At the beach (continued)
Helloooooo…. I’m back home!
I spend three lovely days in Zeeland with my son visiting my parents.
I relaxed, enjoyed the landscape, the beach and the festivity that was
going on in the little village I was born.
I could tell you all about it, but I thought it would be more fun
to SHOW you – so prepare for a huge amount of photo’s….!!!
Three days – and the sky looked like this all the time – hmmmmmm!
Doesn’t this look like the ultimate summer picture?
As inhabitants we know where to find the quiet, hidden little beaches –
away from the tourists who over-populate the other coast areas.
A sunny – but windy – day. The ultimate “walk on the beach weather”!
Back in Eindhoven, I miss the sound of the waves!
Feet in the water – taking photo’s while my son takes (better!) photo’s of me…
The things you find on the beach…. like strange shells…
… or a wreck! (There’s a history about this, but I won’t tell it here. Too long…
… so just enjoy the pictures I took from it!)
My mum, my dad and my son. Relaxing, talking, laughing and…
… me smoking, of course!
After our walk, we payed this bastion/citadel a visit (“Fort Rammekens”)
Old (1557) and – at some points – cold and dark
And of course we climbed the walls!
Once in a year, there’s a special “festivity” in my old hometown…
It’s called the “Solex race”
A “Solex” is a particular brand of a small moped – I don’t think they make
those anymore – it’s a thing from the past – but in my old village they RACE
these things….
They start with races for “dressed” people and here’s Elvis.
Meditating or – nervously – preparing for his race…
These girls aren’t nervous at all!
An old red Ferrari – it made that growling sound when the engine started –
serves as “safety car” and checks the racing track before the start…
… and here they go! I know, it’s silly, but I liked it a lot ’cause I grew up with
these people and know a lot of them since childhood!
It’s not all “dressed and slowly riding around…” These are the specials!
They go FAST (those boys spend Months tuning their “Solexes”!) and make
a lot of NOISE!!!
Those mopeds look like toys, but these “special men” wore protective clothes
and helmets.
And here’s the photo that shows the “overall feeling” I had
the last couple of days.
I haven’t scrapped anything.
I didn’t visit any blogs.
Instead, I did get a tan.
And on top of all the goodness: my best friend and I went to the
scrapbook store in Heesch yesterday!
We spend money (I guess that doesn’t surprise you?!)
I bought 4 new colours of spray ink ( I guess that doesn’t surprise you either!)
And two stamps & stickles & some paper.
Gonna play with it soon!
Hope your weekend was as fun and relaxing as mine!
I promise I will visit your blogs this week, see what you all were up to and
leave you some comments – so see you soon!
Je t’embrasse!
August 24th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
Ooh, I just love those photo’s!! Think the one with the shipwreck and with “Elvis” are my favorites.
And yes, we had a great time spending hours in that scrapbookshop!! I’m already playing with my new “toys”…!
August 24th, 2009 at 5:59 pm
Wow..Marit! Pachtige foto’s…helemaal super hoe je zoon foto’s maakt! Klinkt en ziet eruit als een geweldig weekend!
August 24th, 2009 at 6:34 pm
Wat een prachtige foto`s heeft je zoon gemaakt, mijn complimenten!
Op de foto`s is goed te zien dat jullie het naar de zin hebben gehad!
Fijne week toegewenst, Liefs Viv
August 24th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
wow … spectacular pictures … it looks like a beautiful place. Glad you got to relax and enjoy yourself.
welcome back. 🙂
August 24th, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Gorgeous pics …. thanks for sharing !
August 24th, 2009 at 11:56 pm
ohhhhh love those pics Marit…really fantastic! i look forward to seeing your new goodies and some of your new creations! glad you had some down time!
August 25th, 2009 at 12:43 am
This looks so so so so lovely.
August 25th, 2009 at 5:20 am
Beautiful Pics….wow, looks sooooo relaxing!!! Glad to see you taking in the sunshine, can’t wait to see you scrap those ones!!!
August 25th, 2009 at 11:56 am
Dank voor je compliment Marit, maar ik geloof er niets van 😉 Ik heb net je 3 laatste lo’s bekeken en ze zijn weer super! Ik weet niet hoe je het allemaal doet; maar van jou zou ik een boel kunnen leren!
August 25th, 2009 at 9:49 pm
Hoi! Kwam via Mieke’s blog hier terecht. Wat een onwijs leuke foto’s van je vakantie en vooral die Solex foto’s!!!! Ahhh, die had ik vroeger ook en ik heb zo’n spijt dat ik ‘m heb weggedaan! en nu ik jouw foto’s zie helemaal!
Ga gauw even je scraplo’s bekijken.
August 26th, 2009 at 1:43 pm
Oh what lovely pictures!! Loved the ones of the race and of you getting a tan….ahhhh what a fun time it looks like you all had! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog. Always great to see you! Have a lovely day!! Hugs!!
August 26th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
You are correct!! That last picture says it all!! You are so cute, sitting there, getting some sun, smoking. Looks like paradise!!
Your hometown seems like a place from a dream. Like it can’t be real. It is too beautiful, and serene. The town seems so quaint. everything there is Beautiful!!! I love looking at your pics!!
August 26th, 2009 at 8:19 pm
Prachtige foto’s!! Ik moet toch ook eens naar Zeeland gaan, ben er nog nooit geweest.