Walking the yellow brick road

Let’s start with the yellow brick road.

When I looked for a picture of it on the Internet this morning, I not only
found it on a blog – I also read the words accompanying this pic,
written by Vanessa Leigh:

“The yellow brick road,
the road to everywhere
and nowhere at the same
time…. …in my life, there
have been so many paths
that I have taken, ones
that have been yellow
brick roads to my goal,
my pursuit, my dream,
or so I thought at least.
Some of the yellow
brick that I have followed
have been dead ends…

But, every path was meaning, every brick in those roads was purposeful
and meaningful, and I needed to gain full trust in myself that I knew,
deep within, which way to go. I ALWAYS trust my soul now, no question.

Isn’t it special, that you go looking for a picture and than, unexpectedly,
you “meet” someone new who wrote words that speak to you immediately?!
Words that could have been written by yourself, that you wish you’d written?

This kind of things make my day, and it all started with a challenge
at ScrapMojo: “Use your fav quote from Wizard of Oz.
Anywhere anyhow on your creation. The second part of our challenge is
to use the color orange or yellow on the page.

“What would you do with a brain if you had one?

I love that quote!
And making a collage with this quote in mind was too funny!

Wanna know what’s funny too?
A lot of the students in my online workshop are totally into collage
and doodling since there were lessons about that, and I keep seeing
funny collages popping up in their galleries! LOVE IT!
I think it’s pretty special that I gave them the inspiration to explore this
techniques! It makes me proud!!!

Anyway, here’s a
close up of my
“brain head.”
It looks kinda
ugly but it is
in fact a delicacy
in red wine sauce”)
(for the Dutchies:
Parelhoen in rode
wijnsaus) I cut the
picture out of a
magazine and added
eyes and mouth.

And can you tell by
looking at her hair that
I’m zentangling lately?

I planned a lot of creative activity last weekend but all I did was
working on instruction video’s for my workshop and some housekeeping.
I have so many idea’s and projects in my mind but every time I want to
start working on it, something else comes up…
Oh well, that’s life. But maybe today?
It’s only 11 a.m. and the only thing left on my to do list for today
is some grocery shopping (and cook diner tonight) so I should be able
to catch some “me time” this afternoon.
On my wish list:

  • Make some more music ATC’s.
  • Create a funny collage with the guinea-fowl leg I cut out together
    with the “brain”.
  • Play with the stamped images Glenda sent me (thanks sweetie!)
  • Make another art journal page (in my miscellaneous or music journal?)
  • Search for the photo I have in mind for months now and finish the
    last page of my Leonard Cohen art journal.
  • Work on my new online workshop.
  • Zentangle another page in my little zentangle journal.

Aaahhh, the most difficult part will be choosing what to do…
And what are your plans for today?
Whatever it is, do it with heart and soul and enjoy life!

Je t’embrasse!

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18 Responses to “Walking the yellow brick road”

  • mborrero Says:

    cool imagery

    living, creating, and appreciating
    ~my blog

  • Chris Says:

    Your page is so eye-catching, so fun, and yet so thought-provoking. I really love your lettering style. have a great day!

  • vanessaleigh Says:

    Hey Marit:

    Thanks for the shout out, and thank you for visiting my blog!!! I always enjoy meeting up with like minded people, other souls on the same journey of sorts. I will be back, true that!

    Have an amazing day!!! Peace, Vanessa

  • Michelle Rydell Says:

    Oh WOW Marit – that is a COOL journal page! I love how her hair turns into the words!!!!

  • Hanneke Says:

    ik lees jou blog altijd zo graag, zoveel inspiratie en moois!!! Wat een geweldige LO ook weer!!!
    Hopelijk heb je kunnen doen vandaag wat je wilde!!!

  • Cynthia Says:

    Marit thanks for sharing this quote!!!!! Wonderful. And I love your lay-out. So fun! Made me giggle out loud. That is so cool how you inspiring so many of your students to try new things!!!!! I need to do some collage!!!!
    I hope no cleaning for you today and some creativity instead. Have a grand Tuesday!

  • jessica Says:

    very very cool Marit…i am in love with your handwriting!

  • Tania Says:

    Hello Marit! I love that write-up you found. It rings true with me as well. Also love your page. Her hair is so cool! And that quote must have been so fun to use!
    Take care

  • Yyam Says:

    I love how you wrote the quote! And the pieced image! How fun!

  • fauve Says:

    Beautiful,i love the text! Your art journal page is stunning as well, love the writing!

  • Danielle Says:

    wow. that quote is like I could have written it!
    The page is wonderful, and your workshop iss wonderful, and I am so happy I took your workshop. You have taught me so much Juf!!

    WOW. that is a big to do list!! I have the same amount of stuff to do, and I am sooooooo behind!!

  • Mirjamc Says:

    gave lo marit, super de haarlokken die in journaling overgaan!!! en heb je je wishlist nog afgewerkt? ik hoop dit weekend weer eens wat me-time te hebben om oa mijn journalboek af te kunnen maken!

  • Jenneke Says:

    Marit, what a STUNNING page!!! I adore your creativity!


  • Bethany Says:

    I love your writing! That is really awesome! Great job! I’ve heard your class is absolutely wonderful! Great job! 🙂

  • Viv Says:

    Wow, Marit!! Wat een gave LO heb je gemaakt. De manier waarop je de quote hebt geschreven vind ik prachtig.

    Een heel fijn weekend toegewenst, groetjes viv

  • Linda Says:

    Omgosh! I love this! I’ve been wanting to do more collage myself! Very very cool! And those words inspired me. I’m with you too, before my instincts have never let me down yet!

  • Peggy Says:

    Hoe kan het dat ik een bepaalde techniek zoooo geweldig vind, en dat ik toch zelf schrik heb om aan zoiets te beginnen??? Ik bewonder je creativiteit enorm!
    xxx Peggy