Summer weekend
We had a wonderful weekend! Temperatures were Summer-like and I spend Saturday playing with glue… Alice wasn’t in Wonderland, but on my big crafting table, very much alive and laughing! (Sneak peek soon to come!)
Late in the afternoon, I got a phone call and it was a big surprise to hear my niece Lisa talking from me all the way from Canada!!! She spend the weekend at home (on Sunday, she had to go back to the hospital again) and it was so nice to hear her voice!!! She wears a bodice to protect her back and a collar (as you know she broke her neck and back) and she can’t use her left arm, so she’s handicapped but was glad to spend a weekend at home with her parents and brother! She has to wear all that “gear” for at least another few Months (we don’t know how long) and it’s not sure if her arm/hand will recover either, but at least she walks and talks and sounded good! Hooray for my strong niece!!!
On Sunday, we drove to my parents in Zeeland where we spend the day sitting in the garden, laughing and talking and getting a tan! I also payed my friend Lena a short visit, and she informed me that there was something wrong with the menu on top of my blog…. It’s fixed now but I’m sorry I asked you all to take a look at my gallery and pick your favourite lay out, while the menu
wasn’t working!!! So here’s my question again! Which of my lay outs would you pick as your favourite? Take a look at the gallery and let me know, I’m curious!
OK, enough with the talking!
You’re all here to see my latest work so I’ll show you some pictures of
the lay outs I finished last week, but didn’t publish earlier ’cause the
“Lotus introduction post” got in the way…
My latest page for the “Leonard Cohen Art Journal” (Tower of Song)
I worked quite some hours on this one! First, I glued sheet-music of the song as background. The contrast appeared to be too much, so I put some gesso over it. Then I glued pieces of paper with sentences from the song on the page, and again put some gesso over it…. only to notice that now the sheet music wasn’t hardly visible anymore…
When you look real hard, you still can see some music notes in the background…
So I ended up with a mostly white page…
I stamped a grid and put the photo on.
Now the page was black and white… too much contrast again! I decided to take my sewing machine (yeah right, what else?)
I used green glimmering thread. I also lightened the text by writing it again with a sharpie and some thick paint.
More stamping (black squares) some green
ink stamp and glittering glue finally got me
where I wanted
to be…
This lay out didn’t come easy, but in the end I’m satisfied with it. Sort of.
Anyway – I consider this page finished now!
This next lay out is made with two challenges in the back of my mind.
I used the word “One Little Word” came up with, REFLECT
I used this challenge from “Scrapping out Loud!“:
Scrap your crappy pics!
As scrapbookers we are always taking pictures and have piles of them sitting on our tables waiting to be scrapped but some of them never get scrapped because they aren’t the greatest pics.
This week our challenge to you is to pull out those pics that you haven’t scrapped yet because they are not so great; maybe they are out of focus or just plain not good. But they still offer a story or a moment that needs to be scrapped!
It was only when it was finished that I noticed it looks like a “Bauhaus” poster…
(Please, don’t blame me for giving a little Art History Lesson now, after all – I was trained to do that….)
“Bauhaus (“House of Building” or “Building School”) is the common term for the Staatliches Bauhaus, a school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught.
It operated from 1919 to 1933.
The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. In spite of its name, and the fact that its founder was an architect, the Bauhaus did not have an architecture department during the first years of its existence. The Bauhaus style became one of the most influential currents in Modernist architecture and modern design. The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and typography.”(Wikipedia)
(Found that boring? Hey, at least you learned something!)
OK, back to
my lay out.
I sewed (Oh, really?) the journaling lines.
I used thick, plastic alphabeth stickers for the word “Reflect” and I wrote the thin words with a fibre tip pen.
For the word “Reflection” I used black shimmering
alphabet stickers.
(Oh and, by the way, my son
asked “who said that, who’s quote
is that?”
Well – I said it myself! These are my own words going with the “crappy photo”)
“Lemonade Stand award”
Last week,
I also got this
award from Denise.
Thanks so much sweetie!
The rules of this Lemonade Stand award are:
- Comment on this blog.
- Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.
- Nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
- Link to your nominees within your blog post.
- Comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received the award.
- Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.
So now I have to pick 5-10 blogs “that show great attitude and gratitude.”
Well, this time I thought of picking some Dutch ladies!
Ladies that comment on a regular base on my blog or, in any other way, helped me along (when I had questions about Dutch shop addresses etc.)
Here they come (in no particular order):
1. Vivian
2. Iris
3. Liesbeth
4. Anniek
5. Birgit
6. Linda Loe
I’ll leave it with this ladies, thank you all for the inspiration and help!
And thank you all for reading this, quite long post again!
Je t’embrasse!
May 25th, 2009 at 4:05 pm
Very cool LO’s Marit. Really love the “blurry” pic one!
May 25th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
My favorite is Peace Dude!! So colorfull and funny!!
May 25th, 2009 at 8:28 pm
Hoi Marit Thank you for the award. My Alice is still in wonderland:-)
May 25th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
I like your description of the creative process behind your latest Leonard Cohen page…Nice to know that other people have to keep changing direction when things haven’t turned out as they expected!! (Also it’s nice when something turns out even better because you have to fiddle about with it!)xxx
May 26th, 2009 at 4:23 am
Gorgeous layouts! Love your OLW layout and lOve the words that you wrote! Awesome!
ps so glad to her that your niece is doing better!
May 26th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
Hoi Marit,
Zo te lezen heb je ook van het heerlijke weer genoten afgelopen weekend!
Mijn ouders waren hier in Brabant en dat is altijd weer gezellig en ontspannen!
Je lootjes zijn erg gaaf geworden, ondanks dat ik op een hele andere manier scrap vind ik het erg mooi wat je telkens maakt!
Heel erg bedankt voor de award, erg lief van je!
Tot blogs, Vivian
May 26th, 2009 at 7:27 pm
All your LOs are awesome and so beautiful, Marit. 🙂
May 27th, 2009 at 10:01 am
I really love the background work in the first hard work paid off..:)I love the journaling on the second piece…fabulous job on the stitching Marit!
May 30th, 2009 at 5:25 pm
Thanks for the art history lesson!! I really like the way you designed the layout. It is so eye catching!!