Freewheelin’ Friday (#12)
I like this “writing a blog post on Friday” ritual (#12 already!) in which I
show you some random art, share my thoughts, show you things I did the
days before or just ramble a bit before the weekend starts.
Today it’s all about my own work.
Last week, the new prompt for A Year in the Life of an Art Journal came up.
The word is “Silence” and the extra technique to try is using inchies.
(“An Inchie is a 1″ square of art. Inchies are the eeny teeny evolution of the
popular artist trading card revolution.”)
I didn’t use the inchies in the traditional way though – making every little
inchie a small piece of art – but I cut a photo into 1×1 inch squares…
As I didn’t had a clue how to integrate the thread that was on this page
(from sewing on the former page last time) I glued my photo right over it
and by doing that I got rid of this problem.
I painted the squares at the top (the photo is a rectangle) with water colour
paint. The title is drawn with a silver gel pen.
I could tell you an awful lot about this word.
How I feel about it.
How I need silence in my life.
How I love to be alone in silence.
I don’t need people, music or noise around me all the time.
Me, myself and my thoughts are good friends since I was little and unlike
some other people I love to be alone.
My plan was to write this all on the page too, but before I could do that the
page talked to me saying: “Hey, you’re done! I’m finished! I don’t need more
words written all over me when you said it with this image already.”
The page had a point there.
I agreed with it.
And so it be.
Dad & me
The next layout is made for the prompt over at T.A.A.F.O.M.F.T. to scrap
about your favourite friend(s). The design team at t.a.a.f…. (couldn’t you
find a shorter name Julie?!) scrapped about their husbands, their friends
or their kids and I could have done that too but for me my very, very
VERY favourite friends are my parents!
And because I’m “daddy’s girl” I scrapped about him and me.
I had some difficulties working on a 12×12 piece again (it’s been a long time
since I did that!) and the first try failed miserably! The only part I liked was
the stamped alpha’s, so I tore that out and glued it onto this new (Prima
Marketing) paper. I stamped with bubble wrap plastic and several other
stamps (the date and quote). Some tags from my stash and a lot of doodling
completed this page.
(This layout took me quite some time to “get the hang of it” but I’m
beginning to come back in the flow of making 12×12 layouts again and
I’m working on a fun layout for the ScrapMojo challenge right now.
It’s going to be a page that will make you laugh and I will show it to you
after the weekend.)
I don’t have my own studio or scrap room to work in – I work in the living
room on our big dining table – and in the evening I store all my stuff upstairs.
This little book stays in the living room though, and it’s easy to grab my
marker and start zentangling. Because it’s all black, the yellow lamp lights
in the evening don’t bother me either – no “strange” colours to surprise me
in the morning – and I did quite some zentangling again last week!
The word “Zentangle” is in between the lines… it was “white” at first but I
didn’t like that much, so I filled it with lines too.
This page looks like a landscape and makes me think of Alice in Wonderland.
Maybe because the top “flowers” look like mushrooms?
Should I try a caterpillar next time or even zentangle an “Alice book”?
This is all I have to show you right now but if you go here you can drool some
more over the pages my students made in the workshop “Let it Loose”.
You won’t believe your own eyes when you look at the gorgeous art they all
come up with, it just keeps getting better every week!
If you want to “let it loose” too, the workshop will start again in May.
Another workshop, called “A Creative Art Journey” will also start then
and this workshop combines art history with art journaling.
It’s gonna be educational AND fun!!!
You can find all the information on my site.
It’s been a while since I visited my online friends and I will try to drop by all
of your blogs this weekend to leave you some love, so see you soon!
Have a nice weekend!
Je t’embrasse!
March 5th, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Really nice Silence page, and I love that you knew when enough was enough.
Awww, sweet page for dad. I like that you ripped out the alpha’s to use… that’s so no scrappy, much more journally. lol
Great zentangles too.
March 5th, 2010 at 3:53 pm
Very cool shares! Thanks for the inspo!
March 5th, 2010 at 3:55 pm
very cool layouts! SO unique and fresh looking! Have a wonderful weekend!
