Soar (and more…)
Ha! Good morning!
I hope you all had a lovely Easter, and are ready to roll again…
The last days were all about “play time” and I started with this:
The prompt for “A Year in the
Life of an Art Journal” is “Soar.”
I thought about it for a while,
turning that word over and
over in my head, tasting it
in my mouth and suddenly
I came to think about that
golden wing I embroidered for
a school assignment back
in 1981.
I kept it all that time,
and now it was the time to use it!
I didn’t even had to look for it,
I knew where I put it (HA!
I’m organized after all!) and
when I saw the embroidery after
all these years I wasn’t
disappointed. It looked as
beautiful as I remembered.
I got the golden wing, I had an old photo of me sitting on a horse
and the idea went from there…
Journaling: “Soar on the breeze into the sun”
Let me tell you how I “build it up”: First, I looked for a quote or song lyric
with the word “soar” and found this sentence as a part of a song text from
Cosmic Fusion (is that a band? Never heard of them!)
I started with blue acrylic paint – and because I work on aquarelle paper
I used a lot of water with the paint and I created a bit of a transparant “sky”.
I glued a picture of “reaching hands” on it but that was too much if I wanted
to go along with the horse idea… so I smeared gesso over it (but you still
can see it shimmer through on the left side of the page)
I sprayed a little bit of yellow spray ink and golden glimmer mist on the
page to create “sunlight”. I cut out the silhouette of the horse (I used the inside
to spay the horse instead of using the shape to spray around.) and added
the photo. After that, I glued some torn pieces of paper and (sprayed) tissue
paper and I finished the page by adding the wing. With the white journaling
I created a second wing which I outlined with golden stickles.
I save Sundays for “whatever I like to do”. I play for fun or find me a
challenge I’d like to work with. Now that Scrapping the Music changed
the challenge day from Sunday to Wednesday I have the opportunity to
play along more often. The way it has been, people who scrapped on
Sundays got left out because that was the one day each week that there
was no STM challenge to scrap.
Now that I have until Tuesday night to complete the challenge I might
get hooked on “Scrapping the music on Sunday”…
Anyway, here’s the page I made for challenge #128:
Fireflies – Owl City
Ever since I saw something like this over at Seths blog in October, I’ve been
wanting to make a similar page, using threads.
I put a layer of gesso onto
the page and added threads.
The effect was amazing!
I hardly dared to put
anything else to it and I
screw it up the first time
adding to much paper
over the threads.
I had to gesso the whole
page again and place
more threads…
which left me with even
more layers and texture!
Ooooh, happy mistakes!!!
The journaling is a sentence
from the songtext and I used
some distress ink on the
edges. A bit of yellow acrylic
paint finished it off.
Last year, I won
the December
challenge at
Supplies R Us
It was the first
challenge from
“The Sampler”
and I was curious
to see the prize:
Their first Sampler
Kit Club! It took
Holly forever to
send it: something
went wrong with the
mail; but FINALLY
I got my prize last
And I totally forgot
to show you these
beauties… oops!
I already unpacked
it! I got these clear
stamps from my
friend Lena. Just
because she had
so much fun in my
workshop “Let it
Just because she
thought I’d like
them. Just because
I’m her best friend.
Aaaah, she sure is the best friend I ever had! Thanks so much sweetie!!!
And thanks to you too, all my blog readers, for faithfully visiting me.
For reading my ramblings, looking at my work and giving nice comments,
I sure appreciate it!!! LOVE YOU ALL and I wish you days filled with
sunshine and laughter!
Je t’embrasse!
April 6th, 2010 at 12:52 pm
Wat ben jij toch supercreatief!!! Geweldig die “soar” creatie!!! Ik ben helemaal onder de indruk. Wat een geluk dat je die gouden vleugel bewaard had!!! Hoop dat je nog een fijne (zonnige) week hebt!
April 6th, 2010 at 2:39 pm
I really love your Soar page and appreciate your explanation. I left you some love over at SIS for it and for the STM layout – I am so glad you explained the gesso/string thing – I was trying to figure out how you did it. Glad you finally received your prize and I love those stamps – so much potential! Have a great week – I always enjoy visiting your blog!
