ScrapMojo, BOM & Tagged…
WARNING: long post… Lot’s of stuff!
It’s been a while, but I made a lay out for ScrapMojo again.
There’s been some changes on that challenge blog and from now on
they’re doing only one challenge a month instead of the 2 they normally did.
This gives you longer to do them, which I am happy with ’cause I usually love
their challenges, but I can hardly find time to make all the lay outs I want
– or have to make – in one or two weeks!
Anyway, this is challenge #36
“Desperate times call for desperate measures. We have all been through some
tough times or seen someone close to us struggle. We challenge you to make
a page about how the economy has affected you. Tell us your views or maybe
how you have survived these tough times. The second part of your challenge
is to use something square or something recycled.”
The first thing I thought about, reading this, were my shoes…
I have quite a few pair of shoes, but last year a lot of them got tattered,
and I didn’t have the money to buy new ones or even let them repair….
And every time I saw my shoes I had an old nursery rhyme spinning through my head…
It’s an old, Dutch nursery rhyme my mum recited for me when I was little…
I’ll try to translate… (“Koen” is a Dutch name…)
“Koen, will you repair my shoe?
Yes miss, I will do that at once.
Koen, will you make it strong?
Yes miss, that’s my daily job.
Koen, is my shoe finished yet?
Yes miss, you can pay it now.
Koen, I don’t have any money.
Well, than your shoe stays here…
‘Cause Koen isn’t that fond
of customers without any money
Bye, Koen!
Bye, miss without a shoe!
(of course it rhymes in Dutch….)
Here’s my lay out.
I kept it
quite simple…
White cardstock,
some spray ink
and I sewed the
squares with my
sewing machine.
I printed
the rhyme
on vellum.
And I finished two more pages for my “Book of Me”
(don’t start giggling – no secrets this time!)
The prompt for page three was “iCreate”
“As women who create through scrapbooking and art journals,
we all have a relationship with our creative minds.
This prompt encourages you to talk about that relationship.”
I used old dictionary paper for the background, sprayed it with ink
(leaving some spots/words open – see detail picture)
and a black and white sharpie for the journaling.
(The black is my “daily” and the white is my “creative” side)
The paperclips show ’cause I used them on my former page, as is
the big paperclip, which I put a gelsticker on to make it fit to this page.
Journaling in Dutch:
I talk – I scrap – I laugh – I paint – I love – I write –
I cry – I photograph – I sleep – I blog – I dream – I fantasize –
I breath – I glue – I eat – I stamp – I walk – I cut – I read –
I calligraphy – I drink – I draw – I work – I embroider – I listen –
I live!
The words
left open
to read
after spraying
the ink:
The next page in my Book of Me had to be about school.
“Today’s prompt is about school.
You could really create a page about anything relating to your time in school”
A simple page huh? But I like it!
I had that “black board paper” in my stash for ages!
This is 1971 – I was 7 years old and I went to school in my hometown,
a very small village with a small school. There are 3 classes on the photo!
Yes, we stayed with 3 classes in one classroom.
The teacher began teaching class one – putting them to work.
Then class #2 – putting them to work and then she (class 1,2,3)
or he (class 4,5,6) began a lesson explaining things to the left over class.
When you were in 1st class, you heard all the explanation/lessons of class 2
and 3, so by the time you were in 3rd class you heard it over and over
and already knew all the stuff. 3th and 6th class were the best for me!!!!
I wrote the teacher’s name and all the names of my class mates on the page.
That’s it.
And now, I wanna point something funny out to you…
My dear {heart}friend Lena is playing this BOM-prompts too –
she puts her lay outs on SIStv, and when you take a look at her
BOM-pages in her portfolio, you’ll see the same school building,
and her school photo taken in the same year (notice the way
the children are positioned in the classroom) on her “school page”.
I was in 2nd class on my photo (with the female teacher) and she was
in 4th class (with the male teacher)
We go a long way, being friends, and it is very funny to compare our pages!
(Had to giggle about her “secret” page – we were partners in crime there!)
And Jeanet tagged me…a book tag!
This are the rules…
1. Pick up the book that you have most handy
2. Turn to page 161
3. Find the 5th complete sentence
4. Cite the sentence on your blog
5. Pass it on to 5 other unsuspecting blogger friends.
I do have a from-top-to-bottom filled bookcase (yep, a passionate reader!)
and I like to re-read old books now and then.
I started in “I.M.” by Connie Palmen again the other day.
She’s a Dutch writer and so my sentence is in Dutch…
“Het verlangen naar God valt voor mij volkomen samen met het verlangen
naar mijn vader,” heeft hij gezegd.”
