(count down and…)
The count down to this new year was FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
It took me a few days to recover from the “top 2000 musical week” we experienced on my blog – but now I’m back in bussiness and ready to roll…
So here we go!!!
The challenge over at t.a.a.f.o.m.f.t. (by the way, I won the December
challenge with this layout – YEAH!!!) is:
“find your favourite layout/project that you made last year”
I went through my galleries and BOY, this is the hardest challenge EVA!
I made an awful lot – layouts, art journal pages, projects – and I managed to narrow my faves down to a few, but then I got stuck.
While searchin through my galleries, I got curious what others would choose and I asked my loved ones to take a look and tell me what their favourites are… and that was kinda surprising!
(They all named 3 layouts, but I will show you only one fave of each…
otherwise it would be too much!)
Take a look at the choices of my loved ones…
My son chose this
one, the layout that
made me become a
DT member at
Lotus Paperie.
It’s a graphical
layout and I know
my son loves
simple, graphical
images so it was
not much of a
surprise to me that
he named this one…
It was not on MY
fave list though…
My beloved chose
this as his favourite.
It’s a very dramatic
layout. The poem
combined with that
breath taking photo
is really heavy, but
it’s one of my faves
too ’cause it’s such
a powerfull layout
and statement.
(for detailed photo’s
and complete text,
go here)
My mum chose this
“oldie” (it’s from
November 2008
actually) but this
choice is not much
of a surprise to me
either… knowing
my mum and her
love for the sea,
the beach, shells
and little romantic
It’s not one of
MY faves though…
My dad also
picked an “oldie”
and this surprises
me! Why this one
dad? (I know you
limited your choice
by saying that you
wouldn’t chose one
with yourself on
it…) I’d like to
hear your
My best friend Lena loves
the cover of my Leonard
Cohen art journal the best.
She wrote: “I’ve seen this
in real live and touched
it with my own hands,
and I think this is so
Yes it is! But I chose
a page from it as one
of my faves, instead
of the cover…
(And a bonus…
there was ONE
overlap in the
15 favourites
of my loved ones.
Both my son as my
friend chose this
“clear book” – which
is from July 2008 by the way…)
And now for my favourites – I made emotional choices.
Every layout marks an important step!
The first page I
made for my
Leonard Cohen
art journal…
(April 2009)
I experimented
with spray ink
and took the
sewing machine
out of the closet..
this had a huge effect on all my scrapping afterwards…
The layout I “had
to do” for Lotus.
(October 2009)
I didn’t like it a bit
to have to use “lots
of ribbon scraps”
but I found out
that I can break
through the “Can’t
do’s” and “that’s not
my cup of tea’s”
and still come up
with something
beautiful! This
layout was an
important one in stretching and getting out of the comfort zone!
I made this one
last week and it’s
a successful
example of the
“play free and
use more colour”
feeling I want to
show more in
my layouts this
upcoming year.
Since I chose my faves with the reason:
“it has to mark something important I learned in the creative process”
This mini book (April 2009)
marks the beginning of a new
way of scrapping for me.
(I started my LC art journal
right after this) I’d visited
“Scrap-a-Licious” a few weeks
before I made this, and I’d
bought me distress ink.
While “playing with it to
getting to know the stuff”
I felt the freedom and
happiness which I was searching
for in my work and creating…
You can see all the pages
and journaling in this post.
(By the way: in that post I wrote “It turned out so beautiful that it’s my
all time favorite!” I guess I felt right away that this mini was going to be
an important step forward!)
I have a lot more I want to tell you, but this post is long enough as it is.
I’ll be back later this week with some thoughts and resolutions and
plans and goals I set for this year…
Just one more thing:
what’s your favourite if you have to pick one from my galleries?
Let me know!
Je t’embrasse!
Edit: Lena didn’t choose the clear book I showed, but the
“BOM” (book of me) I made last summer.
There are clear pages in that too, and that’s where I went
wrong and thought she ment this clear book. Sorry girl!
January 3rd, 2010 at 2:51 pm
I love to see how artists evolve with their style, and I can see how yours has changed from 2008 until now. I really like your mini (it’s more of what I would say your style has been this year) but I think my favorite is the “You colour my world” one – I love how you integrated elements that are not your style into your style and came up with an outstanding layout – very graphic with a touch of whimsy! have a wonderful new year and I look forward to seeing your new creations.
January 3rd, 2010 at 2:59 pm
hey marit! how cool… great idea to have others choose… i love what others see in our own work! great layouts… will view in more detail once i get my computer charger plugged in!! happy new year to you!
