Freewheelin’ Friday (#7)


The days fly by and this week is already gone!
I’ve been a little absent last week. On my blog that is…
Not on my community though! This week, my “students” got access to
my workshop community and there is a lot of activity overthere 
(although the first lesson won’t be uploaded ’till Monday)
I was present on an introduction video which I made last week and it took
me quite some time to make it. OH MY was I nervous! I HATE hearing my
own voice… I had to shoot 80 “takes” before I thought it was “kinda” right,
but at least I did it, and the ladies in the group seem to appreciate it!
(Hi girls! Thanks for the nice words!)

Anyway, on to the freewheelin’ random stuff today…


As you noticed at the beginning of this blogpost, it’s my dad’s birthday today!
I won’t tell you his age – but if you look carefully at what I made for him,
you’ll figure it out 🙂 – and I send him this handmade folded “mini book”.

Here’s the front
and back.

The title says
“Hów old?”





This mini is made using a special folding technique.
It’s not very simple to make but once it’s finished, it’s amazing how it
looks when you open it!

On this side, I did a lot of doodling and wrote all kinds of quotes about
getting old(er). The little envelope contains a small note.

From aside you can see how
it folds…





The other side… “Henk Hooray” and again a lot of doodling.
I wanted it to be a happy book!

I used chipboard,
paint, journaling
pens, Cosmo
Cricket alpha’s,
October Afternoon
paper, some
embellies and left
over stickers.
The lady on the
front is cut out of a magazine.


Since this is a happy book – and a happy day – let’s keep this theme
rollin’ shall we…

Random happiness I came across last week:

  • When my son came last Wednesday (he lives half the week
    with his dad) and looked at my latest layouts he said “Mum!
    That’s not scrapbooking anymore… that’s ART!!!”
    I was grinning from ear to ear! (Can’t show you this “art” yet
    though.. it’s for the workshop)


  • My blogfriend Cynthia is into digi scrapping lately, and my
    jar hit the ground when I saw her latest layout. The things she
    can do on a computer are amazing! She is also a talented
    storyteller and reading her blog always makes me think, and
    smile and feel happy!


  • I bumped onto my own name a couple of times while surfing
    the Internet. A lot of girls mentioned my workshop on their
    blogs and thus are advertising for me. That’s so sweet of you
    ladies! Thanks for the shout out Jessica, Jenneke, Maja, Petra,
    Michelle (and maybe more I haven’t seen yet…!) I feel blessed
    being a part of this huge scrapbook & art journal community!


  • Speaking of art journaling… the new prompt at “One Year in
    the Life of an Art Journal” will be up today! Can’t wait!!!


  • Glenda showed me the way to the online  Viva Las Vegas stamps
    It’s an online stamp store with the most amazing an lovely stamps
    I’ve ever seen! I felt head over heels for their stuff! They have a
    huge 44% off sale and Glenda put the coupon code on her blog
    for everyone to use (the code is “Superstamp”) I have plans to shop
    there this weekend… thank you Glenda for this tip!


And since I’m not in Zeeland this weekend, let’s end this post with some
photo’s of the happy places of my youth…
(Both pics are taken standing on the dunes near my elderly home)

The tower on the
horizon is
“Middelburg”, the
capital city of

The red roofs
just in front of
that belong to
a small village:
I was born and
raised there…


Take a 90 degrees
turn and you’ll see
I remember playing
in the sand as a kid.
Watching the boys
as a teenager.
Moonlight walks
with lovers along
the shore. Watching
the high waves in
the middle of a storm….


Wish you all a happy weekend,
Je t’embrasse!

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19 Responses to “Freewheelin’ Friday (#7)”

  • Chris Says:

    What a beautiful and clever card – hope your dad has a happy birthday and many more! So happy for you that your class is starting well – I know you have poured your heart and soul into the class and that it will be so inspiring and filled with fantastic ideas and techniques. So wish I could join in but I will be watching for postings from some of our mutual blogfriends to see their creations. Have a great weekend!

  • amy Says:

    that is one sweet, special card! love it! so cool to see your name mentioned by others…beautiful photos.

  • jessica Says:

    love the that pic of the girl on the front..perfect! beautiful pics! i am more than happy to advertise for you! have a good weekend!