March 5th, 2010 at 5:36 pm
I so look forward to your Friday posts! Love your new pgs. they are fantastic..especially your pg. about you and your dad. really love that pg. Marit! Also I checked out the creations from your students…and wow I love to see peoples creative side really emerge and branch out! Great job! Beautiful work!
March 5th, 2010 at 8:07 pm
Oh My Gravy…look at all of this eye candy…I adore it!!! You are so talented and such an inspiration to others!!!
Wishing you a great day!!!
March 5th, 2010 at 10:16 pm
I so love your Silence page – I’ve played with some mosaics but never from such a large photo. this is truly beautiful! I am a fan of silence too! I’ve gone on weekend silent retreats and when Sunday afternoon comes and others are talking about how happy they are to be talking again – I wish I had more time for silence. Great dad page too!!
March 6th, 2010 at 12:18 am
Oh my! I wish I had made that!
March 6th, 2010 at 6:26 am
Always fun visiting you Ms Marit … where does the time go!
Your mosaic page is wonderful, so free too!
AND you know I adore your Zentangle pages!!!
Wishing you and yours a very lovely weekend!
Love your page with your Daddy too very much!
March 6th, 2010 at 11:09 am
Ohh I LOVE the Zentangles, very Alice in Wonderland!
I also love your take on the prompt ‘Silence’, you can sense the silence in the image that you have created.
March 6th, 2010 at 11:22 am
Je hebt weer hele mooie dingen gemaakt Marit, De lay-out met je vader is super. Daar ga je hoog mee scoren. Geweldig hoe je het woord zentangle verwerkt hebt op je kaartje. Je art journal pagina is heeeeel gaaf en je hebt gelijk er hoeft niets meer bij. Net als jij vind ik het helemaal niet erg om alleen te zijn. Het is iets wat ik af en toe nodig heb,alleen met mezelf en gedachten.
March 6th, 2010 at 3:15 pm
hehehehehehe….that’s why i always just say FAVE THINGS!!! LOL!! :):):):):):):):) U would be surprised on how many blog NAMES were all ready taken in regards to FAVORITE THINGS!!! LOL LOL LOL!!! Anywho!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your lo’s ….that inchie one is OUT of this WORLD and I love love love love the one of your Dad and U……those photos are touching and i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the doodles!!! U are SIMPLY THE BESTEST!!!! Thanks soooooooooooooooo much for playing along! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
March 6th, 2010 at 6:59 pm
je bent weer druk geweest marit! prachtig werk zoals altijd!!! de silence lo is erg mooi en straalt echt rust uit en de zentanglings zijn helemaal super, ook die op je ‘these are’lo!!!
ik wens je een fijn weekend
March 7th, 2010 at 9:09 am
Leuk om te zien welke oplossing je hebt bedacht voor de achterkant van je journal page! Je ziet niet meer van het naaiwerk dat er eerst zat 🙂
Je ‘dad en me’ LO is zo ontzettend gaaf geworden, leuk gedaan met alle foto`s en de doodling! Alles op deze LO past helemaal perfect bij elkaar, echt een topper.
Nog een fijne zondag, Viv
March 7th, 2010 at 10:06 am
Wow Marit! Wat een moois alweer! Je ‘Silence’ pagina…prachtig! Wil ik ook eens proberen! En je woorden en gedachten horen echt ook bij mij. Ik kan er echt van genieten en heb dit ook nodig.
De pagina met je vader is ontroerend. De foto’s spreken echt een verhaal!
En heb ik je al verteld dat ik weg ben van je ‘Let it Loose’ pagina uit de laatste les? WOW!
Fijne zondag, Angèle
March 7th, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Ik vind het altijd zooooo mooi wat je maakt!! Wat een geweldige LO’s, je silence is prachtig en je LO voor TAAF (inderdaad een erg lange naam) is super!!! Bedankt voor het meedoen!!!
Fijne dag nog vandaag, hier schijnt de zon maar het is wel erg koud!!!
