It’s beginning…
…to look a lot like Christmas!
But first of all… THIS!!!!
Yes, it’s my mum’s birthday today, and that’s why we drove to Zeeland this
weekend to celebrate. We brought along a few bottles of white wine and on
our way up there, we made a stop in Yerseke (“Zeeland’s musseltown”) to buy
fresh mussels in the harbour and I cooked a wonderful dinner for all of us!
Of course I had a present for my mum, and you will understand why I couldn’t
show you earlier… she had to get it first! But here it is – the diary (planner)
I altered for her! (front and back)
I made every page
look different.
Sometimes with
spray ink, or
little stickers…
…and on some
pages I glued a
little envelope
with a little
note in it.
(I embossed
every envelope
with a little
Yesterday, my mum and I went to a Christmas market together.
I wanted to make photo’s (I don’t have much “Christmas pictures”
in my stash!) and look for something nice to buy.
(I know, I know… I keep on telling that I’m not the Christmas type but
seeing all you ladies decorating and all the little lights burning in our
neighbourhood in the evening, I got sentimental. I wanted “something”….)
We had such fun looking at all the Christmas stuff!
Some things beautiful, some things awful, some things just
“over the top” and some things made me feel like a little kid again….
… like this miniature village… I could have looked at it for hours!!!
(There was a city and a village, photo of the city at the beginning
of this post)
And balls…. in every colour you’d wish for!!!
I took lots and lots of photo’s from those Christmas balls.
Blue, golden, green… and these purple ones.
And here are some traditional red/golden…
There were lots of trees too, but no Christmas tree in my house!
I fell in love with these white cuties instead – and my mum bought
it for me! Thanks mum! These white branches with tiny little lights
are just what I looked for to put on our sideboard, and I’m very
happy with it!!!
And candles, of course I bought me candles…
Here’s the picture of my “decoration” at daylight
And in the evening it looks like this!
(Sorry for the blurry photo, I wanted it photographed without the flashlight
and was too lazy to go get the tripod to put the camera on. But you all know
what Christmas lights look like in the dark I presume!)
And that’s it… I had a lot of plans for today but I keep on running behind.
My beloved and I started talking last night (we’re both “talkers”) and
sometimes it happens (actually, it happens a lot!) that we enjoy the
conversation so much, that we “talk the night away”…
I wasn’t in bed before 2 am – and rose quite late this morning.
Oh well, how many women can still have conversations with their man
like that after 12 years of being together? I’m a lucky girl!
It’s worth the hours of missing sleep and I just don’t look in the mirror!
(This morning it looked like I forgot to take my make up off and my mascara
smurged, but it turned out to be black bags under my eyes – Eeeekkk!
I’m glad you all can’t see me today! No, don’t even ask…
and I don’t have a web cam!)
Anyway, I postpone some of my plans and the intention is to “hit the hay”
(as Michelle calls it) early this evening and hope for a productive day
tomorrow! Wishing you all a lovely week, see you soon!
Je t’embrasse!
Thanks already to Michelle, Chris, Jeanet, Lena & Mirjam for being my
collaborators in this… I’m looking forward to a week filled with music, fun
and beautiful layouts!!!!
December 14th, 2009 at 3:51 pm
Your mum must have been thrilled! What a lovely planner! I love your pix of the Christmas village and all of the ornaments – but I really like the simple beauty of the white branch and lights, and the candles – so beautiful and peaceful – very silent night-esque (can I say that?) Have a great day, get some sleep, and rock on (as my son would say)!
December 14th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
Gefeliciteerd met de verjaardag van je moeder!!
De witte takken zijn geweldig leuk, zeker met al die lichtjes erin!
En wat een gave agenda heb je voor je moeder gemaakt, ik vind hem helemaal het einde!
