New Years tradition
As I wrote in my former post, I tried to combine two challenges in one LO,
and I managed quite well to say so myself!
Challenge #28 over at ScrapMojo was the following:
“This one is about your traditions.
What is the one (or two or three) tradition(s) you have for New Years?
Do you make sure to kiss someone? How bout singing songs?
Maybe a special hat? Or yes even making resolutions that you don’t keep
can be one! We want to see your tradition.
The second part of the challenge is to use buttons.”
I combined the ScrapMojochallenge with this sketch Scrapping out Loud
came up with…
This layout may need a little explanation for all you non-dutchies!
It’s about music (you guessed already, huh?) and the “wohwohwooh-part”
is from a song by the Doobie brothers.
Maybe it should’ve been “wowwowwoooow” or “wohohooow”…
but if you know the song you understand it in every way, don’t you?
Well, that was the easy part to explain!
In the Netherlands, every last week
of the year
the “Top 2000”
is broadcasted
on the radio.
It’s a music program and it
goes on for 6 days,
24 hours a day.
I guess you have a “top whatever” at your country too
so you probably know the drill…
The month preliminary to the event, people vote on the Internet
for their favourite songs, and the best 2000 songs are being played (starting on December 26th- at midnight) It’s become sort of a big event over here, and most dutchies listen to it or at least have heard about it.
I guess most of the voters/listeners are people between 25 and 60 years old,
’cause the songs on the list are mostly from the sixties and seventies – the music we like in our family!
On to the layout now:
As a background I used the original list from the morning paper (glad I kept that! And if you take a good look right below and have real sharp eyes: there’s the dutch top 10. The number 1 is played last and is finished exactly
at midnight/new year)
And yes, you see me with an old portable radio on the picture. There where years that was the only radio we had… The top pic is me with my son watching “top 2000 a-go-go” on the TV (see journaling) and in the middle is my son looking over the list. Well, you’re up-to-date now so here’s a translation of the Dutch journaling:
“Over the years it’s become kind of a tradition: the day after Christmas we put on the radio and it doesn’t get turned off again!
The last week of the year our house is filled with “Top 2000 music”. On the table lies the – cut out of the morning paper and often consulted – list with all the numbers.
We play a game together “catch the song” (name title and artist) and my men are astonished again, like every year, by all the lyrics I know and can sing along. I wonder which part of my brain is responsible for that? Old years eve we spend in front of the telly watching “the top 2000 a-go-go” A program filled with music and broadcasting the top 10 numbers in music-clips. Every year we end AND begin with music!”
January 12th, 2009 at 4:07 pm
January 12th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
This sounds like an awesome tradtion!!! Your page turned out wonderful and you are having a really productive week girl!
January 12th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Oh Marit…what else can I say but you brought my sketch to life and made it look so beautiful! Thank you!! Absolutely gorgeous!!
January 12th, 2009 at 8:25 pm
Very cool!!!
January 13th, 2009 at 2:36 am
what a great layout idea. I love how you used the actual newspaper– you’re not afraid of the who acid-free issue. GOOD! Worrying about that just stifles creativity.
January 13th, 2009 at 3:19 am
Very cool layout!! Love the colors and the design of it!
Thanks for playing along with us!
Have a great week!
Melissa – Mojo
January 13th, 2009 at 8:51 am
Love this! So beautiful. Thanks for joining in on the fun!!
jess- mojo
January 14th, 2009 at 10:57 am
Marit, het verhaal dat je erbij schrijft kan ik me helemaal in vinden. Ik vind de muziek die ze in de Top 2000 draaien super. Jammer dat ze alleen maar in de laatste week van het jaar zulke heerlijke muziek draaien. Wat je gemaakt hebt ziet er weer super uit.
Groetjes Leanne
January 15th, 2009 at 5:56 pm
Beautiful!I love the outlining frame and the ripped page 🙂
January 16th, 2009 at 2:38 am
I really love your composition, color choices and overall embellishing! What a great take on the challenge. Thanks so much for sharing.
Scrap Mojo
January 16th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
Ok, this is gorgeous and I love your tradition – very cool. Love it!
dani – mojo
January 18th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
So cool. Thanks for playing along! 🙂
-Lindsay (Mojo)