March 7th, 2010 at 1:41 pm
It’s always such a joy to visit your blog and I look forward to your Fridays. Silence is very important to the creative process, and sometimes with the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s hard to find. I too need silence to let my senses rest and regenerate. Love your layout for TAAFOMFT – you don’t have to do 12 x 12’s but you created such a meaningful page filled with love – thanks for sharing it with us at TAAFOMFT. And then your zentangling – just love them and yes, the one does look very Alice-y (I am going to see the new Alice movie today!) I knit when I want to relax – I am knitting a “free-range” wrap right now – it’s a mixture of different stitches in olive greens and soft golds – so soothing. Have a super week and I am off to check out your students’ gallery.
March 7th, 2010 at 11:19 pm
Hi Marit,
thank you for visiting my blog, your work is really cool. I like your zintangles and journal-pages.
March 8th, 2010 at 2:21 am
Marit! I love the silence!!!! too. And I am a daddy’s girl too. What a beautiful lo of you and your Dad!!!!!!
March 8th, 2010 at 6:23 am
oh my my, miss talented lady. those are great. i love the the inches layout. cutting the photo into 1×1 pieces was a great idea. the photos of you and your dad are awesome. i love the layout. i love all the doodling. it made me smile when i read that your parents are your best friends.
i think im going to try the zentangling. your zentangling is really cool and inspiring. when i was i kid i used to do this. i just didn’t know it was a form of art with a name to it.
i hope you had a great weekend.
March 8th, 2010 at 9:13 am
Wow.Marit, je Silence journal page is zo mooi!Je hebt gelijk, heeft geen tekst meer nodig! Je LO is fantastisch Marit! geweldige doodling en de foto’s zijn prachtig! Ik vind je titel helemaal super! En die tags!..zo creatief weer! Zo leuk dat je hebt meegedaan met Fave Things! En je Zentangle is gewoon..WOW!
Ik zie ineens allemaal boekjes hierover…
Fijne maandag!
March 8th, 2010 at 9:35 am
Wow, Marit, wat ben je weer druk bezig geweest! Mooi allemaal maar vooral je zentangles vind ik helemaal geweldig!!! SUPER!
March 8th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
Hope you had a lovely weekend! Your zentangles are amazing, but I LOVE your “Silence” page. It speaks volumes. Hugs, Terri xoxo
March 8th, 2010 at 6:27 pm
Wow, both those pages are so lovely and so different! I love the silence page and how impactful it is!
I have never heard of zentangling before – that is really cool!
March 9th, 2010 at 8:55 am
Oh Marit. It has been so long since I visited blogs thought I would try and catch up a bit tonight and your post here takes my breath away. Such gorgeous important work. Everything is so beautifully made and it is obvious it all came from deep inside and there is no more beautiful thing to see.
I am way behind on all I’ve missed with you, but wanted to at least come by and thank you for your visits to me. It always means the world to me.
March 9th, 2010 at 5:21 pm
nice pages! Somehow these zentangles make me think of the celtic art style, intricate imagery, even though it looks quite different.
March 12th, 2010 at 4:43 pm
Marit, het was me weer een groot genoegen om je blog te bezoeken! Wat een prachtige dingen heb je weer gemaakt!! Zo bijzonder, zo ‘anders’, zo creatief, zo inspirerend, zo mooi!!
En die layout over je vader, zo ontroerend.. Ben helemaal weg van de middelste foto. Prachtig.
Dankjewel voor al het moois dat je ons laat zien en voor het meedoen met de challenge van dat blog met die vréselijke lange naam, haha!
Fijn weekend!!
March 28th, 2010 at 6:53 pm
Je “silence” page is prachtig … geweldig toch hoe je met één beeld, op een bepaalde manier weergegeven, een bepaald gevoel kan oproepen … dat op zich is een kunst, eentje die jij perfect beheerst!
De LO met je papa is zo mooi. Ik hou ervan dat je vooral persoonlijke dingen gebruikt hebt in je LO, zoals het doodlen en het bubble stampen, maar vooral die middenste foto pakte me echt, de liefde straalt ervan af.
xxxx Peggy