I don’t have much time, I don’t have much words but I DO have
some images to show you, so let’s get on with it!
My weekly art journal page:
Week #47
Let me explain how I build this page…
When I was in Heesch, I bought paper from the, ‘Steampunk Debutante’
collection from Graphic 45. I’m in love with those images, so I wanted
to use the cut out image of that lady. I went from there..
I thought it would fit the image if I used old encyclopedia pages as a base.
I tore out the pages from my old encyclopaedia, and I noticed the little
drawing on the right. Who was that?
Well, it’s an encyclopedia page right? So I found the information on that
same page: it’s a self portrait of Jean Cocteau, a French poet, novelist,
dramatist, designer, boxing manager, artist and filmmaker. Born in 1889.
Oh wow, just the right period to go with my ‘steampunk image’ then!!!!
Next, I choose the colour.
Brown, the vintage image told me to use browns.
Spray ink (Tim Holtz adirondack ‘espresso’) and copic markers.
I didn’t have much to say this past week, nothing exciting happened
and the days were all a bit similar, so I decided to use a quote to fill the page.
I googled “Jean Cocteau quotes”, and came up with this one.
Because Cocteau was a French man, I wrote the quote in French.
“The older I get, the more I see that what does not vanish: the dreams.”
Aaahhh… nice, isn’t it?
I did some journaling around the borders et voila!
I was happily surprised when I found out Peggy made a layout with
the photos that Jenneke took from us in Heesch the other day…
I had a layout in mind too, and I’m happy Peggy choose a totally
different title for hers because I was afraid, since we ‘clicked’ so well,
that she had the same title in mind for a her layout.
Thank you Peggy, for making such a wonderful layout with our photos,
I hope we meet again soon!
And here’s mine!
I sprayed white cardstock with the new glimmer mist colours I bought in
the scrapbook store in Heesch. I made the “LOL mask” in the background
myself and I doodled a border and a title… and it was just perfect!
And last but not least, I swapped some ATC cards with Phinner.
Because I didn’t have time to make some especially for her,
she choose ATC’s from my gallery.
She, on the other hand, made these especially for me!
OH MY GOODNESS, look at this!!!!
Each one of those cards is so special and unique!
Thank you sooooo much Linda!
I will make some especially for you soon, I promise!
The world outside it white.
Yep, it snowed in Holland and tomorrow it will be December!
I’m looking forward to this last month of the year.
I will have some free time. I plan some creating ‘just for me’.
I will reflect on the past year (maybe I’ll share that with you 🙂 )
ánd my top 2000 party will bring me to New Years Eve
(BTW: did you read the announcement on the top of this blog???)
For now, I’m off to work some more.
See you again soon!
Je t’embrasse!
P.S. I wrote quite some words after all…
November 30th, 2010 at 7:02 pm
YES, you would never know you didn’t have much to say 😉
and I Love it and you sweet art sister!
so much to enjoy and you got snow too
Lucky Duck … it’s raining here in Virginia
I almost laugh out loud too when I see your wonderful pics with your friend…super page!
AND I Love your steampunk page…another brilliant creation from you…it’s always fun how you weave things together.
November 30th, 2010 at 7:59 pm
Heey Marit, wat een ge.wel.dige “lol” layout!!
Lijkt wel digi zo netjes/mooi.
De kleuren passen perfect bij die superleuke foto´s van jullie 2.
November 30th, 2010 at 9:06 pm
Love your LOL page! Those pics are soooo cute! And how adorable are those ATCs?
Have a fabulous December!
November 30th, 2010 at 9:56 pm
GE.WEL.DI.GE lo Marit! Zo had ik ‘m me voorgesteld. De foto’s van Peggy en jou zijn zo puur!
Groetjes, Angèle
December 1st, 2010 at 12:13 am
tee hee hee!
and you Marit, lovely work as usual! isn’t it great to meet people IRL?! awesome shots!
