Feeling like a little kid…
So yesterday I was at the “Scrap-a-Licious” event…
The first time I ever participated in something like that.
A bunch of scrapladies sitting around big tables. Workshops.
It looked like this:
And yes, I felt like a little kid again, standing in a corner. Not knowing anybody and feeling insecure. Noticing that when I feel insecure I look aloof and arrogant. (I’ve been told many times before!)
I tried to socialize (not really my kind of thing to approach people I don’t know… I became quite solitary-minded over the last couple of years)
I don’t know if I managed, but I met a couple of ladies, we exchanged blog addresses and talked a bit. Don’t know what they thought about me, standing in the corner of that big, big table (I was the only one standing up while working… so actually I was glad I was on a corner!) and not having such a nice scrapping bag and all, but hey, never mind. I’m new. I don’t know the codes yet…
It’s strange though, whenever I have to teach or talk, standing in front of a classroom filled with people, I’m not insecure at all! Maybe it’s because my role is obvious then. Do I have troubles mixing with people? I don’t know, but anyway, I tried “to fit and mix”. I talked a bit. At least I talked to people. Corinne (who organized it), Iris, Linda, Liesbeth & Petra & Astrid (who I knew a bit through their blogs) and I also talked to Birgit (hope you and Anniek got home well!) and Dina (who was kind enough, together with Iris, to look through my album! Nobody else brought their work and so I felt like I was showing off,
which was not my intention at all!)
And then the workshops:
How hard can YOU blow through a straw? Well, it became quite clear I’m a heavy smoker! My gosh… I had hardly any breath left and I felt dizzy in my head after blowing the ecoline (some sort of ink) around on my paper! Pfffffffffff…..
This is the result. It’s a very colourful lay out.
The ink all had bright colours
(I usually work with “earthly colours”) so I decided to let my “psychedelic wonderland photo” go with it… and it worked nice. So although this was a fast lay out
(at least for a slow scrapper like I am!) I like it.
The second workshop was Birgit’s (with pink cardigan) We all got a house shaped, black board mini book and
Birgit showed us some techniques.
The little “family” is embossed using embossing powder and a heat tool. I don’t have these at home, and never worked with it either so I was glad to get the opportunity to use this technique.
The little fabric flower is quite easy to make and I will certainly use this more often.
This mini book isn’t finished (that’s not possible in one and a half hour!) and I don’t know if I’ll finish it at home…
I don’t like “pre-shaped” books very much, but maybe I’ll make a present out of it someday… or I’ll change my mind. Time will tell.
Here’s Dina with Corinne taking a picture of them selves (while I took a picture of them)
Dina ‘s workshop was about making a mini book using all kinds of techniques. The Scrap-a-Licious website promised:
“no pressure, just enjoy!” and at this point I started enjoying myself!
Maybe because it was after lunch (and I met some ladies during lunch) and I started feeling a little more comfortable by that time. I had a laugh about staples with my neighbour-scrapper and also I could use ink and paint spray in my favorite colours with this project… it was a mess but a lot of fun!
(This minibook isn’t finished either but I’ll go on working on it at home; fill it with journaling and embelishments and maybe change the front; ’cause I like this book!)
Birgit was enjoying
Dina’s workshop as well,
look at this
wonderful mess!
We sprayed our hands too,
but when you look at the results
it was worthwhile getting messy!
By the time Martha
started her workshop,
I was exhausted!
Not used to many people around me, not used to noisy rooms and not feeling as comfortable “myself” as I feel at home and also standing on my feet the whole time –
it took it’s toll…
So this “wall hanger” (not finished either) is not what it should be… at least I can see tiredness in it.
I like the basic… but still have to work a bit on this one (and because I don’t like wall hangers, I won’t put a ribbon on it… it’s just a lay out then.)
And now it’s monday, “the day after”.
I slept. Not very well, but enough tonight.
I thought about yesterday.
I looked at the photo’s.
Do I have a conclusion?
Yep, I have.
Sort of.
My conclusions/what I learned yesterday:
- I’m not a “public scrapper” (Dina called it that way, and it fits the way I feel it!) I need to be all concentrated and by myself and it certainly takes more time to get something done that “fits my standarts”.
- I’m not comfortable in the role of “student”. I am a teacher. (Glad to know, because that’s what I was trained to do. At least my study wasn’t a waste of time after all….)
- Although I had difficulties “socializing”, I’m glad I went along and met some new people. I now know which faces go with the blogs/stories (and so do they, I hope!) and that gives more “feeling” to the stories on the blogs.
- I won’t be registering much to any of these event in the future. I’m too much a loner and a teacher, I’m not that comfortable in the role of “student” anymore. Did I learn some techniques then? Well, yes, but I could have found them on the internet as well. The good thing for me though was meeting other scrapbookers, and if this is the only way to do that then maybe I will register now and then… but I have to keep in mind that the main purpose for me is to meet other scrapbookers and chat about scrapbooking, and not to get a nice lay out done or something….
And the “shopping part?”
I was in Veghel on Saturday.
I had the opportunity to shop without time limits.
It wasn’t crowded (with workshops going on) so I could take a good look at all the goodies they were selling.
I looked again, I looked at everything, and then I started buying.
And more buying.
And I went home with a bag full of scrapgoodies.
Stamps. (A lot!)
