Hi there friends!
Just a quick post today…
It’s late in the afternoon already, and I’m longing for
some relax-time after a hard days work.
Hard work – yep, but FUN!
I’ added some finishing touches on the last lessons for the
Mixed Emotions workshop. The workshop started October 22
and it is a huge success. It makes me happy to see all the students
make marvelous pages and having fun with the assignments!
I published some of their work in the Public gallery so you go there
and take a look!
(By the way, you can still join the workshop.
Registration will be open until November 9.
Find all the info about it in the shop)
And what did I do last weekend?
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20 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, collage, graphic 45, happy, happy mail, sharpie | posted in weekly art journal 2010
Sunday Morning, and I experienced the weirdest week…
But before I start telling (and showing) you, I want to give a little
“geographic lesson” ’cause many of you who saw my last layout
thought/asked if I live on an island…
I wrote about that figuratively – no, I don’t live on a real island.
I once did though, so let me show you where all that waves and
beaches in my head come from…

For all you Americans and
Asians (and Africans???)
this is a map of Europe.
I live in the Netherlands.
This is a map of the Netherlands (or Holland, if you like)

As you can see
I spend my childhood
right at the beach.
That province is called
“Zeeland” and it
exist of many islands
connected with each
other by dikes, dams
and bridges – so I lived
on a peninsula.
I don’t live there anymore
(my parents & best friend
still do though) but I love
that place and that’s why
waves roll through my
head, still!
I’m a “Zeeuw”…
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13 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, ATC, Challenge, Eye surgery, Gift, Journal, Layout, Miscellaneous Art Journal, ScrapMojo | posted in Art Journals, ATC's, Harlee Quinnz Designs, Marit's blog, ScrapMojo

Remember this sneak peek photo from my
“Alice in Wonderland” project?
Well, I finished my pages for the Circle Journal Swap!
This week I will be shippin’ it over to Bree in Canada –
she collects all the pages from the participants,
bind all the pages together and will send each one of us
a complete Alice Journal back…
I’m very curious what the rest of us did!
I haven’t seen anything yet, so I’m the first one
who is going to show pictures.
(WARNING! If you are participating in this swap and
don’t want to see photo’s yet, don’t continue reading!)
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9 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, Journal Circle Swap, Photos | posted in Marit's blog, Photos
One sunny holiday weekend in Holland, and I weed my garden (applause please!) got me a tan and did some scrapping! Not that I can show you that much… most of what I did must stay secret for a while longer, but I want to show you at least a tiny little bit. If only just to prove I didn’t lost my mojo…

I worked on the “Alice in Wonderland Circle Journal” today – and spend quite some time finding the right “form” for something. It was all in my head, but it didn’t work out the way I expected so I had to think of something else… I know, it sounds a bit mysterious but I don’t want to give away too much. Anyway, I can tell you it’s finished now; my pages are ready to send of to Bree! She will bind all the different pages from the participants together, and in time I will get a complete “Alice Journal” back in the mail. Can’t wait to see what the other ladies will create inspired by Alice!
Here’s a tiny little peek of what I made
(wanna see a bit more? Keep reading…)
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7 comments | tags: A to Z photo, Alice in Wonderland, Lotus Paperie, Scrapping Out Loud, Sneak peek, SOL forum
Thought of writing a short post to update you all ’cause I’m afraid it won’t be until Friday before I find the time to write a post again.
So just a few things:
- Tomorrow my friend Lena will come visit me and it will be two days
of fun, giggling, crafting, eating, drinking and definitely NO blogging.
- Thursday it’s “Queens Day” over in the Netherlands (Yep, I live in a monarchy) The whole country will turn into one big orange “thing” and I’m planning a post about that to tell you foreigners what a bizarre country I’m in (and maybe show you some photo’s too, to illustrate the madness – so stay tuned!)
- I applied for the Design Team over at Lotus paperie… Eeeeeeck!
Keep your fingers crossed, ’cause I feel ready to join a DT now but
I don’t know if they feel the same and
- The “Alice in Wonderland Journal Circle Swap” is finally getting somewhere…
There are already 6 participants (you can still join the fun! Come to the SIStv forum overhere , sign in will be due May 15th) It probably will be a 6×6 journal; everybody makes a left and a right page, and we all end up with a “Alice Journal”…. Exiting huh!
- My niece is doing a little bit better (under the circumstances).
The surgery on her elbow on Friday went OK and from yesterday on
she breaths on her own (at least, that’s what the latest mail told us.)
- Nout (my son) has school holidays this week, he’s with his dad now but he’ll come to join us on Wednesday. I asked him to come over early so he can take a photo shoot of me and my friend Lena. Nout is a real good photographer (at 16!) He works with a tele lens most of the time and I can do with some fresh pics of me and Lena! (it’s been a long time!) He uploaded some of his pics here and you really should take a look at that, or at his weblog! (He likes to get comments too you know, and if you’re a mum you know how much it means to a teenager to get a compliment now and then!)
I’ll leave you with a photo Nout took from me and my beloved last week.
(Don’t forget to love each other!!!)

