Freewheelin’ Friday (#14)
Remember the “to do list” at the end of my former post?
I didn’t do ONE thing from that…
Instead, I decided to focus on the ATC-bags and get them all done before
the weekend so that the sewing machine could be stored upstairs again.
For those
of you
who haven’t
seen the first
here it is…
I made this
little bag
last week to
store my
“to trade”
ATC cards.
I needed four of these in total, and here are the other ones…
This pouch holds ATC’s I make with music themes (I like making those little
pieces of art inspired by a song title or lyrics!)
The next one holds “miscellaneous” cards
And in this happy bag I store the ATC’s I get in return after trading.
I had not worked with fabric and thread in years and it was kinda fun to spend
time embroidering!!! But now it’s done for a while, I’m more of a paper girl
and after making four of these I like to go back to paper and glue!
(BTW, I like the “Music” pouch the best. What about you?)
I also finished the last pages in my zentangling album (there’s only one back
side left) and I haven’t decide yet if I will cut more pages to add to this album
or leave it the way it is and zentangle elsewhere, integrate it in my art journals
or on scrap layouts for example…
Anyway, this last double pages are “freakin’ zentangling”!!!
And from now on, I have to work on my new workshop “A Creative Art
Journal” This workshop is different from the “Let it Loose” class (not so
much about techniques) and I already have fun re-reading all my art history
books and decide which periods I will focus on.
Going through my books I came across such marvelous art styles and so
many amazing artists to get inspiration from… it’s going to be a fun workshop!
I promise I will publish sneak peeks soon!
I’m still puzzling over the “A Year in the Life of an Art Journal” prompt.
Because English isn’t my mother language I have a hard time finding a
word with “UN” that I like and can use on my page… I hope it will come to
me this weekend (maybe in a song I hear on the radio or in a movie – some
actor may just say the right word!)
Yesterday, the weather in the Netherlands changed into what you might call
“Spring weather”. The sun was shining and my winter coat was too warm to
wear! I had to search for my summer coat – YAY!
Today is also a nice, sunny day but the forecast says that temperatures are
going to drop in the next days and rain is on it’s way… but at least we got
a promising glimpse of what can be expected in the near future….
The blackbirds began to renovate their nest already.
We have those birds nesting in our back garden every year (I like to think
it’s the same couple) and when they come back to the nest in early Spring,
they remodel it before the wife lays her eggs. And then she sits on the eggs
for a few weeks – right next to our back window – while I keep an eye on the
neighbour’s cat. When the little birdies are out of the eggs and ready to fly,
they get flying lessons from pa and ma right in front of our noses.
They sit on our pergola and take off!
I do hope the blackbird couple manages to hatch out their eggs and raise
their kiddos in our back garden again this year… I’ll keep you informed.
It’s late in the afternoon – I was late writing this Friday post – and I’m off
to pour me a glass of white wine and start my weekend.
Hope you all have a nice weekend too!
Je t’embrasse!
March 19th, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Je ATC-tasjes zijn allemaal even leuk!
Fijn weekend Marit!
March 19th, 2010 at 5:59 pm
Wow! I love the Zentangle! You have inspired me to start a zentangle journal too. Oh and I’m also having problems with the ‘Un’ prompt on ‘A Year in the Life of an Art Journal’ too. I’m hoping to get some inspiration soon.
March 19th, 2010 at 8:37 pm
Wow, de ATC-tasjes zijn allemaal ZOOOOO mooi!
March 19th, 2010 at 9:43 pm
I like your baggies, I have some of those mirrorthingies, thanks for an idea on how to use them!
maybe you could find a dictionary and look up the page with ‘un’?
March 19th, 2010 at 10:07 pm
Yes Thinkie, of course I looked in the dictionary… but that isn’t very useful ’cause there are soooooo many words you can put “un” with… I just need to bump into the “right word”, the word that clicks and gives me inspiration right away… but it will happen when the time is right, I’m sure!
March 19th, 2010 at 10:28 pm
wow marit, de atc-tasje en de zentangling zijn prachtig!!!
ik heb ook genoten van de twee mooie en zonnige lentedagen…ik hoop dat er snel nog meer van die dagen komen!!! fijn weekend!
March 19th, 2010 at 11:44 pm
Ik vind ze allemaal even mooi.Je zentangling pagina is ook weer super.Ik ga het morgen ook PROBEREN op een ATC kaartje, klein beginnen ha,ha. In een eerdere post las ik dat je graag meer copics wilde hebben. Op het blog van artspecially is er een set te winnen.Een fijn weekend.
March 20th, 2010 at 5:13 am
Did you try “unwritten” or uncomfortable, unbalanced, Oooh what about untapped like untapped potential. Let me know if you need help with that. I haven’t done a single page from that journal yet.
March 20th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
Your next class sounds wonderful! And your zentangling is great! I can’t believe you don’t like sewing because your ATC bags are really cute! π Have a great day!
March 20th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
LEUK!!! je atc tasjes.
You are great with paper AND fabric π
March 20th, 2010 at 10:11 pm
the atc bags are fab! Marit. I like the music one best too. Kind of crazy about that color scheme as of present. But they all are delightful! I am really getting excited to get the sneak peeks of the upcoming class.
Do have a wonderful weekend and enjoy spring fist comings. It sounds like we might be on the same latitude line π
March 21st, 2010 at 2:48 am
Oh, I love your ATC bags! What an ingenious way to store your ATCs!
Have a fabulous weekend! π
March 21st, 2010 at 12:11 pm
Ha Marit, de ATC tasjes zijn echt helemaal geweldig! De music bag vind ik ook erg leuk maar mijn favoriet is nog altijd het eerste tasje (komt vast door het kleurgebruik π
Nog een fijne zondag, groetjes viv
March 21st, 2010 at 4:39 pm
I like your ‘rebel’ creative soul dear Marit … making a list and then doing what you want to do in the end! You GO Girl!!!
Love your ATC pouch, it’s wonderful!
Brightest of Spring Blessings to you and yours!
March 21st, 2010 at 4:40 pm
OMGoodness there was SO much more to see and read in your post….I just woke up π
Wonderful bagS and that Zentangle is WOW WOW WOW
March 23rd, 2010 at 4:13 am
Those little ATC pouches are adorable Marit!!! And you have also just reminded me I need to work on my “un” page and I am totally “un”prepared as to what word I’m going to pick! haha Oh and by the way, Coors Light is a beer! hehe
March 23rd, 2010 at 4:39 am
Hello Marit, LOVE those ATC holders! They are so cool. I like to work once in a while with fabric but am much more of a paper girl myself as well. Thanks for the wonderful comment you left on LP. π
March 23rd, 2010 at 1:10 pm
Your atc holders are so clever – what a great way to file them. I admit mine are a bit of a mess stored in a photo box. and you zentangling just amazes me – it is so fascinating to follow a thread on its weaving way. Your new class sounds very inspiring – I have done layouts/pages inspired by Rothko, Klimt, van Gogh, Picasso, and some others – colors, design elements – I know your class will be fantastic. Have a great week!
March 28th, 2010 at 8:32 pm
Wow..Marit, wat een prachtige ATC tasjes!Wow..jij bent ook erg creatief zeg!Je Zentangle page is weer supergaaf!Ik ben ook helemaal verslaafd!Bedankt π
En je nieuwe art journal workshop klinkt super!Ik doe zeker mee, ik moet nog inbinden en dan heb ik mijn Let it loose album af!Dat doe ik morgen in elk geval want ik wil die deadline wel halen π