January 3rd, 2010 at 3:33 pm
marit i love the first one and the last one as well, i really love the graphic and edgy qualities, and that’s my taste 🙂
happy 2010 btw!
January 3rd, 2010 at 3:52 pm
i’d say that my fave of yours (even though U didn’t like it…lol) is the ribbon one!!! i always struggle with ribbons on a lo….and i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how U did it!!!!! The one U picked as your fave is truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! wow wow wow!!!!!! someday when i grow up…i swear i’m gonna learn how to art journal! :):):):):):):):):):):):):) thanks for playing along!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
January 3rd, 2010 at 5:33 pm
I love the mini book!!!!!!!! It is the best thing in the world when your creative style is found 🙂 Happy new year Marit!
January 3rd, 2010 at 6:36 pm
What a great project! It just shows that inspiration is everywhere, you just need to pay attention! Great pages everyone!
January 3rd, 2010 at 7:36 pm
Beautiful pages! And what a fun idea to have the people in your life choose their favorites! So lovely!
January 3rd, 2010 at 7:55 pm
Ik vind het niet zo moeilijk om er een te kiezen want toen ik die LO zag was ik daar helemaal weg van. Het zijn de dansers uit je Leonard Cohen art journal. Gefeliciteerd met het winnen van: t.a.a.f.o.m.f.t decemberchallenge. Terecht want deze LO is ook super mooi. Net als de rest !! Ik ben gewoon fan!!!
January 3rd, 2010 at 8:27 pm
I just love how you asked your family to picks some of their faves and it was neat to see why they picked them. I just love that one you did with all the ribbons for LP, I think it rocks!! There are so many gorgeous ones that I would be hard pressed to pick. Thanks for letting me know about this stop art piracy thing, I’m off to check it out right now!!
January 3rd, 2010 at 10:10 pm
Hi Marit… followed you here from Studio Calico. I love that you had others pick their faves. Of the faves you posted, I really like “walking in memphis” because the colors and handwritten journaling are so cool. i need to look more at your leonard cohen art journal. i love cohen. and at first glimpse, the contents of that journal look phenomenal. i look forward to getting to see more of your work. Happy 2010 to you!
January 3rd, 2010 at 11:41 pm
gefeliciteerd met het winnen van ‘taafomft’… vond het ook een super gave lo!!!
mijn favoriet uit dit rijtje?? moeilijk om te kiezen, maar ik ga voor “walking in memphis”, maar je laatste minibook ziet er ook prachtig uit!!!
January 4th, 2010 at 12:48 am
It’s so hard to pick just one fave, although I really like the LO with the ribbon. That new one that you did is amazing, too! Love the graphic edginess of your work.
January 4th, 2010 at 6:39 am
I was thinking about picking my top ten last week, but it was so hard! I love the idea of having family weigh in. Your layouts are amazing!
January 4th, 2010 at 12:08 pm
Hoi Marit,
Je hebt gewonnen bij TAAFOMFT, helemaal verdiend!!
Mijn favoriet is walking in Memphis (komt vast door die prachtige benen en leuke tas hihi) 😉
Ben net nog even gaan kijken naar de Elvis taart en die ziet er echt lekker uit, dus het recept zou ik heel graag een keertje uitproberen!
Hele fijne week toegewenst, liefs Viv
January 4th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
Misverstandje meis…. Ik koos niet dit mini boekje als een favoriet maar je BOM (book of me). Daar heb je ook doorzichtige bladzijden in verwerkt met alle items die in je handtas zaten.
Op de voorkant daarvan heb je heel groot het woord IK gemaakt. Dit boekje vind ik in zijn geheel supermooi!! En ja, tussen je “oudere” werk zitten ook hele fraaie exemplaren maar ik heb alleen naar 2009 gekeken….
January 4th, 2010 at 4:23 pm
Wow, love all the picks. I love being able to go through people’s projects like this! great idea.
It’s always fun to go back through the year and see how it was documented!!
January 5th, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Well, Happy a New Year a few days late. I have a connection at school and have found some people to lend me their charger a couple of hours each day so I can stay connected on weekdays.
I must say my favorite was your “favorite decades” mini album. You did such an amazing job with that.
I will let you know when I am back on permanently.
January 6th, 2010 at 5:36 am
all of those layouts are GORGEOUS!!!! thanks so much for sharing with us! 🙂
January 15th, 2010 at 5:56 am
LOVE all your FAV LO’s… so beautiful! So fun that your family gave their opinions, too!
Thanks for always joining us! 🙂