December 1st, 2010 at 1:22 am
I love absolutely everything about your Cocteau pages – the colours, the background, the quote, the lady… e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!
December 1st, 2010 at 4:10 am
EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! I am sooooooooooooooo excited to say you and me have the SAME “Imagine” PHINNER ATC!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the journal page and love love love love that LOL!! Those photos of the two of you are AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
December 1st, 2010 at 5:31 pm
ohhh Marit je -LOL- LO is helemaal geweldig geworden! Het hele plaatje past perfect bij elkaar en jullie plezier spat echt van de foto`s af! Je misting is ook al zo mooi 🙂
Groetjes Viv
December 2nd, 2010 at 1:40 am
Excuse me – I think you had quite a bit to say and show – and it was all very cool!!! Love those ATCs and the happy laughter pix for the layout! Looking forward to the Top 2000 – I am thinking about songs that I love and images I want to create!
December 2nd, 2010 at 4:29 pm
wat een mooie art journal en de lol lo is helemaal leuk!!! zulke vrolijke foto’s, t lijkt alsof jullie elkaar al jaren kennen!
December 2nd, 2010 at 9:58 pm
Wat een geweldig weekjournaal!!! De dame links vind ik helemaal leuk, net als dat lettersjabloon!!
De LO met Peggy is ook prachtig!! Mooie kleuren glimmermist heb je gekocht! De titel is natuurlijk heel erg toepasselijk! LOL…!!
December 3rd, 2010 at 3:27 am
your Cocteau page is fabulous!! that Graphic 45 paper is perfect with the image you used and i love the quote too.
i love the scrap page. those pictures are priceless. isn’t so fun to meet our web friends in real life? too cool!
those atc’s from Linda are beautiful. she is so talented.
enjoy the snow. we don’t get much of that white stuff here where i live.
December 3rd, 2010 at 10:37 am
Wat een geweldige page, Marit! Leuk effect ook de encyclopediepagina met het plaatje van steampunk, is misschien niet vooraf bedacht maar echt een leuke vondst! En de LOL-lo is echt enorm leuk, de lol spat er ook echt vanaf!
Liefs, Natalie
December 3rd, 2010 at 6:12 pm
Oooh, ik kan niet geloven dat deze post al een paar dagen op je blog staat en dat ik hem nog niet gezien had!!!! Shame on me!! Tja, ik ga beginnen met die LO van ons tweetjes hé, die vind ik toch zooooo geweldig! En je titel is perfect, je gelooft het nooit, maar dat had ik eerst in gedachten. Pas toen ik dat fotootje van Jenneke erbij voegde, dacht ik aan het “klikken” van de camera en heb ik alsnog van titel gewisseld. Raar hé!!! In elk geval vind ik hem fantastisch!!!! Het misten en de kleuren zijn super, het plaatje klopt helemaal.
Je art journal page is ook weer helemaal top … ik wilde verleden week een image van diezelfde papieren gebruiken maar ik kan me er nog niet toe brengen erin te knippen hihi. Ik denk dat ik mij nog een paar exemplaren van dezelfde papieren ga aanschaffen…
Oooh … enne Marit, voor iemand die niet veel te zeggen had, ging het je goed af. Haha, ben ik niet meer de enige die goed kan “ratelen” LOL.
Liefs xxx Peggy
December 6th, 2010 at 9:24 am
Wow, prachtige page marit! Heel mooi dat Steampunk papier! En je LOL page is helemaal super…mooie foto’s en dat misten is wow!Gaaf kleurtje!
En wat een geweldige ATC’s!!!
December 6th, 2010 at 3:51 pm
I love that steampunk line, I’ll be using it to scrap photo’s of me in my fantasy fair steampunk outfit!
Great pages and those atc’s you got are fab!
January 9th, 2011 at 11:55 am
Such wonderful graphic quality to your art journal. Love for you to link it up to my Victorian Fantasy challenge inspired by Steampunk Debutante.
January 12th, 2011 at 7:54 am
Wow! What amazing projects! You’re so talented!