The count off has begun!
I feel like a rocket since a day or two…. it’s really going to happen!
I claimed my domain name yesterday, my beloved will put up the
basic community site (as soon as the log-in info comes in) and I
will start designing the whole thing, getting to know it and work
with it and learn all the “ins and outs” that go with such a site….
OH MY – it’s gonna be such an exiting adventure I’m diving into!
Since I put my little survey on line, lots of people filled it out!
I thought some would, but I had like 30 reactions in the first two hours…
now THAT’S a boost! Thank you all for filling it out.
You sure know how to make a girl smile!!!
The answers you all gave really help me with my thinking about which
way I want my workshops to go…
On to the regular now… ’cause Lotus Paperie came up with a new challenge.
Here’s the sketch
you have to work
with for this
week’s challenge.
I find it a very
inspirational and
challenging sketch
this time ’cause I
don’t use much
circles on my layouts.
Take a look
at my take…
I had lots of bits & pieces of old leather laying around – thanks to my mum
and my dear friend Lena who both gave some to me a while ago (Lena probably
regrets this since she started scrapping herself – aren’t you meissie? Want some
of it back maybe???)
Anyway, I wanted to make a layout about my brother with his cowboy hat
for a while now, and when I saw that circle, well, the circle was round.
So I stitched some leather pieces together, made a circle out of it and I
used a leather string (that came off of an old leather hippie belt) to attach it
to the layout. The base is simple, plain cardboard with a bit of Tim Holtz
distress ink rubbed along the edges.
I found the “western font” on a free font site (don’t you just LOVE those
free font sites?!! I could dwell there for hours!) and printed the text on some
vaguely patterned paper. Glued those on pieces of chipboard – distressed
the edges with ink and attached some eyelets here and there.
As a finishing touch, I shot some bullet holes in the top right corner!
(Don’t worry – I used my “big bite” as a gun…!)
I really like the “tough boyish cowboy feeling” this layout has!
Pieces of leather
stitched together
with the sewing
machine and
a leather string
to attach it to
the chipboard.
I don’t use those
eyelets much,
(who does?)
but they fit
very well on
this layout!
See what a circle can lead to?
So hop on over to the Lotus Paperie blog and join the fun!
And there’s more… Lotus Paperie has put up a DT-call!
Yes, that’s right, my term as a DT-member is almost done… one month left,
and then somebody else will take my place. That could be YOU!!!
Don’t be shy… I was a bit afraid when I submitted the first time but look what
it brought me – and where I am now!!!
So, do it! Start creating and apply!
You can read all about it here.
And if you’re hopping over to Lotus Paperie anyway, don’t forget that it’s time
to choose your favourite layout! Three ladies are longing for your vote.
Take a look at their layouts here and give your vote to the one you like best
in the top right corner of the Lotus Paperie blog.
Now, having all that said I’m going to start the weekend!
See you soon with a new art journal page (I already started but I keep
adding paint and smearing gel medium and stuff on it… so it has to dry
a little time longer – or maybe a long time…
But I’m sure I will be able to show it to you next time!
Je t’embrasse!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:23 pm
Hee meis, vind je LO prachtig! Het leer, het lettertype, de kogelgaten en natuurlijk je broer Rick… sooo Western!! Enne… fijn dat ik een kleine bijdrage (wat restjes leer) heb kunnen leveren aan deze LO! Hoef er niks van terug hoor, heb nog heel veel op zolder liggen. Moet ik ook maar eens wat mee gaan doen want het ziet er echt super uit!!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:24 pm
Super layout Marit..echt heel erg cowboy-achtig!Prachtig dat stikwerk!!Heel erg stoer en mooi!
Succes met je website,ben heel beniuwd,heb je enquete pas net ingevuld…sorry had het een beetje erg druk met werk!
Fijn weekend!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:25 pm
Oh Man what a fun lay-out!!! Your Awesome Marit And how exciting about your new site. Have a fabulous weekend.
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:26 pm
brilliant layout…i love the bullet hole idea…perfect font and i am in love with the leather and the stitching…really fabulous work!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:26 pm
Super dat je al zoveel reacties hebt gekregen en ook ik ben erg benieuwd naar je site!
Je lo is helemaal leuk en stoer,mooi met het leer!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:27 pm
Awesome page! I love the western theme!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:27 pm
Wow,,,,just when I thought you couldn’t surprise me…..YOU DO!!!! Love it!!!! Congrats on all the response!!!! You will be wonderful!!!! As you already are girl!!!
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:27 pm
Awwwww, that was scary and unespected, to see my own ugly face and HUGE ears here, lol!!
By the way, I quit smoking, let the world know!!
Kiss, You’re lil” bro
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:28 pm
hey Marit, ben ook erg benieuwd naar je nieuwe site!! Hou het zeker in de gaten!
enne je schets is gaaf!Leuk met die ronde. Ook jouw uitwerking met dat leer. ERg mooi!
Wie weet borrelt mijn inspiratie eindelijk weer eens op en dan ga ik zeker een poging wagen om jouw sketch te maken
fijn weekend
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:29 pm
Stoere LO!!! Je kunt wel zien dat dit je broer is, jullie lijken op elkaar
Leuk dat je al zoveel reactie hebt binnengekregen, ben erg benieuwd wat er uit voort gaat vloeien!
Fijn weekend, viv
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:29 pm
Hé Marit, ik ben reuzebenieuwd naar je nieuwe site. Ik ben er zeker van dat jij ons zoooo veel kan leren!
Die LO is weer mooi en ik hou ervan dat jij je embellies probeert aan te passen aan het thema van hetgeen je scrapt, dat probeer ik ook meestal te doen. Net als jij ben ik geen grote fan van bloemen of cirkels, en dan blijft er niet veel over en moet je wel creatief worden hé!
xxx Peggy