Bad and nasty…

Yep. That’s what it is.
A bad and nasty virus…

It came to visit me over a week ago.
It looked kinda friendly at first.
Just a little cold. Some couching.
A few easy going days, and it would disappear again.
So it seemed…

It’s still here.
It’s bad and nasty and mean.
I’m sick of it and Iย can’t get rid of it.
The house is a mess.
I don’t have energy to clean, or do the grocery-shopping, or cook.
I don’t have energy to visit your blogs.

Some days
are better –
just to
fool me.
On one of
those days
I started an
Art Journal page.
It’s not finished
yet, but here’s
a peek…
Just so you
won’t forget me.
I’m still here.
I hope to be back
soon. Full force!

have a healthy week you all!

Je t’embrasse.

OH, and here’s to my little bro…



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