Jul 8 2009

Sweet stuff!

Finally, I went creative this week and I played ALL FOR MYSELF!!!
No challenge stuff, no design team lay out, no pressure…
pure and simple having fun just for me!

I started another Leonard Cohen Art Journal page, but that’s not finished yet.
I messed around with gesso and paint and gel medium you see – and that takes
time to dry. So in between I surfed to Nancy’s blog to see what was there for
me (I tell later on in this post) 
Of course I read her post – she’s such a funny and talented artist & writer – 
and she wrote about starting this disintegration project
You really should click on that link (like I did!)
I fell in love with it right away!


I thought I would try it out for
myself! My gesso wasn’t dry
yet, I had time on my side
and so I gathered paper from
all over the house, pages from
an old fairy-tale book, white
paper, grey paper, magazine
pages… and I tied it up
with twine! I also added old,
rusty screws to the twine
and a teabag (thanks for the
tip, Nancy!) 




So here it is, hanging outside
on my pergola! The forecast
predicts thunderstorms and
rain (see that coming in the
background on the former photo)
and a pigeon, hangin’ round on
my pergola lately, might add 
some extra effect to it too?

Sun, rain, wind, heat…
just let the weather get to it!
I’m planning to photograph the
process – like every Wednesday –
and give it a Month to disintegrate.
I hope to end up with some lovely
pieces of papers – and maybe make a
little album about this process
using the photo’s and this paper.

After running around with paper and teabags my hands still tickled to create
more, MORE! Only the gel medium on the Art Journal page still wasn’t dry…
so I looked for the photo I’ve been wanting to scrap for ages and gave it a go… 

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