Laundry & Art journal page

When I woke up this morning and looked outside, I saw a typical Dutch sky…
Blue sky, white clouds, the sun was shining and wind was blowing
so the first thing that came to mind was: LAUNDRY DAY!

When I closed my eyes,
I saw images like this

(Clothesline chic.
Photo: New York Times Magazine)

Sweet dreams…

This is more
what it looks like
over in my little

(Only I have
white sheets
hanging on the
drying frame
right now.)

Between washing and hanging laundry, I finished the Leonard Cohen
Art Journal page I started this weekend.

This page is inspired by lyrics of the song “The Future

Used materials:
Heavy gel medium (shiny)
Acrylic paint.
Cut out circles from patterned paper
Dictionary paper
Black sharpie

(“Repentance” =
“berouw” in Dutch)

I bought the gel
medium last week,
and I’m very
content with it!
I like its texture –
see the strokes
of the brush?

OK now, this is it for today.
Off to take the dry clean sheets from outside and put them back on the bed.
(I love sleeping between clean sheets that smell like wind and blue skies!)

I’ll be back on Friday with a brand new Lotus Paperie lay out; you too?

Je t’embrasse.

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8 Responses to “Laundry & Art journal page”

  • Nancy Jones Says:

    nothing smells better than sheets that have been air dried in the fresh sunshine. ahhhhhhhhh.

  • cindy Says:

    WOW …. 🙂

  • jessica Says:

    marit! beautiful work!! ohh love the pic of the laundry…beautiful colors! 😀

  • Jeanet Says:

    Wow…prachtig die art journal page, geweldig die cirkels en het woordenboek papier is helemaal gaaf!

  • Michelle LaPoint Rydell Says:

    Your art journal page is AMAZING! It’s so full of emotion – I love how you interpret music!!!

    And personally – I love your real laundry photo even more than the imagined one!

    Have a great day my friend!

  • Vivian Says:

    Je art journal page is echt gaaf geworden!!! Helemaal af!!
    Mijn was hangt ook buiten, die ruikt straks ook heerlijk 😉


  • helen salthouse Says:

    They look fab, Marit! Thought I’d just drop by and reassure you that Alice is struggling on….it’s going to be hard work getting finished but I’ll do it! 😀

  • Jenneke Says:

    Je Art-Journal page is helemaal super geworden!! Wat een grandioos idee om woordenboek-papier te gebruiken voor de letters! Ik kan je niet beloven dat ik dat idee nooit zal gaan gebruiken…Zal de bron erbij vermelden hoor, 😉
    Wat de Shabby Chic challenge betreft: ik zou het geweldig leuk vinden als je mee zou doen!! Je hebt de hele maand de tijd hoor, dus misschien heb je ergens een heel klein gaatje in je drukke schema??? Kijk maar.
    Fijne dag in ieder geval! En bedankt voor je bezoekje op m’n blog!