I’m getting ready for the top 2000… but before we take off this Saturday
I thought I’d show you some things I made.
(As you know, next week will have an everyday post that is filled with
top 2000 music-related layouts, no regular blogging.
I already received some marvelous artwork in my mailbox from all over
the world – I was flabbergasted! Be sure to check in every day during the
top 2000 week!)
Oh, and to make the top 2000 blog party more fun, I throw in a prize!
Yep, you heard me. I show you at the end of this post…
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13 comments | tags: Art journals, book, bookbinding, chronicles, music, prize, Top 2000 | posted in Art Journals, Marit's blog, Workshops
Yeh, right…
do I finally have some free time, and then I catch a cold…

I choose to ignore it
and I still play with my
pens and art journals,
but that’s kinda hard to do
when there’s something
dripping from your nose
on to your art journal page…
It’s the right time of the year
to catch a cold though…
I feel sooo related to Rudolph
and I sing along with the song…
‘Budolb the bed bose bendeew”
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20 comments | tags: Art journals, bookbinding, Top 2000 | posted in Marit's blog, Photos
Howdy folks! 😀
I am waiting for something to dry.
I wanted to show it on my blog – but it takes a lot longer then
I thought it would! It’s a grey day and at 5 pm it starts to get
dark already, so there is no way that I can take good pics
IF it will dry in time…
you will have to wait until Friday.
But I have this to show you…
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16 comments | tags: Art journals, dry, week, words | posted in Marit's blog, weekly art journal 2010
I decided to make an “in between post” today.
I normally post on Mondays or Tuesdays and Fridays, but this week
I have been out of control creating so I decided to publish some of the work
in between otherwise it would be too much to handle for you on Friday!
There are things I made last week – and even the week before – that have to
stay “secret” some more – I will show you those later – but here are the things
that I did just for me and there’s no secret about it…!
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21 comments | tags: Art journals, ATC, seventies, skinny, stop | posted in A Year in the Life of an Art Journal, ATC's, Cards, Marit's blog

I discovered Seths’ blog The Altered Page over a year ago, and he still
inspires me a lot! Last year, I collaborated in his “buried treasure project”
– which was all about digging up an old blogpost and re-posting it. Was that
really a year ago??? It was, ’cause I received an e-mail from Seth that he is
doing it again and he asked if I would participate in it once again…
“While many blog readers will enjoy seeing your favorites all on one day,
I think this also very enjoyable for us bloggers. It gives us a reason to look
back through our own archives, see what we have done and how we have
grown as artists, and chose a post (or posts) that for us is very meaningful!”
Of course I’m in Seth! If only to show that a lot of things can happen in a year!
I dug up a meaningful post which was the early beginning of me to “go for it”
Since that post, I build my own website with an online community and taught
two online workshops already! I’m happy to say it was and is a success!!!
It’s special to re-publish the post witch made me come out and start showing
and doing what I really want: teaching (online) art journal workshops in my
own community! (for you who haven’t seen it yet: Marit’s Paper World)
And here’s my old post from September 2009…
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20 comments | tags: Art journals, burried treasure, go get it, repost, Seth, Workshops | posted in Marit's blog, Miscellaneous, Workshops
Last week, I finished all the urgent pursuits and now I have more
This week started in a very special way.
I will show you!
Sit down, have a coffee and let me lead you to a special evening…
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19 comments | tags: Art journals, Photo, Photos | posted in Photos, weekly art journal 2010
After a week filled with work, work, work… I desperately needed some
“me time” this weekend. Because my son went to Amsterdam with
some friends, and my beloved took care of some household chores
(thanks love!) I got the Saturday AND the Sunday “off”! YEAY!!!

I had some unfinished
business to take care of
and there was also a
cybercrop going on over
at Scrapbooking from
the inside out, so I took
all my stuff downstairs
to the dining table and
had a blast!!!
As you can see,
I even had my
sewing machine
stand by…
It’s been a while
since I sewed on
a layout – I LOVE
this detail photo!
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11 comments | tags: Art journals, Doors, Layout, sewing, SFTIO, week 18 | posted in Marit's blog, S.F.T.I.O., weekly art journal 2010