Word Up #41
(my little big) Miracle
The painted chipboard looked just the way I wanted this morning!
After a night laying on the sideboard to dry it was ready for further use.
Yesterday, I’d already placed everything in the right position and made a nice layout so I had an image of how it was going to look like, but I guess this was one of my slowest scraps ever (for a single scrappage that is, a little book takes more time…) because it took me another afternoon to finish it!
Although I knew where everything had to be placed on this layout, I spend
a lot of time working on tiny little things to complete the looks. I painted the chipboard font some more, making the edges brown with a sponge.
It took time to figure out where to put the brown (felt) swirls EXACTLY,
I puzzled over the word “Big” – what font should that be and what colour
should it have… it turned out that the flowers were the easiest part.
Finally, I got everything on paper but there still was something missing.
Do you know the feeling? The LO turns out just the way you wanted, but it still “doesn’t feel well”. I made me a cup of tea, looked at it again and suddenly I knew… the edges – I had to do something with the edges!
I don’t have distress ink but instead I painted the edges just a bit with
brown watercolour paint, and that was it! Now it’s OK!
So here it is: Word Up #41 – Miracle
Detail of the flowers,
brown and green with
little buttons.
These colours fit well
to this LO and to my son,
not too sweet.
Detail of the chipboard.
See what that model-building-paint did?
The grey chipboard is shimmering through which gives just the right feeling – matching the pictures and background colours.
December 10th, 2008 at 9:15 pm
Great colors, Marit. Thanks for popping by my blog. I’m gonna go and check out those little books you mentioned. Can’t wait…
December 10th, 2008 at 9:37 pm
Me again. I just took a look at your mini books. They’re awesome! I really like the ones you made for others. I’ve been trying to figure out what to get or do for some of my friends and family for Christmas without having to spend too much money. I was gonna make some photo books online, but I think I might do a few of these (for those who would appreciate them). They’re just, I dunno, special. Thanks for the inspiration!
December 11th, 2008 at 5:12 am
I love the then and now pictures you added and the flowers are just a great addition, but I must say my fav part is the modelmaking paint on the chipboard… it looks so cool….
December 11th, 2008 at 9:36 am
Hi there everybody!
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, I LOVE it when I check this blog in the morning/evening and comments come rollin’ in – it always make me feel like a little kid in a candy-store!
But here’s what I wanted to say, the link Meka put (on top of her comments) is wrong! To view Meka’s blog: http://cutherepapercrafts.blogspot.com/
December 11th, 2008 at 6:00 pm
I LOVE it! Love the chipboard letters and the pictures are awesome…. a true miracle!
December 11th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
It’s wonderful, great subject, great pic and great colors!!! Good luck on the challenge!!!
December 12th, 2008 at 12:07 am
Thanks hun, you’re an ABSOLUTE DOLL!! I don’t know how long I’ve been using the wrong link, cause it gets automatically posted whenever I comment on different blogs. I had no idea I forgot the “g” in blogspot. To think, all those bloggers out there, and no one thought to give me a head’s up. I appreciate that.
December 12th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
love the subtle colours-and what a handsome young man!!
December 13th, 2008 at 2:13 am
Oh, this LO is awesome! Thanks for playing! 🙂
December 14th, 2008 at 1:53 am
Love how you have both the photos. This is wonderful!
December 18th, 2008 at 3:22 am
this is beautiful – the details are amazing!!! i have a little miracle baby too – i know just what you mean!! i’m so glad you played along with us!