April 6th, 2010 at 3:34 pm
your work is just beautiful 🙂
April 6th, 2010 at 3:47 pm
Hello Marit!!!!!!! I love soar!!!!!!! what a sweet picture and pure sweet marit magic 🙂 Good to know I am not alone in the world about keeping things from ages ago to use sometime 🙂 Love it. And speaking of love. I adore the fireflies lyric used. Owl city is from my state here in the US. And love how he created pretty much this whole album in his home!!!!!!
April 6th, 2010 at 5:46 pm
Thanks for sharing the how-to of your work.
I used to use threads and other bit in my artwork back at university. I LOVE how your page turned out, so I’m going to have to try it. I have so much odds and ends of thread, might as well put them to good use.
Thanks for the inspiration!
April 6th, 2010 at 6:42 pm
oooh Marit! must.try.gesso.and.string! awesome! thanks for sharing!!!
I love that owl city song. they were just here in SF playing last nite…
happy day!
April 6th, 2010 at 7:56 pm
Love your wing, and your string page! Great prize too!! (better late than never, right?) and Lena is a great BFF to you!!
enjoy your goodies!
April 6th, 2010 at 8:32 pm
How beautiful. I never do this stuff cause it seems so overwhelming. You make it sounds very doable. TFS
April 6th, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Wat is je “soar” creatie prachtig!!! Helemaal geweldig en die voor STM is ook al zo mooi!! Fijn hoor dat ze nu op woendsdag van challenge wisselen, nu kan ik ook vaker meedoen!! Zo te horen heb je heerlijke paasdagen gehad, wel jammer dat het niet het weer van vadaag was!!!
April 6th, 2010 at 9:04 pm
Wow Marit…wat een prachtige dingen heb je weer gemaakt afgelopen dagen!!!
Leuk om te lezen dat je na 28 jaar de vleugel hebt gebruikt op je pagina, jij bewaart echt alles he 😉
Groetjes Viv
April 6th, 2010 at 9:38 pm
Wow..Marit…allemachtig, wat een gave art journal page met “Soar”, echt ART!! Wat gaaf hoe je page hebt gemaakt, en die vleugel is zo mooi, wat extra mooi dat je die ooit zelf hebt gemaakt! Echt een prachtige page!
En dan je page voor STM.. wow, gaaf met al die draadjes! En die journaling er tussen!
Wat lief van Lena en wat een mooie prijs!!
Fijne dag!
April 6th, 2010 at 10:51 pm
mooie pagina’s!
April 6th, 2010 at 11:29 pm
So special to still have the perfect golden wing for your page AND something you created a while ago too! You inspire me art sista!
April 7th, 2010 at 2:41 am
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee both of these Marit!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee U on the pegasus and love love love love love all the threads on your STM page!! WOW WOW WOW!! Thanks sooooooooooooooo much for playing along with us! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
April 7th, 2010 at 3:40 am
Fireflies!!!! love it. When it comes on, it makes me smile. I can’t help but sing.
April 7th, 2010 at 4:29 am
Oh my Marit! I love your Soar piece!…those wings are beautiful! Your artwork always has such amazing texture! So glad you can now play along with the STM challenges! Your style is certainly one of a kind! 🙂
April 7th, 2010 at 3:41 pm
wat een mooi werk weer marit…vooral je ‘soar’art journal vind ik prachtig en erg leuk dat je het zelf gemaakte vleugeltje uit 1981 nu hebt kunnen gebruiken…. wie wat bewaard, heeft wat 🙂
April 8th, 2010 at 9:46 pm
Oh My Marit …. absolutely GORGEOUS. I really LOVE your work, it’s always fabulous.
And I love the song Fireflies. 🙂 🙂
April 9th, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Oh your work is just stunning!!! I have been here just going over every detail!!!! I adore that song Fireflies!!!!
Thank you for the wonderful comments that you leave for me…they mean sooooo much and I so wish we were closer and you could come over and help with these closets….we could be done in no time and then have fabby friend time!!
I just adore you!! Have a wonderful day!!!
April 16th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
I am always amazed when I come to read you…
I have been trying to get up to date but there is always something that seems to interfere with my time in the computer…but I m trying to make special *marit* time.
You are a huge inspiration.I’m so, so glad Annemarie directed me to your blog.
and when I grow up, I wanna be like you 🙂