Breathtaking art
(Freewheelin’ Friday #26)

Today, I want to take you on a trip…
A trip that starts on top of the dunes nearby my hometown.

When you walk on the path that leads over the dunes, you can look down at
the beach. And the sea. And the wooden wave breakers.
As a child, I played on this beach and the wave breakers are also very typical
for this part of the Netherlands (Zeeland)

The above image is a photo.
You saw that, didn’t you?



But what do you think this next picture is?

(ZEEUWS LICHT II * 2002 * 244 x 167 cm)

It is a painting!!!

Yes, seriously… this is a painting of the rocks between the wave breakers!
It is made by an artist from Zeeland – Johnny Beerens – and this image doesn’t
show how special his art work is… he uses all kinds of materials to get this
effect and when you look at his work in real life you almost can’t believe what
you see!!! His art really is breathtaking!!!

Another painting:

(TERRA DI SENNA * 2003-2004 * 242 x 142 cm)

Johnny Beerens: “Layer upon layer I build my paintings. I put on the paint
and scrape and sand the paint away again. I mix different materials such
as sand, crushed glass, marble powder, shells and grit into the paint.”

This artist works on BIG canvases and self-made paper (see the sizes !) but I
can show you even bigger work of him!
Look at this…

LEVENSBRON ("life source") * Oostburg * 1995* Height tower 55 meter

This is a water tower in Oostburg, Zeeland and Johnny painted the crack
and the waterdrops, as if the tower leaks…


He worked
on this while
high above
the ground
on a scaffold
that hangs
from steel





And here
you see
he paints
in the
water drops.

One drop
the artist


And how did I get the idea to show you all this?
Well, Johnny Beerens had a exhibition in recent months in Zeeland, where
my parents still live, and I was determined to visit them AND the exhibition.
I visited an exhibition of this artist a few years ago and I was speechless…
and I did want to go look at his work again because the images on postcards
and websites never show the marvelous dimension he puts in his work


I had the dates all wrong.


I thought I had until July to go to his exhibition, but it ends this weekend.

My aunt send me a postcard of his work last week – she and my uncle had
spend an afternoon at the exhibition – and now that I can’t go myself I thought
of giving this artist some attention on my weblog!

I had quite a hard time choosing which paintings I should show here, it is all
breathtaking (I know, I know, I’m sentimental because his paintings show the
landscape of my youth, but still….. it IS marvelous!)
I leave you with the link to his website and I do recommend you hop over
there and take a look! His website is in Dutch only, but for you English-
speaking friends: I translated some of the titles so you should be able to find
your way to his galleries.

This is how his website looks like and if you click on the little images on the
left, you will be linked to the gallery.
So what are you waiting for?

Go visit Johnny Beerens!

Je t’embrasse!

I am gathering advice and wisdom from all over the world – to add in a mini
album I’m creating for my son to give to him as he graduates highschool ánd
turns 18. What would you say to him? What advice would you give to a young
adult, stepping into a new life phase? All quotes, suggestions, advice, poems
and so on are welcome! Read more about it in this post.

back to homepage

18 Responses to “Breathtaking art
(Freewheelin’ Friday #26)”

  • Michelle Rydell Says:

    What fantastic artwork! I love it!!! I visited his site and it is amazingggg! Thanks for sharing Marit and I’m so sorry you didn’t get to go to the exhibition!

  • helen Says:

    WOW! That is absolutely amazing. I’ve always been good at art, but it’s fantastic to see someone who has that sort of talent – I could no more do that than I could sing, lol! I can’t even begin to think how he creates those pictures, off to look at the website now, thanks for sharing Marit! x

  • Yyam Says:

    Oh my! What great art! I wish I could paint like that! 🙂

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  • Monica Says:

    argh, 4th time with this code thing! too hard to see test testing…

  • Petra Coolen Says:

    Just speechless.
    This man is a real artist.

  • Monica Says:

    i had wanted to say that although i’m not the biggest realism fan, you have to admire work like this. totally stunning. i love art on buildings too. thanks for sharing. yay, code gone…

  • Chris Says:

    What stunning art!!!!!!! I have not heard of Beerens so I really appreciate the introduction. So sorry that you will not make his exhibition – it must be fantastic! Have a great weekend!

  • Monique Says:

    Wat onwijs gaaf zeg!! Nog nooit van die man gehoord, maar dit maakt dat ik naar Zeeland zou willen om te gaan kijken!!! (maar goed, dat kan niet meer). Geweldig!! Gauw even de website beter bekijken!
    Nog een fijne zondag!

  • patty Says:

    absolutely breath taking!

  • Viv Says:

    Wow, Marit zijn werk is prachtig! Ongelooflijk hoe hij de watertoren heeft bewerkt 🙂
    Bedankt voor het showen van zijn werk!

    Groetjes Viv

  • Glenda Tkalac Says:

    Wow, that’s amazing Marit!!! I would have never guessed they were paintings! I just love the water drops, they are incredible. Also I just want to say how very lucky you are to live where you do and have that incredible scenery and beach!!!

  • Jenneke Says:

    Daar kan ik nou zoooo jaloers op worden he, zoveel creativiteit!!! Onvoorstelbaar mooi!! Dankjewel voor de tip, ik ga zeker een kijkje nemen op z’n site!!

    Groetjes, Jenneke

  • anne Says:

    amazing!!! thank you so much for sharing!!!

  • Irma Says:

    Zie je, deze kunstenaar kende ik dus ook nog niet. Ik ben heel erg gek op zulk realistisch werk! Dankjewel voor de link!
    Groetjes – Irma

  • dani Says:

    wow wow wow! it’s so striking! how neat.

  • Thinkie Says:

    oh wat gaaf, de watertoren van Oostburg! Ik was de druppels vergeten maar heb ze wel gezien ooit, ik kwam vroeger af en toe in Oostburg voor familiebezoek.
    Jammer dat je niet naar de tentoonstelling kon gaan!

  • Seth Says:

    Truly amazing. So glad you introduced me to him. I had to gasp when I saw him on the scaffold and realized just how BIG his work is. Incredible.