Vond je moeder vast ook 🙂
fijne avond, Viv
December 15th, 2009 at 1:02 am
Love this little planner! Your mom probably did too! Sounds like you had a special day! Take care,
December 15th, 2009 at 6:30 am
Love all the sweet details you added to your Moms Planner 🙂 And I love your simple lighted branch display and candles. Perfect 🙂
December 15th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
Vind die witte takken ontzettend leuk Marit!
Zoiets zou ik ook wel willen.
Hoop dat de “zin in kerststhoppen” nog gaat komen.
Nog gefeliciteerd met je moeder.
En wat een leuk idee zo´n agenda. Zeker als je zoiets van je dochter ontvangt.
December 15th, 2009 at 2:41 pm
Erg leuk die agenda, daar was je moeder vast blij mee net als het etentje en lekker samen shoppen.Die takken zien er mooi uit hoor.Hoeft niet perse voor kerst maar geeft toch een gezellig sfeertje.Veel plezier met je top 2000.
December 15th, 2009 at 2:49 pm
Love all the pictures….just beautiful and the branch tree….I LOVE IT!!!! I wish I could find one around here!!! IT IS PERFECT!!!!
Happy Birthday to your Mum!!! Have a great day!!! 🙂
December 15th, 2009 at 6:46 pm
nog gefeliciteerd met je moeder! en wat een mooie agenda heb je voor haar gemaakt!
de witte takken zijn super leuk!
December 15th, 2009 at 7:56 pm
Your mom must be so thrilled with that, I love it!!! I’m chuckling to myself over how you are getting more into the Christmas spirit after seeing everyone’s trees, etc.. It brought to mind that quote from the grinch (not that you’re a grinch!) that goes something like “and his heart grew two sizes that day” or something like that! haha You are very lucky that you have a man that loves to talk, mine is more the quiet type which can be frustrating as I can gab!!!! haha
December 15th, 2009 at 9:56 pm
awesome idea to personalize the planner! well done!
December 15th, 2009 at 10:28 pm
I will have to come back and read in detail a little later, but I love the way the diary came out for your mother. I am sure she will cherish it. (Yes, I would definitely call those “vintage images.”) LOL See you later.
December 16th, 2009 at 3:43 am
Paint it Black. The version from The Krewmen. An Australian band. I did trie the last 4 years to get anyone intrested, but it seems that I’m the only one who loved it this way!! Still, number one for me in the “top 2000”
December 16th, 2009 at 4:29 am
Well you are certainly blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with your man.
Glad to see you getting into the holiday spirit.
Glad I came to see your post again and more fully.
December 16th, 2009 at 8:51 pm
Hi Marit! I am awfully embarassingly behind on blog visiting and you have such a lovely new blog here! I’ll fix my link as I have the old one still listed I think.
So many lovely things to see here. It’s fun to try and get caught up!
If nothing else, wanted to make sure to come by and leave some big wishes for a very blissful Christmas with your family and friends!
December 17th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
Wat een bijzonder verjaardagscadeau!
Leuk om weer even bij te lezen!
Groetjes, Petra
December 18th, 2009 at 9:38 am
Wat een onwijs gaaf verjaardagscadeau heb je gemaakt! Wat zal je moeder daar blij mee zijn….nu nog eentje voor jezelf maken!! En leuke foto’s heb je weer gemaakt. Daar kan je vast veel leuke kerstlayouts mee maken. Moest wel om je “kerstboom” lachen! Wij hebben de onze ook pas gisteren opgezet, maar wel een wat grotere dan de jouwe!
Fijne dagen verder en tot mails!
December 18th, 2009 at 8:25 pm
Prachtige agenda..heel vintage…super mooi kado
Mooie kerstfoto’s,die worden zeker gescrapt 😉
En die witte takken zijn erg mooi,zeker in het donker!Geweldig al die gesprekken!!
December 18th, 2009 at 10:52 pm
Love your twinkly tree and what a lovely daughter you are making your Mom such a precious and useful gift!!!
We are having a big snowstorm beginning this evening, at least that is what the “weather guessers” tell us 😉
I Love snow!
Have a wonderful weekend Dear Marit!