… with a lot of randomness.
Things are a bit hectic at the moment and the more I create,
the more my “to do” list seems to grow instead of shrink.
I discovered some new blogs/artists lately (thanks to
the buried treasure project) and the inspiration has taken flight!
I just can’t choose where to start or what to begin with.
Lots of images/ideas/possibilities whirl through my head and I guess
it all has to descend and find it’s place before I can filter “my own thing”
out of it.
Do I sound a bit cryptic? Sorry, my English writing is not bad but
when it comes to explaining mixed feelings inside it’s hard to find
the right words in another language…
So let’s stop talking and let’s start showing!
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6 comments | tags: A to Z photo, Art journals, leonard cohen, Lotus Paperie, Photos, Sneak peek | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog, Photos
Yay for Friday – Lotus Paperie time!!!
Here’s the sketch Vanessa came up with this week…

And this is the photo I used.
Actually, a lot of photo’s and yes, its me on every little one!
And I presume you want to know my age on each pic?
It’s no secret – I will tell you (but I might be wrong a year or two sometimes 😉 )
39 – 36 – 17 – 34 – 25 – 26 – 22
19 – 16 – 27 – 35 – 19 – 15 – 45
42 – 23 – 30 – 24 – 20 – 36 – 43
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9 comments | tags: Challenge #134, Lay out, Lotus Paperie lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog

“On Thursday July 23, all participants of the “Buried Treasure” project
will re-post a favorite blog post as part of the Buried Treasure collaboration.”
This project is all about highlighting some old posts or art or lay outs
or whatever you once blogged about.
“Dig deep, and find some buried treasures” – and I did!
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11 comments | tags: Buried treasures, Lay out, Scrap lay out
One Little Word came with the word “Why”
I haven’t played OLW in ages, but I liked this word
and decided to give it a go this time.
I don’t know how you call this in other countries, but here in Holland
every child around 2-and-a-half to 3 years old goes through
the “Waarom-fase” (“Why-phase”)
If you have kids, you probably know how irritating it can be
when your child keeps on asking “why….” all day long.
Every mum has the intention to “always take my kids serious
and answer their questions” –
that is untill the kids reach that certain age… 2-and-a-half!
Then it starts.
And in the end, every mum finds herself saying:
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9 comments | tags: Challenge, Disintegration project, Lay out, OLW, One Little Word, Photo, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Marit's blog, One Little Word, Photos, Scrapping Out Loud