Change of plans!
It’s NOT going to be a little book this weekend….
I started of real enthusiastic yesterday !
I had an idea for the new challenge over at OLW (Word Up #43 = “Embrace”) and I dived into my photo stock. Lots of useful pictures in my computer. Scanned a few too. I searched for pictures of myself embracing “someone”
and put them all together.
After that, I had to
select just a few
because I planned
on making a book
like this one (more
pictures of this in
my gallery)
I even planned on taking pictures of the making process and write a tutorial on how to make such a folded little object.
But because this is a little book, and the photo’s are even smaller, I had to crop real nice photo’s and make them shrink to proportions that hardly showed what’s on it. And I came across SUCH LOVELY photo’s…
While I kept hanging on to the idea of this mini-book, some nice bigger layouts came to mind when I saw these photo’s. I got mentally confused by it!
I decided to both print the small ones and one photo on a large scale…
and after looking at the prints I choose to go with the one big photo instead of making this mini-book. (but I will make a tutorial about it later, I promise!)
These are the photo’s I first picked (put them all to black and white and played with it in Photoshop to make them match)
I enlarged ONE of these and I will make a page with it. Although I made my choise already,
I won’t tell because I’m curious which one you’d prefer. You don’t know who all these people are and which stories go with the photo’s, but tell me which one you’d love to see me work with on a bigger scale.
Let me know in a comment!!!
And now I’m of CREATING! I bought a box of chocolate truffles this morning during grocery shopping (Yep, I can have that ladies, I don’t weight too much – sorry!!!) I’ll make myself a large pot of tea and off we go! Je t’embrasse!
January 17th, 2009 at 9:47 pm
Okay Marit..first of all I am jealous of the truffles..while you were out buying those I was out buying diet food..cuz i weigh too much! LOL ..Anyway I love all the pics but I would like to see you scrap a pg. with either the top right with the boy and girl kissing or the one in the middle on the bottom..the two people hugging…but really i love them all! have a great day and I look forward to seeing your pg.!
January 18th, 2009 at 4:58 pm
My mum send me a mail saying she likes the one in the middle on the bottom (let’s give numbers, so number 4) most. (but ofcourse she has an idea of all the people in the pictures)
January 18th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
Marit, you are so sweet!! Thanks for all the encouragment. i love reading your blog, it is so interesting!!! You are awsome!
January 18th, 2009 at 5:23 pm
EEEKKKK!!!! Cool, you also won a major award!!!! Isn’t it awsome!! I love you addictions. Most people frown upon smoking, but I do it too!!! I think we are the only ones. But anyway, GOOD FOR YOU!!
January 18th, 2009 at 11:08 pm
WOW! That book is amazing! Did you develop that template yourself or is there a tutorial somewhere? Absolutely gorgeous! TFS! 🙂
January 19th, 2009 at 1:39 pm
Hi there Emily, thanks for your comment! I found the template for that little “book” in a (Dutch)book from the library once. Really don’t know the title anymore, but I’m planning on writing a tutorial about it myself (soon) so if you visit this blog again in a month or so, it should be all explained here.