I’m going to be unfriendly…
… in 10 days!!!!
Don’t be afraid, I won’t let you all down but I decided to quit facebook
on May 31! You probably know I’m on it for about a month now, because
my “A Year in the Life of an Art Journal” group moved from ning to facebook,
but the facebook-group doesn’t really add something new…
I post my AYITLOAAJ-pages already in a Flickr album and on my blog and
I noticed the facebook-group does not really add anything to that.
So why stay there?
Why stay on facebook anyway (something I was never planning to do
in the first place.)
And then I read THIS last week, and I saw a documentary about it
on television, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back…
So if you are my “friend” on facebook I will “unfriend” you…
If you want to speak to me you’ll have to come to my blog or e-mail
and I’m sure if you call yourself my friend you will STAY my friend!
On to some creativeness now…
You know I LOVE to make ATC’s!!!
This one is for
Wednesday stamper.
The challenge was
to use orange.
I painted a desert
landscape with a
sunset, to stamp
my cowgirl on.
It’s the ultimate
cliché image,
but I love it!
“I’m a poor
lonesome cowgirl,
and a long
way from home”
This ATC combines
two challenges!
Crazy Amigo provides
a freebie on their blog
to work with (the picture
of the lady with the book)
and the challenge at
My fave things was
“My fave book”.
(Nooo, the Bourne Identity
is not my fave book,
I just thought it was a
funny line to go with
this picture!)
I did read the Ludlum books
though… I used to read a lot!
And my favorite book?
I really couldn’t say… my bookcase is filled with favorites!!!
See the big dining table in front of the window?
See the light coming in?
I’m so glad the sun sets much later this time of year ’cause it means
that I can create here in the evenings!!
I used those extra hours to play along with Scrapping the Music
I grabbed my “Music Art Journal” (remember that?) and had a blast!
How could I not?
It was a song by one of my favorite bands: The Dixie Chicks.
Such a happy song!
Some days, you gotta dance!
The background paper is basic grey, as is the torn piece at the bottom.
I wrote the title with a black sharpie and red copic marker on yellow
cardstock and the rhinestones are from my stash (several brands)
The photo is a stockphoto… but it could have been me in that picture!
In the Summer I wear similar skirts and I always walk barefoot!
The little
doesn’t show
very well
on the big
so here’s
a detail
taken from
an angle.
See them
shine in the
early sunlight!
makes me
wanna dance!!!
Do you know what “sleeveface” is???
Check it out here!
It’s FUN, and my son and I are going to try this ourselves!
As you can see on the photo from my bookcase, the bottom shelves
are filled with old record sleeves. No doubt there must be some funny and
gorgeous images to use on there!
If you ever made sleeveface photo’s yourself, please leave me a link.
I would LOVE to see them!
The sun is shining and the temperature’s rising today!
I have some more work to do, but I might catch some sunlight on my face
in the late afternoon… it’s about time I get some colour on my legs too.
Hope your weekend will be beautiful!
I wish you sunny days!
Je t’embrasse!
May 21st, 2010 at 1:04 pm
Hihi, nou ik ben nog nooit op Facebook geweest, daar heb ik me nog tegen kunnen weren!
Je ATC’s an Music Journal zijn echt goed geworden! Die sleevefaces zijn ook nieuw voor mij, maar wel hartstikke leuk om te zien!
Ik wens je een zonnig weekend – Irma
May 21st, 2010 at 1:05 pm
Love those atc’s especially the second one, gorgeous!! To bad you are leaving facebook but if you’re not satisfied you are right to leave!!
Those sleevepics are great, never seen that before!!
Fijn weekend, heerlijk weer inderdaad!!
May 21st, 2010 at 2:04 pm
Good for you for leaving facebook – I don’t like it either!!!
But I LOVE your Scrapping the Music page – yeayyyy! Those dancing girls are fantastic and I love the blingies you added! And your Fave Things ATC is awesome too – not to mention your bookcases – COOL! What a fun-filled post this is!
May 21st, 2010 at 2:04 pm
Marit!!! U sooooooooooooooo AMAZE me!! i love love love love those ATC’s and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your dancers on your STM creation!!! Sooooooooo full of color and detail!! WOW WOW WOW!! And I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo gonna have to try that sleeveface!!! :):):):) Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooo much for playing along with FAVE THINGS and Scrapping the Music! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
May 21st, 2010 at 2:43 pm
Leuke ATC’s heb je gemaakt vooral die voor Crazy amigos, leuke link die kende ik nog niet ! Net als sleevefaces,erg leuk maar mij totaal onbekend. Dat is één van de leuke dingen van je blog je hebt steeds wat nieuws!! Fijn weekend!!!!! O,ja ik ben nog nooit op facebook geweest en ik denk niet dat ik wat gemist heb…
May 21st, 2010 at 3:01 pm
Prachtige ATC’s Marit! Nog steeds ben ik er niet toe gekomen om er eens eentje te maken! Met een sleeveface lijkt me ook wel geinig! Ik wist niet wat het was…leuk, leuk, leuk! Ook eens proberen!
Heb jij eigenlijk een speciaal daglicht-burolampje? s’ Winters en s’avonds kan ik me daar heel goed mee helpen! En ze zijn zuinig; zeven of negen watt.
