Lucy in the Sky
with Diamonds???

Spend the morning surfing on the net, looking for retro free fonts for a new 
lay out I want to create. (It’s for the new prompt over at the creative type.)
I have an idea for a “seventies-layout” but I came across psychedelic fonts and sites along the way and “psychedelic images” started popping in my brain
(and no, I don’t do LSD, thank you…)

I found the font I was looking for, but before starting on my layout I couldn’t resist playing with a photo to see what a psychedelic look would do…
It looks real cool, and I want to share these photo’s with you. I think this will be a nice challenge to myself, to do something with this (edited) photo!


This is the original photo of me (yep, a slightly 
younger me…)
This photo is a bit “sixties” of itself with those pink glasses, so I took this one to play with.







And here’s the “psychedelic look”
Maybe it can be done better, more colourful, but I didn’t spend much time on it now. 

For the prompt at the creative type, I stick to my first plan – I have a kinda hilarious plan and I think it will be a fun lay out to work on – so I’m off creating now!
See you, je t’embrasse!

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with Diamonds???”