Je t’embrasse (Word Up #43)

 … and for the new Word Up #43 over at One Little Word I choose
the following photo…


This is me and my dad back in 1979… It’s not a “technical perfect” photo but
I love it so much!
It shows just how
I feel about my parents.
I couldn’t resist blowing this
picture up and working with it.
It totally fits the new Word Up: “Embrace”.



The journaling is in dutch:

I am sixteen and the world welcomes me. She opens wide to let me in. 
In the distance I can see the future. Still misty and far, far away.
Many ways lead to it. 
Soon I”ll have to make a choice about which path I should take.
I’m only at the beginning. Yet, everything is possible.
The world is smiling at me and I smile right back at her.

I’m still safe
in my fathers arms though.
My head on his shoulders.
He’s laughing. I’m laughing.
He holds me tight but my legs are already withdrawing. They’re longing to explore the world. When it’s time, dad will let me go with an easy mind.
He knows those legs of mine
are strong enough to carry me. 
My parents took care of that. Strong legs and a safe haven to take off from. And to return to whenever I want.


Here I am. Sweet sixteen, and I embrace my father.
I embrace my youth, my past and my future.
Live smiles at me and I embrace it with both arms.
I embrace everything and everyone.


I used white
for the title.
(Thanks for
this gift Lena,
I use these a lot!)




“Je t’embrasse” is French for “I embrace you”. 
I like the sound of this French sentence (melodious) 
and also this photo was taken on a vacation in France…  



I used white ink and my labyrinth-stamp (very delicate – it hardly shows on the big picture) 
It represents the yet unknown future the journaling is about.

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