Reasons to smile #2
(Reflections on 2010)
I love to reflect on the past year!
Last week, I flipped through my weekly art journal and it made me realize
how many great things came my way last year! I had lots of reasons to smile,
so let me share some more of the goodness.
My weekly art journal itself is one of those reasons to smile…
I’m so glad I started this project and I intent to go on with it next year.
It is relaxing to fill the pages during the week, just fiddling around on the
pages without any rules or limits. Picking colours or images that I like,
try new techniques on a page and record the things that happen in my life.
Here’s the page I made last week
Week 48
We had a lot of snow in the Netherlands last week, so I added an old photo
of me in the snow. Wasn’t I a cute little girl? I love my hat with the pompoms!!!
The yellow dots are pearl dots, I desperately wanted to use my new pearl pen
and so I did! I doodled all over the page, just couldn’t get enough of it!
Phinner send me the little labels, with the bird and the mad hatter (thanks!) and
the postcard came from Hanneke. I received it it months ago, along with some
scrapgoodies. I like the image and the quote and now was the time to use it.
Not that I did stupid things last week, but I had a lot of work and I drank a lot
of coffee to stay on top of it. Now, the work is winding down and I presume
that I will be done writing articles by the end of this week (and it will start all
over again one month after that. And so on, and so further 😀 )
And HA, that’s another reason for a SMILE! Last May, I got a call from the
publisher of the Dutch scrap magazine ‘Creatief met Foto’s‘. He asked me
if I was interested in a job, writing articles for the magazine! Well ofcourse!
You all know I love to write,
and it is even better when you
can make a (free lance) job
out of it! On top of that, it gave
me the the opportunity to write
about my hobby!
Although my style of ‘scrapping’
is different then the layouts
published in the magazine,
I love to see all those layouts
laying on my table. And me,
describing them and writing the
story to go with it. Yep, as of this year,
I may call myself a free lance writer!
Sounds good huh?!
For more smiles, I’ll take you to Heesch.
Not only is it there that the publisher settles, he also runs a big scrapbook
store! I saved up the birthday money I got in October (thanks mom & dad!)
and a few weeks ago I not only shopped at the scrapbook store, I also met
some of my blog friends there!
If you’ve seen the photos, you know already that this was a day with a BIG
SMILE! I came home with new scrapgoodies, good memories and blogfriends
that are now friends in real life! (I do wish I could meet all of you now!)
Well, that’s enough smiles for today (Oops, did I really say that?
Ofcourse there’s never enough smiles in a day, but if you long for more
I recomment you hop over to Julie. I’m sure she will have some extra
smilies for you on her blog!)
I’ll be back on Friday with more reasons to smile.
Oh, before I go I have a question for you.
I was looking into it myself, but I can’t really decide which page (week)
in my weekly art journal I like best. Or maybe the best is yet to come?
What do you think? Go to the button ‘Art journals’ in the top menu on my
blog, click on “weekly art journal 2010” and take a look at he pages.
The weeknumbers are under the pictures when you view the slideshow.
I’d like to know which week you prefer. Thanks!
Je t’embrasse!
December 7th, 2010 at 4:51 pm
Love your page and congrats congrats on the “job”!!! Hope you had a wonderful Sinterclaas!
December 7th, 2010 at 5:43 pm
What a great idea to list all the things that have made you smile this year! I love to see your list growing!
December 7th, 2010 at 6:10 pm
great inspiration and i want to do a reflection post on my blog now, lol thanks!
December 7th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
so cool, your writing gigs!!! so validating!!! I love that!!!
and my fave art journal page is week (?) 21. I love the image in the center and the journaling all around like thots.
keep smiling! : .)
December 8th, 2010 at 1:41 am
Congrats on the writing gigs! Love your page – the dots, the quote!
December 8th, 2010 at 3:07 am
It is great to be able to do what you love. You scrap unconventionally but in a style that is uniquely yours. I enjoy all your journal pages…so difficult to pick one!
December 8th, 2010 at 3:29 am
fun stuff!
December 8th, 2010 at 4:11 am
LOL!! That coffee postcard makes me LAUGH!! LOVE IT!!!! hehehehehehe!! And thanks for the SMILE SHOUT OUT my dearest! YOU ARE THE BESTEST! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
December 8th, 2010 at 4:17 am
Congrats on the free lancing, that’s awesome!! I like to reflect on things as well and be thankful for all that I have. I love those yellow dots on the journal page, I haven’t seen a pearl pen yet but you have me intrigued!!!
December 8th, 2010 at 2:22 pm
Nu ik er zo over nadenk… eigenlijk wel een super idee zo´n weekly journal. Leuk om op het einde vd jaar terug te kijken. Er zijn tenslotte veel “kleine” dingen die je weer vergeet (althans bij mij).
Vind die foto van jou in de sneeuw zó leuk!
Ga me ook zo´n perlen pen aanschaffen nu ik het leuke effect hiervan zie op je journal.
Tja, moeilijke vraag… welke week. Moeilijk kiezen. Zijn allemaal van die beauties.
Ik kies dan toch voor week 45.
De techniek van tussen de lijnen schrijven heb ik tijdens jouw workshop opgedaan en ik blijf het effect mooi vinden!
December 9th, 2010 at 12:27 am
Een favoriete pagina uitkiezen is niet te doen! Ze zijn stuk voor stuk ‘pieces of art’!! Nr. 17 is geweldig om de kleuren, week 21 is super door de fantastische vrouwen die er op staan en zo kan ik nog wel even doorgaan. Denk toch dat ik kies voor week 46, hoef waarschijnlijk niet uit te leggen waarom, he???
En ja, ik kan me voorstellen dat dit allemaal gebeurtenissen met een glimlach waren! Hoop dat er volgend jaar nog véél meer zullen volgen! En wie weet kan ik er nog een paar vastleggen op de gevoelige plaat 😉
December 11th, 2010 at 10:35 am
Wat een mooie art journal page weeral … en wat heb ik een spijt dat ik die pearl pen niet meegenomen heb. Ik heb hem in mijn handen gehad!!!! Dat komt ervan als je te gierig bent hé haha. Tja, je mooiste pagina …je weet dat ik ze stuk voor stuk juweeltjes vind hé, maar als ik dan toch moet kiezen, ga ik voor week 25, week 45 en … hoe kan het ook anders … week 46 natuurlijk!!!! :-))))
Ik hoop dat ook het nieuwe jaar je veel reden tot lachen zal geven lieve vriendin!
Liefs xxx Peggy
December 11th, 2010 at 3:01 pm
Congratulations Marit!!!
The magazine is very lucky to have you!!!
You go Girl!!!
can you tell I got excited for you 🙂
p.s. you were a cute girl and still are!
December 18th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
LOL, that postcard Hanneke sent you is funny! I’ve been thinking about little me in the snow aswell today, while I wooshed down from snowy slopes on my 25 year old sled with which I used to play as a kid!
I think it’s a very personal thing to pick the art journal page you like best, since it’s not just about their ‘looks’ but also about their content. Off course the one with me on it is my favorite 😉