Aug 31 2010

We’re still wild at heart



I really thought today was  my friend’s (and co-teacher in the new workshop!)
birthday… but I learned yesterday that I had the date all wrong.
It was August 21 – Bummer!
I planned this birthday post to show you the card I made for her birthday,
and send you all over to Michelle’s blog to cheer… and now I’m too late 🙁

But HA… I know it’s her HUBBY’S birthday today, so there’s still celebration
going on in the LaPoint-Rydell house… YEAY!
So hop on over to Michelle anyway and send some extra love for Michael!

Happy birthday Michael!

And to the both of you… we may get older but we are still “wild at heart!”


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Aug 27 2010

The happiness goes on…
(Freewheelin’ Friday #36)

…’cause look who came home yesterday!!!

There’s nothing
more to wish for
when you’re a
mother then to
have your boy
back home
safe and sound.

And see how tall
he “grew”


He wore
cowboy boots!

With a heel, indeed.
I look waaaay smaller then I am – ahem…
Oh, you curious ones… alrighty, I’m 5’6″)

And there’s more good news… OH MY…
it seemed all the good things came right my way this week!


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Aug 23 2010


Ever since she said YESSSS (almost 4 months ago)
I’ve been walking around with a big smile on my face.
We’ve been having “secret chat sessions”.
We’ve been brainstorming.
We exchanged ideas and concepts.
We started preparing, creating and writing
and we laughed.
BOY did we laugh a lot!

What is this all about, you might ask, and who is “she”?


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Aug 20 2010

Where I’ve been and what I did
(Freewheelin’ Friday #35)

Most of you guessed it already: I’ve been in Zeeland the past few days!
My dad was here last Monday and I took the opportunity to ride back
home with him to stay a few days with him and my mom and visit my
friend Lena. I took my camera with me and although I always do that
when I visit my parents, most of the time I forget to take pics while I’m
there. But this time I actually used the camera and took some photos!
(Remember you can click on the photos to enlarge)

Here’s one of me
that shows the
overall feeling
I had while being
in Zeeland…
relaxed and
easy going!

See that orange
vest? I saw it in
a boutique and
it screamed to me
“I am made for you”
– and since my mom
thought so too
she bought it for me!

Thanks so much mom,


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Aug 17 2010


…short break!

Something nice came along so you won’t find a post today.
Be back on Friday to show you the photos!

Have a nice week!

Aug 13 2010

Stuff that dreams are made on
(Freewheelin’ Friday #34)

A lot of you filled out my little poll in the right side menu already,
THANKS!!! (If you don’t know what it’s about, please read my
former post
and fill out this poll! Your opinion is highly appreciated!!!)

I’m so glad I asked for your opinion! It’s getting clear now that I should
do something about the colour of the type I’m using for my posts so
chances are that this will be the last post in the “light grey type”…
I’ll decide on a new colour after the weekend.


On to the good stuff…

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Aug 11 2010

Weekly art journal &
a question

OHMY… is it Wednesday?
Time to catch up on my blog then, isn’t it!

Before I start showing you the things I made last week, I have a question.
It was brought to my attention that my blog doesn’t look the same on every
computer screen, and for some of you the text might be hard to read…
As Patty stated “…the type on your blog is in light light gray, so I have to
lean in very very close to the screen…”

I had the same problem when I looked at my blog on my dad’s laptop so
I know what she means. It has something to do with older screens and
contrast settings. I don’t know everything about that but I DO know that
I find it important that my visitors can read my posts without trouble.

On my own screen the type shows in dark grey on a light grey background.
Because I have no idea how many of you have a problem with the text being
too light, I added a poll in the side menu.

I ask you all to please fill out the poll so I can get an idea how many of you
have this problem. I like the way my blog looks right now, but if many of you
have trouble reading my text I might consider using another colour for the
Maybe making it black is a good option?

So please fill in the poll in the side menu.
It’s done with one click – easy peasy – and it would help me to decide
if I should change thing! THANKS!


On to some pictures (I do hope your screen at least shows these!)

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