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5 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, Design Team, Lena, Lisa, Nout, Photos, Visit
I had planned a weekend full of scrapping time for myself, but life doesn’t always follow your plans, does it? On Saturday, very early in the morning,
I was waked by the phone (and everybody knows that when the phone rings that early and that long, it’s gonna be sad and frightening news…) My brother called me from Canada (he lives there with his family) to tell me his daughter Lisa (my niece, she’s 17 years old) had been in a car accident and was very badly injured…
It wasn’t yet very clear what injuries she had at that time but now, two days later, we know a lot more and briefly this is it:
Sad news,
Lisa was involved in a serious car crash Friday afternoon, and is in a serious condition in The Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg
It’s not life threatening anymore, but she will be in hospital for a long time. She got a broken neck, broken back, fractured elbow, her arm and wrist are broken and a couple minor injuries. The doctors say she will recover 100%, but it will take a long time.
I didn’t do much for the rest of the weekend…
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10 comments | tags: Accident, Alice in Wonderland, Art journals, Challenge, Dance me to the end of love, Hospital, Journal Circle Swap, Lay out, leonard cohen, Lisa, Phone call, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud

Remember this photo? (See post February 5th)
A lot of things came together with this picture and it sort of became a major project! Let me explain…
(A bit of history)
After years of “scrapping on my own” I looked for other scrapbookers on the Internet, mostly to find inspiration.
While surfing, I came along the ScrapMojo challenge blog and liked the challenge there so much that I decided to play along. (Challenge #24,
my “Season of the Witch” lay out)
Of course I wanted to send my lay out to their blog, but didn’t know how to do that, so I e-mailed them and Marie (ScrapMojo girl) mailed me back and helped me along. By that time, I was already hooked on the blogs and challenges I’d found, so with help of my dear love and son (who already had a blog) I started my own weblog. (And yes… I became an addict pretty soon!) But being busy with that, I had to skip ScrapMojo challenge #25.
I never forgot about that one though ’cause I liked it so much!
This was it:
Your challenge is to use Alice in Wonderland as inspiration. That means take ANYTHING from the story and use it. It could be images, quotes, book pages, colors, whatever your little heart desires. The second part of the challenge is to use lace.
While working on the above “sixties”photo, giving it a “psychedelic look”
(I showed you in February) a song popped in my mind, and I couldn’t get
it out… it was the song “White rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane.
It’s a band from those psychedelic – flower power years, and the song
refers to… Alice in Wonderland!
And there it was! The inspiration to make this lay out. It all came together!
The song I like, the picture I like, the challenge I like. I wanted to make the ultimate lay out out of that! It had to be a spread, ’cause I wanted lots of flowers and butterflies and beads and overwhelming colours and, and, and…. you already know it took a lot of time to make this one, ’cause I mentioned a little something sometimes on my blog to make you curious (and that worked didn’t it? You ARE curious by now!)
OK then, here it is. I proudly present…. (tatatatadaaaaaaaa)
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8 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, Challenge, Flower Power, Jefferson Airplane, Lay out, Psychedelic, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo, Sixties, White Rabbit, Wonder | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo