Top 2000 (#2000 – #1845)


As of 2011 – I am blogging on this address:

For the 2011 edition of the top 2000 – hop on over!



First of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!

And….yiieeeeehaaaaa, we’re off with the top 2000!!!

(If you want to play along, read this post for details )

Here are the layouts ordered by number…
(remember you can click on the image to enlarge for a better view)

#1956 Lovin’ Whiskey – Rory Block

Made by Marit (that’s me)

#1954 Isn’t she lovely – Stevie Wonder

Made by MirjamC

#1939 Suddenly I see – K.T. Tunstall

Made by Michelle LaPoint Rydell

#1930 Watermensen – 3Js

Made by MirjamC

#1915 Maybe I’m amazed – Wings

Made by Lena

#1914 She sells sanctuary – Cult

Made by Jeanet Kuiper

#1881 Bad Day – Daniel Powter

Made by Chris Aiton

And a bonus..
here are Chris’
hands after
“playing with
the top 2000!!!”
(and to be honest,
my hands look
simular – another
colour, but just
as messy, and I’m
having a blast!)

Thank you all so much for looking and playing along!

The *** at the top of the post indicate the number of layouts in this post,
and I will add a * as soon as a new layout is added.
After all, these areΒ “living posts”

See you again tomorrow!
And don’t forget…
(click the top 2000 link in my side menu)

Je t’embrasse

back to homepage

7 Responses to “Top 2000 (#2000 – #1845)”

  • Mirjamc Says:

    ik kom net uit mijn werk en voordat ik naar familie ga natuurlijk even jouw blog bekijken….super gave lo’s van iedereen!!! en dat mailtje dat je van de ‘top 2000’ heb gekregen….zou toch helemaal geweldig zijn als er een cameraploeg bij je voor de deur staat, haha!!!super!!!

  • Michelle Rydell Says:

    OMG This is wonderful!!! How beautiful to see everyone’s layouts together like this – all the different styles and each so beautiful in its own unique way. LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration Marit!!!

  • cindy Says:

    Beautiful layouts … πŸ™‚

    Happy Holidays to you too. xo

  • Julie Says:

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee them all!!!!! Look at what all MY FAVE GIRLS MADE!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  • Jeanet Says:

    Wow…hartstikke mooi allemaal!Gaaf om mee te doen Marit en wat leuk dat we zoveel verschillende songs scrappen!

  • Linda Says:

    OMG Marit! No WONDER you are in Scrapping The Music! Those are all amazing!!!! Really awesome!!

    I can’t see the whole list. Is there another way to view it??

  • Viv Says:

    Wat is dit leuk, Marit!
    Je pagina`s zijn gaaf geworden, ben benieuwd wat er allemaal gaat volgen πŸ™‚