Background papers. (A lot, all sorts of trademarks)
Thicker alphabets.
More stamps.
Distress ink.
Oooooh, there was one shop having a big sale, and I mean BIG.
Like 50 % off!
I stuck to my budget, and still came home loaded!
Can’t wait to play with it!
Too bad I can’t use it all in one lay out,
but you’ll see bits and pieces coming in the following weeks.
Count on that!
See ya, je t’embrasse!
March 25th, 2009 at 9:41 am
Wow, Marit, you’ve been busy! I can totally sympathise with the public scrapping thing – I don’t much fancy it either altho I’m sure I could get used to it! Also the thing about looking a bit stand-offish when you’re insecure: I find that people are often a bit surprised when I’m actually quite friendly! Must do something about my face…lol. Anyway, have a good time with your new scrap goodies. I haven’t managed to make your stuff yet but school’s finished for two weeks on Friday so I’ll get busy then. x
March 25th, 2009 at 3:40 pm
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Yea, I had a a few comments about not being able to leave comments on my blog. Heck, when I set up the blog, I had no idea you could even block some people from commenting. But it’s fixed now!!
I agree with your comments on being a “public scrapper” I am not one either, I would rather be a loner too at home scrapping myself. I am not one for classes either, but I do purchase a few online ones here & there. But I have a hard time finding the time to actually get the most of the tutorials, for example Elsie’s class.
You are so lucky you did get to go to that
March 25th, 2009 at 4:00 pm
OH, I know exactly how you feel. I always have a slight level of discomfort at crops, because they just put me so out of my element. And I never plan on getting anything done because I just can’t concentrate.
I’m very shy too, I have such trouble socializing!
I would probably only go to things like this in the future if a bunch of people I knew were there and I wouldn’t plan on getting anything actually done, just playing.
BUT yay for you, for getting yourself out of your comfort zone to try this! And those projects look amazing. I’m a huge Dina Wakley fan, you lucky girl!
March 25th, 2009 at 11:38 pm
WOW Marit!!! It seems that you had a good time, overall. But the shopping sounds more fun to me!!! Your projects are awsome, I love the psychadelic one!!! I smoke too, and I am constantly nagged by others over it. It is good to celebrate it!!!
I’ve missed you!! Sorry I have been so busy. Loads of doctors appointments, and other appointments. I would rather be scrapping!!
Also, why would you think you aren’t a social person? You have always been social with me, and we have never even met!! YET!! If I could fly to the Netherlands, I would have gone with you!!!!
March 26th, 2009 at 2:57 pm
Hey Marit, I feel for ya girl, I’m exactly the same way at huge crops unless I know more than one person…I am a huge social bug but for some reason I can’t scrap while at those functions. Not sure why, but I never get anything done and if I do get something done i’m never happy so when I get home I take it apart and start over…silly huh! Well I just know that if we were all there with ya it would have been a blast!!!! Take care and those layouts are really beautiful!!!
March 26th, 2009 at 4:06 pm
Heya girls!! If there was a way to come together with you all, I defenitely wouldn’t feel shy and alone! We would manage quite well together (and probably not get one LO done, but talking and sharing techniques etc.) Thanks for all your sweet words, it really helped me feel better!
March 26th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
Hey Marit,
eindelijk tijd om hier even rond te neuzen. Ik vond het ook erg leuk je ontmoet te hebben! Gezellig dat je ook gelijk wat achter hebt gelaten op mijn blog. Houden we toch een beetje contact zo h
March 29th, 2009 at 11:41 am
Hi Marit,
Wat leuk dat je m’n blog hebt gevonden en een comment hebt achter gelaten! Ik moest wel lachen net toen ik je post las. Ik voelde me de eerste dag van de SAL net zo als jij! Ik ben ook niet zo’n ster in het leggen van sociale contacten en ietwat verlegen. Zondag voelde ook weer wat onwennig omdat ik ineens nieuwe buren had. De buurvrouw die op vrijdag en zaterdag naast me had gezeten en waar ik me al wat vertrouwd mee voelde was er namelijk niet op zondag.
Verder ben ik ook niet iemand die op haar best werkt in een ruimte met veel mensen. Het lijkt dan net of mijn creativiteit blokkeert. Nee, laat mij maar lekker thuis alleen in mijn scrapkamer aan het werk met een gezellig muziekje erbij aan!
Ik vind je layouts trouwens geweldig! Je kunt wel zien dat je een artistieke achtergrond hebt. Je layout met de ecoline achtergrond is ook erg mooi geworden. Was leuk om te doen he?!
Birgit en ik zijn goed thuis gekomen. In Heesch een andere ruit er in laten zetten bij de Carglass en ondertussen even snel wat te eten gehaald bij de McDonalds die er pal naast zat. Ik was rond half 10 ‘s avonds thuis. Helemaal bekaf maar met een goed gevoel over de SAL. Hopelijk volgend jaar weer!
Lieve groet,
April 1st, 2009 at 3:19 pm
OH, so wonderful memories I have from that weekend… and so many projects to finish! 🙂 Lots of love from Sweden!
April 3rd, 2009 at 9:54 am
Ah, you well get the hang of it! Within no time you’ll know a bunch of people!
I’ll check and see when there’s gonna be a new SIS crop.You should come, they are fun!!
April 3rd, 2009 at 9:55 am
sigh… 🙂