Heb een fijn pinksterweekend, liefs, Angèle
May 21st, 2010 at 3:30 pm
Wat Facebook betreft: ik ‘zit’ erop maar doe er helemaal niks mee! Heb genoeg aan email en blogs, dus ben het helemaal met je eens dat je er weg gaat!
Ge-wel-dig werk heb je weer afgeleverd! Die atc zijn prachtig en je pagina voor STM is één van mijn favorieten van jou tot nu toe! Die kleuren, helemaal super!!
Ben heel benieuwd naar jouw versie van de sleeve-faces. Wordt vast weer mooi, net als alles wat je maakt!!
Fijn pinksterweekend, Marit!! Ex-vriendin, hihi..
May 21st, 2010 at 4:59 pm
I always love to see your creations and will follow you here on your blog. I am on Facebook but rarely use it – for me, it’s a way to keep up with relatives and friends that I don’t often get to see. You always do such great music oriented pages/layouts/atcs, and the Dixie Chicks one is perfect. I love your library wall – I too love to read! thanks so much for playing along with us at TAAFOMFT. Love your atc!
May 21st, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I’ll admit, I’m a facebook addict, I can’t see quitting as I love keeping up with old friends and new there. I’m not really worried about my personal info; I’ve never put credit card info there (I play farmville but only with the credit I earn) and I keep things like my birthdate and address off. It’s my homepage so I go there everyday and see what’s going on with friends all over!
LOVE the ATC and your STM page. Will get to your class projects SOON, hopefully this weekend! Have a good one.
May 21st, 2010 at 11:05 pm
Great artwork
May 22nd, 2010 at 1:03 am
Love your horse breakin, heart breakin cowgirl card Marit. SO happy you joined in the WS fun!
Your dance creation is also fabulous and really speaks to me … you have captured true movement/dance and that paper at the bottom is fab! reminds me of Klimt + Yeah Dixie Chicks! we have so much in common AND I always learn things when I visit you!
The sleeve photos are brilliant … if only I hadn’t talked Mr Magpie into getting rid of lots of his LPs 🙁 we just didn’t have a good way to store them and they were starting to warp.
Enjoy Enjoy your weekend … oh and you make me glad I never signed up for Facebook, I just couldn’t do it
May 22nd, 2010 at 1:03 am
Don’t worry about Facebook. There is no real purpose for it truly. I know how to hear what’s going on in your life. You were never a FB person anyway (I remember you saying) and it leaves you more time for being creative. See you around the blog.
May 23rd, 2010 at 3:44 am
Marit!! Thank you so much for the love you left on my blog! I am so excited to be a part of the ‘Scrapbooking from the Inside Out’ team! I cant wait to get started and get to know you ladies better!
May 23rd, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Thank you SO MUCH for your congrats on SFTIO!!! I’m very excited to get the opportunity to be on the design team. I love the headline on this blog, by the way…it CRACKS me up!!
May 23rd, 2010 at 10:40 pm
I didn’t even know you were on Facebook! I love Facebook and couldn’t give it up… right now, anyway. I have reconnected with so many people. Many of them…. only use Facebook… they don’t too much with any other social networking sites, so it would be very difficult to keep in touch. I respect your decision, though, and will continue to follow and read your blog! 🙂 Take care. XOXOXOXO
May 24th, 2010 at 4:37 am
Ahh…I can’t join you on Quit Facebook day because I’m not on it! *LOL* But it seems like it would be fun to partake!
As always, I love your creative projects…they’re always different but somehow incorporate something inherently Marit! 🙂
May 24th, 2010 at 10:16 am
great atcs, my fave is the first, but love the humour in the 2nd. great to peek into your home (i do a through the keyhole on my mama blog http://holisticmum.blogspot.com/ about bookshelves!)
don’t blame you for leaving FB. considering their way of functioning, i would normally crusade against them, but all my friends are on there and it’s been a great way to stay in contact with casual friends. i just wish fb would get their act together.
May 24th, 2010 at 6:51 pm
Wat een heerlijke ruimte heb je in je woonkamer om creatief te zijn…en dat ben je zeker geweest!
Wat een moois heb je weer op je blog geplaatst om met ons te delen 🙂
Groetjes Viv
May 24th, 2010 at 7:25 pm
wow love your ATCs…great work. Your journal page is really stunning, simply gorgeous
May 26th, 2010 at 3:37 pm
Wow Marit, Je ATC’s zijn super!! En je art journal voor STM is gewoon echt prachtig, al die kleuren en bling en die tekst op dat cardstock is heel mooi! Ik vind het liedje ook gaaf!
En ik heb even gekekn op sleeveface…ge-wel-dig!! Prachtige foto’s! Ben erg benieuwd naar jouw foto’s! Super mooie boekenkast!!
May 26th, 2010 at 4:07 pm
Ah no worries about the facebook defriending 🙂 I’ll still find ya here. Facebook annoys me most of the time. I just have so many friends that use it and that is how I keep in contact with them. If they were not on there. I would have nothing to do with it 🙂
Oh Marit I love your dining room with the wall bookcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely lovely Lovely.
May 26th, 2010 at 8:15 pm
I don’t spend any time at all on Facebook. The only good it has done for me is to share photos and keep up with other adoptive families and family…but who can keep up with everyone really!
I love your page you did for Scrapping the Music!!! The way you work paper and pens amazes me!!! Thanks so much for playing!!!