Cold week – sunny pages!

If you were my friend on facebook – I deleted my account yesterday (May 31)
so you won’t find me overthere anymore. I don’t trust facebook for one bit
after all the things I read and heard about it – they use your data and sell it
to other companies – I’m keen and careful when it comes to my privacy
and so it feels good that I deleted my account! (for you who didn’t read
my post about it, it’s here)


Today it’s JUNE – that sounds like Summer and we haven’t even had a proper
Spring season yet… Aaargghh! I can hardly call the three or four nice weather
days we had last Month “Spring”, last week was cold and grey and rainy and
right now it’s foggy outside and they predict rain in the afternoon…
I hope the weather forecast is right by saying that the temperatures will rise
at the end of the week…


Although (or maybe because) the weather wasn’t nice, I made a sunny page
in my weekly art journal.

As you can see, I blurred the journaling.
I was thinking about this before… what kind of journal do I want this to be?
How private is it? What do I write in it? And I also came across a “problem”
that some of you will recognize: “scrapbooking things” that happen during
the week but that you can’t share on the Internet yet because it has to stay
secret a little longer…

So I decided from now on to blur the bulk journaling, so I can write down all
the “secret things” that happen during the week without me having to worry
about you reading it or figuring it out!

Yesssss, exciting things DID happen last week and NOOOO, I can’t share it yet.
Patience, my dear readers – patience!


I got an old
week planner
from my mom
a few Months
ago and it shows
beautiful images!

I love those
ladies and cut one
out to use in my
week journal.

While having all
my paper & stuff
on the table,
I made a card
for my mom too.


After weeks of “holding back” and giving hints (I think she didn’t sleep at all
last week, did you sweetie? πŸ˜‰ ) Julie finally revealed her BIG NEWS on
These are a Few of my Favorite Things.

If I were you, I’d click on this link and hop over there… there’s a BIG challenge
with HUGE prizes going on also! There will be 27 (yes, you read that right, 27!)
winners for the next challenge. I sure hope to find time to play myself and
celebrate along with the fave girls!


Nout finished all the exams! The grades will be announced June 17 but
he definitely passed all the exams, no worries here. I’m a proud momma!!!
And maybe you know, or maybe you don’t (keep reading then!) but…

..I am gathering advice and wisdom from all over the world –
to add in a mini album I’m creating for my son to give to him
as he graduates high school Γ‘nd turns 18.
What would you say to him? What advice would you give to
a young adult, stepping into a new life phase?
All quotes, suggestions, advice, poems and so on are welcome!
Read more about it here.

I already received e-mails with advice and quotes and some ladies
are creating (real life and digi) pages to put in the book! Awesome!!!
Thanks soooo much Lena, Yvonne (Yyan) and Helen!!!
There’s still time to send good advice or wishes…


I just see a little bit of sunlight peeping through the window, YEAY!
I hope this week will bring more of that – and I wish you a sunny and
beautiful week too!

Je t’embrasse!

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12 Responses to “Cold week – sunny pages!”

  • Michelle Rydell Says:

    I love your latest weekly journal page Marit! The gypsy lady is fabulous and the way you painted the background is just awesome! I hope you get time to play along with us at Fave Things!!!

  • Hanneke Says:

    O ik hoop zo dat het weer beter wordt dit weekend, ik wordt er zo down van!!!
    Wat een geweldige pagina weer die Mexicaanse diva’s zijn wel erg gaaf!! En gelukkig zijn de examens weer achter de rug, goed hoor dat hij het zo goed heeft gedaan, inderdaad iets om trots op te zijn!!!
    Enne ik hoop dat je tijd hebt om mee the doen met ons!!!

  • Lara Carson Says:

    That is interesting about FB…I will have to do some searching…I seriously htink it is one more reason to scrap more and surf less!

  • Thinkie Says:

    leuke pagina!

  • Viv Says:

    Wat een geweldige pagina heb je gemaakt in je journal, ben er helemaal weg van!
    En sommige dingen moet je inderdaad privΓ© houden, wel jammer dat ik niet meer kan meelezen πŸ˜‰

    Fijne week, het weer is al beter! Viv

  • Danielle Says:

    I’m glad you deleted your facebook page. I don’t trust it either. I haven’t had one at all, so we can be the only 2 who don’t facebook!!

    Fabulous work again!!

  • Irma Says:

    Echt, je weekly journal fascineert me! Weer heel goed geworden! Wij hebben vandaag een feestdag en ik rij zo lekker met mijn mammie naar Nederland een dagje shoppen, de zon schijnt, dus het kan niet meer stuk. Ook jij een hele zonnige dag!
    Groetjes – Irma

  • dani Says:

    I think on the flipside, facebook can be used for a lot of good/fun things as far as connecting families and friends it has been so great for that. At the same time, I’m not unwise to the facts about privacy and information, so I’m just very careful about what is on my page – and what my settings are! It makes me a wee bit nervous but so far, I’m ok with it. I think you just have to do what makes you comfortable!! It’s so much better to be wise to everything you do online than not at all, so kudos!

    I have to say – I LOVE LOVE LOVE that journal page – and the card! The ladies on them and the design/colors are so fab! great work on those… just beautiful.

  • Lena Says:

    Hoi meis, ik wil even zeggen dat ik die plaatjes van die zigeunervrouwen zoooo mooi vind!! Die ene staat echt geweldig zo midden in je weekjournal en die kaart voor je moeder is ook prachtig!! Ik zal echt proberen wat vaker hier een commentaartje te geven nu het niet meer via SIS kan. Ben alweer benieuwd naar de nieuwe art journal les van morgen… ga zeker op het werk even kijken naar wat jij hebt gemaakt hoor (de les zelf kan ik helaas niet openen op ‘t werk…) Alvast een heel fijn weekend toegewenst!!

  • marjan Says:

    Hallo Marit,dank jewel voor het lieve berichtje op mijn Blog !
    Ik heb hier eens even rondgekeken,maar dat ontdekken is wederzijds πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Wat maak jij mooie dingen ! Dat Art journal is super gaaf !!!Ik kom hier zeker nog eens terug om inspiratie op te doen πŸ˜‰

  • ~*~Patty Says:

    ooo I adore gypsies and the image you used for your lovely journal pages is wonderful!
    Sending you some Virginia sunshine my friend!

  • Glenda Tkalac Says:

    That journal page is gorgeous Marit, the colors are beautiful! I know what you mean about how private to make it, I have given that some thought for certain pages too. I think blurring it is a fabulous idea and I will be keeping it in mind! I can hardly wait to hear about your exciting things!!!!