Freewheelin’ Friday (#24)
Hello, hello… Friday is here again and so am I.
I don’t feel like writing a long post today, so let’s get straight on
to my latest layouts…
Here’s the page I made for AYITLOAAJ.
Remember the sneak peek from last post?
I added just a little bit more – not too much though, and now it’s finished.
This time, the word to work with was “Tangled”
I used double-sided tape as a base on the (plain) page.
First, I stuck the strings to it. After that, I added the Kraft paper and tore
it off again which gave a nice effect.
Then I placed some pieces from a dictionary page.
(and that was the moment I didn’t quite know what to do next, so I took
a picture for a sneak peek)
Next day, I added some more double-sided tape and repeated the former
with white blotting paper. That was just what the page needed!
I accentuated the word “tangled” with a red marker and that was it!
I also took a photo from an angle…
Look at the dimension on the page!!! Isn’t it marvelous to create this effect
with just double-side tape and a piece of binding string?!
Another detail.
I just can’t get enough of it…
I’m still in oooh and aaah over the texture!
Next are the pages from my weekly art journal (for this week)
This is to show how I work during the week: I start on Monday or Tuesday
by making the background. I don’t know what the week will bring yet,
so I keep it simple. I DO know there are 7 days in a week and this time
I wanted space for every day to write something… so I left room for that.
I coloured these pages with water colour crayons and paint.
I choose from emotion – I have a choice to use patterned paper, or spray ink,
or old book pages or, or… just anything I like or can think of.
This time, the background with the squares is inspired by the art journal
pages Eric makes.
I collect items/images during the week to add to my pages (depending on what
happens in that week). Sometimes I glue it onto the page right away, or write
one or two days journaling, but other times I just collect things. I always make
sure that I leave room for “unexpected things” which is a good thing to do,
especially this week because my parents unexpectedly came to visit us on
Wednesday. The space on the bottom left is perfect to add some photos now!
I finish the pages over the weekend. Play with it a little on Saturday, and finish
it on Sunday (or Monday). And after that, the process starts all over again with
new pages…. I totally love this way of freewheeling in my “play journal”.
Today, Nout has his last exams. Geography and English.
Up ’till now, all the tests went very well and I hope this ones will too.
And so this afternoon, he will be finished…
High School days are over!
Summer holiday!!!
And so I call it a day now.
I’m taking the rest of the day off… and be a proud mom!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Je t’embrasse!
May 28th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Such fun stuff – i love all the texture!
May 28th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Looks like a fun page to make!
May 28th, 2010 at 5:32 pm
oops I realize I just sent my little blessing for Nout to you here instead of your email addie Marit π
Love the texture you have going on, you always inspire me!
May 28th, 2010 at 6:53 pm
Awesome work Marit! I LOVE all the texture on the Tangled page! And THANK YOU so much for outlining your process for your weekly journal pages! I love seeing how you work!
May 28th, 2010 at 9:38 pm
Marit, wat een GEWELDIGE pagina voor AYenz.!!! Hoe kom je er op?? Helemaal SUPER!!!
En goed idee om je art journal pagina’s zo op te bouwen! Ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
Fijn dat het er op zit voor je zoon! Nu duimen en afwachten.. Weet hij al wat hij hierna wil gaan doen? (Of heb je dat al verteld en heb ik dat gemist..??)
Geniet van het ‘trotse-moeder-gevoel’!
Fijn weekend.
May 29th, 2010 at 3:03 am
Oh, I’m in love with those backgrounds! I’m totally inspired to get started on some copycats! π
May 29th, 2010 at 8:21 am
very nice! i thought it was white paint, but the 2nd view shows it cleaer… ooh, not entirely sure what blotting paper is, doubt i could get it here, but i like it. turned out great.
i’ve been meaning to get around doing diary spreads similar to what you have here. i tried a calendar version and then went kuputz. much too rigid for me.
May 29th, 2010 at 11:02 am
hi Marit, I love your page with the string – I haven’t seen blotting paper for years, wonder if I can get it still?
May 29th, 2010 at 1:21 pm
What an incredible page – your textured layer technique is just brilliant – I don’t know what blotting paper is but I am definitely going to try this idea with the tape, kraft, book pages, and something – maybe tissue paper? good luck to your son! I always save your blog for last to read because I know I will find something inspiring in it, and today that is definitely the case. thanks so much for sharing your ideas and have a super weekend!
May 29th, 2010 at 10:50 pm
wat een gave lo marit!!!super met het kraft papier en het kleine stukje rood, knalt echt van je pagina af!!!
geniet van je weekend!!!
May 30th, 2010 at 1:35 pm
Ik sta ook helemaal versteld van de struktuur die je bij deze zijde hebt bereikt. Hartstikke mooi! Dankjewel, dat je een puntje van de sluier oplicht en laat zien hoe je je weekly begint…
Nog een hele kreative zondag! – Irma
May 30th, 2010 at 7:20 pm
I love that tangled page and want to touch it!!! I’m also looking forward to seeing your weekly pages, what a neat idea! I find that between working full time and life there is never enough time for all the art I want to do. Sigh.
May 31st, 2010 at 7:27 am
I love that “tangled” look! I’m gonna have to try that! I have totally slacked off on my art journal!
May 31st, 2010 at 6:41 pm
wow, Marit wat een gave pagina voor a year in the life…zoveel textuur en het ziet er echt stoer uit!