@ seventeen…

…I looked like Kate Bush. At least, that’s what they said…

And hey, I didn’t mind!
Can you blame me?
Look at her!
That’s one lovely lady!!!

But to be honest… I didn’t look THAT much like her. Her face is heart-shaped (and mine, obviously, wasn’t. And isn’t. And never will be!)

I think it was the hair though! My hair is kinda red too… not really, but with certain light conditions – yes – OK – there were moments that I looked like her. I have that one particular 
photo to prove it. 
And I used it on my lay out!


So to clear things up – the lady on the above picture is Kate Bush in 1980, and this is me in that same year!

This lay out is made for prompt #14 at the Creative Type.

This was their challenge:
“So for this prompt we’re embracing the awesomeness of the @ sign. For the record, as far as my indepth research has revealed, it is in fact called the AT sign – who knew? Pretty cool huh.”


The title/text comes from a song (by Janis Ian) but whether you know that or not, I won’t explain any further. There has to be something mystical in this lay out. Something to guess, to fill in yourself. So I leave you with your own thoughts while reading this line.

Black and brown flowers (stained with black ink) and black buttons.





Black lace.









And something else:
On July 4th, Leonard Cohen will give a concert in Antwerpen (Belgium)
All my life, I loved his music. My mum played it a lot when I was little, so I grew up with it, and when I got older, I kept buying his records (later on: CD’s, yep, I’m that old!) He’s in his seventies now, so this might be his last concert in Europe and the last change for me to see him perform live… but boy, 
it is expensive!

To ease the pain, “my men” (son and lover) surprised me yesterday with a DVD of the concert Leonard Cohen gave in London in 2005. I saw a part of that DVD already (so far for “easing the pain”! It makes me wanna go to the concert in Antwerpen even more!!!) and I found a lot of inspiration while watching/listening to it… have you ever listened to those lyrics? The man is a poet. I definitely want to do something with those texts.  I might even make a lyrics-scrap-Cohen-book, I don’t know yet (ideas rushing through my mind!) but I’m totally into Leonard Cohen at the moment! I keep you informed!

Have I wish you all a happy Easter yet?
Nope, I didn’t. I started off rambling about Kate, and just went on.

OK then, I’ll do it now.


(And don’t forget to visit Denise’s blog!)

See you around.
Je t’embrasse!

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6 Responses to “@ seventeen…”

  • Melissa F Says:

    Beautiful! Love everything about it, from the pic, the embellies, colours…love it all..and Kate Bush is awesome!

  • pat Says:

    Beautifully done.

  • judean Says:

    great page–and I DO see the resemblance! I love the flowers and buttons–such gorgeous detail!

  • iris Says:

    Nou ik zie inderdaad wat overeenkomsten tussen jou en Kate hoor!
    Nog nooit gehoord van Leonard Cohen maarre ben wel benieuwd of je uiteindelijk toch nog een (te) duur kaartje gaat kopen….

    Wel een mooie verrassing van je mannen!

  • Vivian Says:

    Bedankt voor je leuke reactie op mijn blog 🙂
    Ik heb echt een super scrap weekend gehad, en kan er echt nog van nagenieten!

    Wat een leuke LO heb je gemaakt, het leek me ook leuk om mee te doen met the creative type deze ronde maar had helaas geen tijd om te scrappen 🙁

    groetjes en tot blogs, Vivian

  • Maria Says:

    This just looks beautiful Marit love the lace and the ink stained flowers, that lace is to die for…