Sweet stuff!
Finally, I went creative this week and I played ALL FOR MYSELF!!!
No challenge stuff, no design team lay out, no pressure…
pure and simple having fun just for me!
I started another Leonard Cohen Art Journal page, but that’s not finished yet.
I messed around with gesso and paint and gel medium you see – and that takes
time to dry. So in between I surfed to Nancy’s blog to see what was there for
me (I tell later on in this post)
Of course I read her post – she’s such a funny and talented artist & writer –
and she wrote about starting this disintegration project
You really should click on that link (like I did!)
I fell in love with it right away!
I thought I would try it out for
myself! My gesso wasn’t dry
yet, I had time on my side
and so I gathered paper from
all over the house, pages from
an old fairy-tale book, white
paper, grey paper, magazine
pages… and I tied it up
with twine! I also added old,
rusty screws to the twine
and a teabag (thanks for the
tip, Nancy!)
So here it is, hanging outside
on my pergola! The forecast
predicts thunderstorms and
rain (see that coming in the
background on the former photo)
and a pigeon, hangin’ round on
my pergola lately, might add
some extra effect to it too?
Sun, rain, wind, heat…
just let the weather get to it!
I’m planning to photograph the
process – like every Wednesday –
and give it a Month to disintegrate.
I hope to end up with some lovely
pieces of papers – and maybe make a
little album about this process
using the photo’s and this paper.
After running around with paper and teabags my hands still tickled to create
more, MORE! Only the gel medium on the Art Journal page still wasn’t dry…
so I looked for the photo I’ve been wanting to scrap for ages and gave it a go…
It’s a photo of my dad and my son playing pool.
Here’s the lay out I made with it.
This stamped
sentence might
be a little hard
to read, but it
says: “Silences
make the real
between friends”
Although they
are grandson
and grandpa, they
in the first place!
Journaling in Dutch:
“Every Summer vacation
we spend a couple of days
with grandpa Henk and
grandma Johanna in
Zeeland. Lovely days!
Son, sea and a game
of pool with grandpa
in the local cafe.”
And now I owe you the reveal of what Nancy had on her blog for me…
You guessed? She gave me this award!!! Thank you Nancy!
Thanks for all the kindness and humour and inspiration you bring,
I’m so glad I found you between all those blogs on the world wide web!
Now I need to
give this award
to 7 people
and I have to
list 7 things
or facts
about myself!
So here it goes… 7 awards for 7 people!
These are blogs I visited right from the beginning (November 2008)
and these ladies grew to become dear blog friends:
And this girl became a true friend right after I joined the SIS community:
And now 7 facts about myself… OH DEAR!
Well OK, here it comes:
- I don’t like going on vacation! I rather stay home, sit in my garden – reading, or inside the house – scrapping. The only “vacation” I like is visiting my parents and hometown in Zeeland. I traveled quite a bit in my life though, and have been to a lot of countries (as well in Europe – Spain, France, Great Britain, Scotland – as further away – India, Curacao) The only trip I really loved was the one with my best friend Lena to Scotland, three years ago.
- I’ve acted and felt “older than I was” all my life and I never saw that as a problem, but this time I don’t like it a bit: lately I wake up 4 to 5 times a night suffering from hot flushes *sigh*
- I like to smoke, I like the taste and the relaxed feeling it gives me.
I won’t stop (soon) - I’m no good in “multi tasking”. I can only do one thing at a time.
I can’t even listen to my son talking to me while I’m cooking diner at the same time… - When I was little (about 8 years old) I wanted to become a professional football player or a radio operator on a ship – I was really mad when I found out “that’s not for girls”. I’m a feminist ever since.
- When I don’t get my coffee in the morning, I’m grumpy all day long!
- Sometimes I watch “make over programs” on tv just to feel good about myself and how I look.
And so you get to know me a little bit more – post after post.
Thanks for reading this, rather long, one and see you again next Friday!
Je t’embrasse!
July 8th, 2009 at 10:05 pm
Ben benieuwd hoe dat papier eruit ziet over een maand, wel een grappig idee 🙂
En weer een mooie LO!!! Jammer dat ik hem niet wat groter kan bekijken.
En als laatste van harte gefeliciteerd met de award, helemaal verdiend!
July 8th, 2009 at 10:54 pm
Oh Marit!! You are so sweet. I really, reallly, really appreciate this more than others will know. Thanks for being the best!!
Now, to think of my 7 things!!
July 9th, 2009 at 7:19 am
Oh Marit – thank you so much!!! I am very honored that you thought of me for this award my friend! I will have to get thinking of 7 things about me to post!
July 9th, 2009 at 9:03 am
Woo hoo Marit, thank you! I’m attempting right now to post my facts about myself xxx
July 10th, 2009 at 6:08 am
So glad you decided to create a bundle and give the Disintegration project a go. I love how it looks hanging there and cannot wait to see what happens over time!!
July 12th, 2009 at 5:36 am
Hi Marit- So love your blog:) and enjoyed reading all about the paper process:) can’t wait to see the finished product. and loved the 7 things. I so understand the smoking and coffee thing!!!!!! So, will be back visiting:)
July 13th, 2009 at 3:12 am
Aw, Thank you so much!!!! 🙂
August 12th, 2009 at 5:50 am
Marit, I am so sorry I haven’t posted this award on my blog yet! I just found it again on your blog, and will include it with the other award in my next post. I appreciate you thinking of me soooo much!