Dutch girls
the old fashioned way
I’m working on an idea to make a LO about me and my friend as “dutch ladies”.
We’re friends since primary school, we grew up in a small village in “Zeeland” and we both have “Zeeuwse” ancestors. In Zeeland, people used to dress in regional costumes, and – although I’m not thát old – I remember elderly women were still dressed in this clothes when I was young!
Ten years ago my friend and I
went to a photostudio to be dressed in these costumes
and have a photoshoot.
I cherish these photo’s!!!
(I’m the one with the dark hair)
For all you “foreigners” out there looking at this – no, we don’t wear the headgear you might expect. Dutch costumes came in many variants, provinces had their own costume and even in a small province like Zeeland the costumes were different, depending on religion or village.
For me, the fun of these photo’s was also to compare them with old photo’s of my ancestors. In my case, the whole family looked at the pictures and came up with hidden old photo’s of great-greater-greatest granddads and grannies. I visited aunts and uncles and looking at these photo’s brought back many memories to them.
I heard lots of stories about the old days and new facts about my family. Sometimes, the stories were a bit different depending on the person who told it, but the whole family agread on one thing: “you look just like the woman you’re named after, Maria, your great-grandmother!”
(Me on the left, my great-grandmother Maria on the right)
I showed some of the original photo’s here, but I plan on photoshopping them and use them for a Delfts Blauw – “Delft blue” tile scene (in a scrap layout that is). I don’t know what it will look like yet, but check my weblog and you’ll see it pop up somewhere, someday soon!
January 13th, 2009 at 7:20 pm
Hi Marit, thanks for your comment on my blog. I didn’t remove anything you’d posted – I would never do that! I just love your pics of you in costume, and it’s brilliant seeing it next to the pic of your great-grandmother! I’ll keep looking for the delft tile layout too!