Organized me…
Oh MAN… remember I re-organized all my scrap stuff?
(I wrote a post with photo’s on that over here)
And then I saw the new Lotus Paperie challenge this week….
“use the packaging from a scrapbooking product”
Eeeeeekkk! I just threw them all away!
I had to look
real hard but,
PFEW! I found
Two little
cards that
came with
It’s not much
but it saved
my ass!
I used the photo’s of my organized scrap goodies and managed
to make a layout. But to be honest… it’s not my best.
From all the Lotus challenges I made since I joined the design team
I dislike this the most… (you can see them all together in my gallery
at the top menu “Scraplayouts” if you want to compare)
Oh, it’s not THAT bad. It’s kinda OK I guess – but my heart is not in it.
You can see that…
Next week will be the last layout as a Lotus Paperie design team member,
and I hope to show you something better to wave goodbye with!
Anyway, here it is…
- Background paper: Basic grey
- Scrapbook packaging: unknown brand and Prima Marketing
- Journaling pads: Cosmo Cricket
- Spray ink and alpha mask: Ranger / Tim Holtz
- Stickles: “Black diamond” – Ranger
And this is a
blindingly obvious
platitude, but it
won’t hurt to
remind myself
(and you?!) from
time to time
’cause we all
loose this feeling
some days…
And now I leave this layout behind, and move on to…
I received a package
from Jessica last week
(a belated birthday gift)
and she knows exactly
what I like!!!
What a great blog friend
you are Jess!!!
I stared at it, rotated it
in my hands over and
over, drooled over those
clips and was in ooh and
I was creating an ATC when Jess’ parcel arrived, and what a
coincidence that was! I’d searched for something to put on the
card to give it some depth, but couldn’t find anything that fitted…
and one of those clips was just what I needed! I finished it in no-time!
ATC the Music: “Ramblin’ Man” – The Allman Brothers Band
I made this with my
little brother in mind…
(I don’t have sisters,
only one brother who
emigrated to Canada
with his family
a few years ago…)
He wrote such a sweet
and heartfelt comment
on my last music ATC,
that I had to think of
this song, and so I made
this ATC next…
And this morning I received an e-card from him that says “You’re fabulous”
because he likes “what his big sis is doing with her scrapbooking and blogging”
Thanks sweetie!!! I mail you soon! I love you!
And to all my blog readers… I love you too! ALL of you!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for all the support and comments,
thanks for making me smile and giving me self-confidence!
I wish you all a wonderful and creative weekend!!!
Je t’embrasse!
November 20th, 2009 at 7:05 pm
oh my goodness i LOVE that layout. 🙂
November 20th, 2009 at 7:10 pm
I think that layout is just fine, it’s funny how we are our own worst critics isn’t it? You are just rockin the ATC’s, I have loved the ones you have made!! They are sooooo addicting arent’ they? Just little tiny pieces of art, perfect for when you want to create but don’t have alot of time. Have a great weekend Marit!
November 20th, 2009 at 9:46 pm
Altijd geweldig om happy mail te ontvangen, dit ziet er erg leuk uit 🙂
Het past inderdaad perfect op de ATC die je gemaakt hebt!!
Jammer dat je niet helemaal tevreden bent over deze LO, maar ik denk dat iedereen dat wel eens heeft.
Wat mij betreft is dit weer een mooie LO geworden!
Een fijn en creatief weekend toegewenst, groetjes Vivian
November 21st, 2009 at 12:26 pm
Wow.. I just love your LO! Great misting and masking and I love the colors and the pictures… good reminding 😉
Love your ATC’s too… awesome.. and what a sweet brother you have… so great he’s proud of you!
Lovely happy mail… happy mail is the best!
November 21st, 2009 at 3:29 pm
LOVE your layout … it’s fabulous and the ATC card is fantastic. Love your work 🙂
November 21st, 2009 at 10:29 pm
LOOOOOVVE that layout!!!!!!! Fantastic use of your packaging!!!!! Love you too girl!!!
November 22nd, 2009 at 1:37 pm
wow, gorgeous work again girl! and love that little quote about making stuff for yourself, that’s the way it is!
November 22nd, 2009 at 10:27 pm
Nou, ik vind je layout wel hartstikke mooi geworden! vooral hoe je de bovenste titel gedaan hebt! en wat heerlijk he om van die leuke post te krijgen! (wanneer was jij jarig? ook pas?? of stond dat ergens en heb ik dat weer gemist?)
Groetjes en tot snel!!
November 22nd, 2009 at 10:59 pm
Well, I can understand not feeling great about a project. It happens.
Thanks for stopping by today. My brother also lives away from here (but still in the USA) so we see each other rarely. Your ATC reminds me of him. Yours came out great.
November 23rd, 2009 at 1:44 am
November 23rd, 2009 at 5:32 am
Hi Marit! Love your blog! Awww love the story behind the fab atc! I’ll be posting it this week! I’m so happy you’re creating with us! That layout is awesome! And you’re SO organized! Love peakin into peoples scrap spaces! TFS! Hope you had a great weekend! L
November 23rd, 2009 at 10:43 pm
awesome page!!
November 24th, 2009 at 2:49 am
haha, you made me laugh at the part where you threw out all the packaging. I’ve done simular things when it came to the challenges. I think you did just fine with the layout Marit. Love the ATC too. I have two younger brothers and no sisters as well!
Hope your weekend was a great one.
November 24th, 2009 at 11:03 pm
Hey Marit,
eindelijk hier weer eens een kijkje genomen. Wat een spullen zeg! Haha, goed idee idd om zo wat af te vallen! Al moet ik zeggen dat ik toch liever alles bij de hand heb.
Ik vind je lo wel erg leuk! lekker creatief met die sprayinkt en die titel zo!
Je atc is ook prachtig!
Goh enne volgens mij moet ik je nog ff feliciteren met je verjaardag! Beter laat dan nooit dus bij deze: nog van Harte!!!
groetjes Iris
November 24th, 2009 at 11:21 pm
De masking title op je lo vind ik helemaal super!!! je atc is ook erg mooi geworden!!! en happy mail ontvangen is helemaal leuk he!!!