  • Angèle Says:

    Van harte met je vader Marit! Hoe gaat het nu met zijn ogen? En wat heerlijk jong is hij nog!
    Dans jij je dansje maar dit weekend; heerlijk toch!
    Je speciale kaart is prachtig! Vrolijk! En je pa zal dit zeker waarderen!
    De lovende woorden van je zoon beloven veel goeds voor ons, cursisten! Bedankt ook voor jouw lieve woorden.

    Fijn weekend, Angèle

  • lisa truesdell Says:

    love that card – happy bday to your dad!

  • Lindaloe Says:

    Gefelciflapstaart met je vaders verjaardag. En wat een leuke kaart had je gemaaktvoor hem. Succes met je workshop. Ik hoop dat het gaat lopen.

  • Mirjamc Says:

    wat een leuk idee het miniboekje/kaart voor je vader…erg mooi geworden! en van harte gefeliciteerd met je vaders verjaardag! ben zo benieuwd naar je werk voor de workshop en wat super dat je zoon je zo’n mooi compliment gaf!
    enne…je hebt gelijk, ik moet niet zo onzeker over mijn ‘kunnen’ zijn 🙂 fijn weekend en ‘tot maandag’!

  • Broer Says:

    Lieve Zus,

    heel veel sterkte, succes en ook plezier met je workshops!!

    Kus, Je Broer

  • Bethany Kartchner Says:

    What a cool project for your dad! That is really neat with the folds. I bet your video is great! I’m so proud of you for getting over your fear and jumping right in! 🙂

  • Maja Says:

    Gefeliciteerd met je vaders verjaardag. Ondanks dat je niet zo van de kaartjes bent heb je een super mooie gemaakt.Je video was hartstikke goed (kan ook niet anders na 80 opnames) ha,ha.Leuk voor je zo’n compliment van je zoon Toch een extra steuntje. Ik weet zeker dat je workshops een succes gaan worden, ik wil graag reclame voor je maken en ik ben blij dat ik ingeschreven heb voor je allereerste workshop. Tot maandag !!!

  • Maria Says:

    Marit I love that card you have made for your dad, it just looks amazing and just so arty….
    Good luck with your first online Journalling class I’m sure it will be awesome and everyone will learn so much from you….
    Hope your having a great weekend…

  • Denise Says:

    So…how much is your workshop in dollars (U.S.)? My budget doesn’t roll around fresh until February 1st…can I join your workshop after? Take care!!

  • ~*~Patty Says:

    Your “Alice” comment today was so cute and really made me smile dear Marit!

    I Love what your son said AND he knows ART when he sees it! Brava Dear One!

    Your mini book is so colorful and beautiful! It has such great dimension too!

    Happy rest of the weekend to you!!!

    Congrats on your online classes, I can only imagine how much work and play goes into something like that!

  • Viv Says:

    Wat een geweldig cadeau heb je voor je vader gemaakt! Gave vouw techniek heb je gebruikt, ben ik nog niet eerder tegengekomen.

    Gisteren ben ik bij Civo geweest om aquarel papier te kopen en een aantal copic markers, ik ben erg benieuwd naar je eerste les morgen 🙂

    Hele fijne zondag, groetjes viv

  • Cynthia Says:

    Marit!!!!!! This is an awesome 🙂 Card. Your Dad must of just loved it. So, clever 🙂 I missed the deadline to register. Can I jump in around the 15th?!? Money is a little tight always at the end of the month 🙁 I am so excited for it 🙂 I am sure you do a fabulous job on the video tutorials 🙂

  • Cynthia Says:

    PS thank you for the mention 🙂 You would be proud I did a traditional lay-out for creative types new prompt 🙂

  • Jeanet Says:

    Wow..wat een gave kaart Marit! En alsnog van harte gefeliciteerd met je vader, (de mijne is ook 70, net geworden in oktober) Hoe is het met je vader’s oog??

  • Yyam Says:

    Wow Marit! I love what you did for your dad! The colors just pop! 🙂 I can imagine how happy you must be to hear your son say such a sweet thing! And I agree…ART! 🙂

  • Thinkie Says:

    nog gefeliciteerd met je vader!