Tiny dancer
(Freewheelin’ Friday #29)
When Michelle send me the titles of the songs I had to work with as a
guest designer this month at Scrapping the Music I looked at the title
but no bells were ringing…
Title of the movie where this song was from: “Almost Famous”…???
Still no bells…
So I clicked on the link to watch the youtube film and … Aaaaah…
how did I NOT remember the name of that movie… I LOVED that movie!!!
And then I listened to the song.
Are you kidding me? Elton John?
I “have something” with Elton… how awesome that this is the first song
to work with as a guest designer! I sure made a happy dance!
(Yes folks, I don’t do it much but I can dance!)
The layout turned out just the way I wanted!
Here it is.
The layout looks rather simple but when I send it to STM, I got questions
about how I made this and yes, there was some extra work necessary
to come to this image… There are 5 different photo’s used for this layout!
The hand – that’s my hand. That’s an easy one.
I took a picture of my own hand and cut it out.
The tiny dancer is a free stock photo found on the Internet.
But now….
I had an image
of a highway
in my head
and I searched
the Internet
for free-to-use
photo’s of
until I found
what I was
looking for.
This photo was
perfect for the
purpose I had
in mind.
Next is a
photo of
a big billboard
on the side
of the road.
I digitally
cut the billboard
out (I used
and copied
the cut out
image on the
former “basic”
And this
is the poster
from the movie
“Almost Famous”
It has another
shape as the
billboard so
I scaled the
image of the
billboard until
this picture
fitted. Then
I rotated the
billboard a bit
so that it looks
natural standing
on the side
of the road.
I’d love to see what YOU do with this song so come on over to
Scrapping the Music and play along! And if you haven’t seen this movie yet,
hire the DVD! I promise you a good time ’cause it’s a happy movie.
Lots of music and fun and it totally has that “summer atmosphere” that
I am feeling right now. Sun. Flower power. Pink sunglasses. Blowing bubbles.
Woodstock. Good music… you get the picture?
It’s still awfully hot in the Netherlands and I’m running (well, walking actually)
in and out of the garden experimenting with ink and water paint and salt…
you should see all the papers with salt laying to dry in the sun! I LOVE IT!
My computer needs to take a siesta – it’s almost the hottest time of day –
so I will leave him alone and go on with sprinkling salt on paper.
Have a wonderful weekend and keep your fingers crossed on Sunday…
Je t’embrasse!
July 9th, 2010 at 1:49 pm
fantastic layout – I am really impressed by your use of the 5 photos – they work together so well to tell your story. Have a super weekend!
July 9th, 2010 at 3:54 pm
Your pg. is so interesting and love how you put all the elements together to make such a cohesive layout…love it Marit! Have a beautiful weekend and hope it cools down for you!
July 9th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Loved your concept on the tiny dancer prompt Marit and reading how you reached the conclusion.
Very clever and skilled work.
On another subject you must be very happy that the Netherlands are in the World Cup finals….woohoo!!!
Take care my friend and have a wonderful weekend.
Peggy xxxx
July 9th, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Mooi om te zien hoe je foto hebt bewerkt.
Weer met zoveel oog voor detail en dus een prachtig resultaat 🙂
En nu op naar zondag, ik hoop zo dat we winnen!
Geniet van het weekend, liefs Viv
July 9th, 2010 at 8:01 pm
I absolutely love this Marit! Love how all the elements came together – beautiful and inspiring!!! I’m so glad you are with us this month!
July 9th, 2010 at 10:12 pm
Dit is zo prachtig gedaan Marit!!Helemaal geweldig!, zoveel details en zón mooie sfeer!!
Sterkte met de warmte!
July 9th, 2010 at 10:30 pm
Oh, Marit! I love what you did. And thank you for explaining how you did it! Awesome! Oh, and those markers in the tub are made by Crayola. So if you get them and use them, I want to see pictures of that!!!
July 10th, 2010 at 7:06 am
Ik ben iedere keer weer zo enorm onder de indruk van je creativiteit!!! Deze layout is echt weer schitterend!!! En bedankt dat je ons verteld hebt hoe je hem gemaakt hebt, geeft me heel veel inspiratie!
Ja, duimen voor onze jongens zondag!!
Wens je een fijn, warm en zonnig weekend!!
Groetjes, Jenneke
July 10th, 2010 at 11:03 am
Fun. I used to love to make layouts like this. Haven’t had much time. Also lacking much sleep to be able to think. Maybe after my relaxing vacation.
July 10th, 2010 at 11:25 am
nice digital work! getting the poster to change shape to fit the billboard would have driven me crazy. lol
July 10th, 2010 at 8:51 pm
well, first of all, love the new look of the site, brilliant design, great move…
and I so admire you composing over song titles… brilliant work, love this…and I m headimg of to see if I can find the movie to watch, we have one of this DVD postal rental, they may have it!
Thanks so much for always popping into my blog, is always great to see you around 🙂
I’m trying to get more time to get organized with my blogs reading, but with Sarita aged 14 and changing so rapidly with little control from my part…well, life always needs us to be there for them…so less time in the computer and more time paying attention to what happens in my inside world 🙂
July 11th, 2010 at 10:04 am
Hoi Marit,
Wat leuk dat je via via bij mij terecht bent gekomen, uiteraard ook gelijk even bij jou gekeken, jij maakt ook geweldige Lay outs, jammer dat ik géén volger kan worden, maar ik bewaar je blogadres op mijn laptop.
July 11th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
Knap hoe je de billboard op de foto hebt gekregen,het ziet er prachtig uit.Ik ga deze maand een keer mee doen tenminste…. als het wat minder warm word pfff..Voor vanavond…met z’n alle voor de buis en duimen dat “we” winnen !!!!
July 12th, 2010 at 1:13 pm
Waanzin, wat je daar uit die verschillende fotos hebt gemaakt!
Jammer hè, van gisteren…maarja, na zoveel fouls hebben ze het ook niet meer echt verdient…
Nog steeds erg warme groetjes – Irma
July 12th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Bedankt voor je uitleg hoe je tot die ene bewerkte foto gekomen bent. Ik zou er zelf nooit opgekomen zijn om zoiets te doen, en ik moet zeggen dat het idee me enorm aanspreekt! Dat ga ik zeker en vast ooit eens een keertje proberen. Je LO is weer een prachtige voorbeeld van je onuitputtelijke creativiteit, prachtig gewoonweg!
xxx Peggy