(“The desire for God corresponds completely with the desire for my dad,”
so he told me”)
And now I have to pass it on to 5 other bloggers…
Let’s see…
Ah, let’s give Angèle something to do since she gave me a challenge!
(I’m still puzzling over my “yellow LO” dear…)
And of course her daughter Vivan (will she be reading the same book
as her mum?)
And Helen… does she have time to read?
And what about Danielle?
And, uhm, let’s see if Michelle does anything else but scrap.
So here it is ladies! You’re next!
I’m off to diner now (my beloved baked French fries, mmmmm!)
See you all on Friday then, with a new Lotus challenge
and maybe a BOM page – or two!
Je t’embrasse!
August 5th, 2009 at 7:10 pm
Ha meis, wat heb je hard gewerkt zeg!! Vind je LO’s geweldig!! Vooral “I create” en “School”. Weet je dat ik ook nog gespeeld heb met het idee een schoolbord als achtergrond te gebruiken… gek h
August 5th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Marit, alle drie lo’s zijn weer super. Ook de eenvoudige!
Tegenwoordig lees ik meestal in bed. Scrapbooking heeft een groot deel van mij leestijd overgenomen. De eenzaamheid van de priemgetallen is het boek op dit moment. En als ik scrapbook dan luister ik graag naar een boek.
Daglicht van Marion Pauw was mijn laatste exemplaar. Morgen zal ik proberen om vijf mensen te taggen.
Je pakketje was te gek en het eerste kantje ligt al klaar op een kaartje waar ik mee bezig ben. Nogmaals hartelijk dank! Ik nader mijn 100ste post en wil ook iets terug doen…hou het in de gaten!
August 6th, 2009 at 12:23 am
OH, Marit!! You are too cool!! Your work is so awesome. I have something for you on my blog, and a paga that I made for 5 challenges that I love, and it made me think of you. Tell me what you think!!!
August 6th, 2009 at 1:14 am
Hi Marit,
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, you made my day friend! YOur layouts are soooo fabulous, I love them especially the school one what and awesome way to use writing lines!!! Wow, you are very talented and a great inspiration!
Have a great day and enjoy those french fries!
August 6th, 2009 at 3:18 am
Hi Marit- I loved this post:) Ah the page I create. so awesome. the newspaper and how you did the writing:) beautiful:) And the school lay-out so perfect. And loved hearing about details. And how you and lena went to school together:) I would of loved to have gone to such a small school:)
August 6th, 2009 at 8:53 am
Wow..Marit geweldige LO overje schoenen…heel origineel!dat rijmpje ken ik nog…zo leuk dat je dat hebt gebruikt!En de inkt is super!
je BOM boek wordt echt heel gaaf!Hoe je de journaling doet is fantastisch..en de achtergrond is prachtig!Wat een kleine school zeg met zoveel klassen in een lokaal..wel handig idd!
August 6th, 2009 at 1:47 pm
More awesome stuff … just fabulous. 🙂
August 6th, 2009 at 8:35 pm
haha, ja ik ben inderdaad in een boek aan het lezen die ik van mijn moeder heb geleend (eten, bidden, beminnen), leuk dat je me hebt ‘getagged’!
En wat een gave pagina`s heb je gemaakt voor in je BOM, leuk die foto`s van vroeger.
Groetjes viv
August 7th, 2009 at 12:28 am
Ahh… je bent weer heerlijk bezig geweest!
Geweldige dingen heb je gemaakt!!!
Super dat rijmpje over de schoen! Ik hou van die oud Hollanse versjes:)
August 7th, 2009 at 9:24 pm
Very creative page, love it!
Thanks for playing along with us :-).
Simona – Scrapmojo
August 8th, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Hi Marit!
Thanks for the tag my friend – this sounds fun! I’m going to do it right now and go post it on my blog. P.S. Your work continues to amaze and inspire me. That Book of Me that you are doing is going to be so fabulous!
August 24th, 2009 at 9:18 pm
Glad you did a page for the challenge! LOVE your work and your blog! Great journal page too! You have a great sense of design! Thanks for playing along!
Jen, ScrapMojo
August 24th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Thanks for playing along with us at SCrapMojo!
August 26th, 2009 at 6:05 am
great school challenge for BASB…loved that you did a double with cool paper and the b/w pics!
August 31st, 2009 at 4:00 am
Really cool layout!!!
Thanks for playing!!
September 1st, 2009 at 11:56 pm
Wow! You do awesome work. I really enjoyed checking out your blog. Thanks for joining in on the BASB CHallenge!