Did you visit my mad tea party? (See former post if you missed it!)
HOLY COW… the list of participants was almost endless, and I still
haven’t visited all the tea parties and blogs…
I try to work my way down the list, but it will probably take a week
to visit everyone and read their posts – and you will understand
I can’t sip tea all day – there are other things that keep me busy too.
Real busy.
Like, “two-people -in-da-house-working-hard-on-it” busy.
“New-website-new-look-new-name-new-logo-two languages” busy!
It won’t take long now before I can show you – another week maybe?
Anyway, on to some creativity…
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12 comments | tags: 1001 journals, art journaling, Award, Blog award, links, week 25 | posted in Marit's blog, weekly art journal 2010

Lotus Paperie
challenge #136
is a sketch again
but before I
show you
what I did
with it,
you should
know this first…
- In 1977, Yves Saint Laurent (a famous French fashion designer)
launched a new perfume called “Paris” and a few years later it was
available in the Netherlands. I was 19 and I liked the advertising
campaign! There was a beautiful lady (skinny, of course) and the
Eiffel Tower (of course!) and the smell was described as something
with “wild roses”. At that very moment, I knew.
This will be MY perfume!
So I went to a perfume shop to smell the stuff – and I was right!
I wear that perfume ever since. Yes, I know it’s expensive.
It’s pure luxury! And yes, I tried different odours…
but no. “Paris” is my perfume.
In fact, I heard several times from friends: “I was there-and-there
and I smelled you come by, but it wasn’t you…
- Just a couple of weeks ago, I met a fabulous lady on the Internet.
Her name is Cynthia, she makes marvelous scraps and you should
definitely check out her blog “Technicolorpostcards“.
Although (or because?) she lives in the USA,
she’s way over her head madly in love with France and Paris…
I saw some postcards and old pictures of Paris on her blog,
and got inspired!
And so, dear readers…. my Lotus lay out is all about perfume this week!
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12 comments | tags: Award, Blog award, BOM, Book of Me, Lay out, Lotus Paperie lay out, Paris, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog
Finally, I went creative this week and I played ALL FOR MYSELF!!!
No challenge stuff, no design team lay out, no pressure…
pure and simple having fun just for me!
I started another Leonard Cohen Art Journal page, but that’s not finished yet.
I messed around with gesso and paint and gel medium you see – and that takes
time to dry. So in between I surfed to Nancy’s blog to see what was there for
me (I tell later on in this post)
Of course I read her post – she’s such a funny and talented artist & writer –
and she wrote about starting this disintegration project
You really should click on that link (like I did!)
I fell in love with it right away!

I thought I would try it out for
myself! My gesso wasn’t dry
yet, I had time on my side
and so I gathered paper from
all over the house, pages from
an old fairy-tale book, white
paper, grey paper, magazine
pages… and I tied it up
with twine! I also added old,
rusty screws to the twine
and a teabag (thanks for the
tip, Nancy!)

So here it is, hanging outside
on my pergola! The forecast
predicts thunderstorms and
rain (see that coming in the
background on the former photo)
and a pigeon, hangin’ round on
my pergola lately, might add
some extra effect to it too?
Sun, rain, wind, heat…
just let the weather get to it!
I’m planning to photograph the
process – like every Wednesday –
and give it a Month to disintegrate.
I hope to end up with some lovely
pieces of papers – and maybe make a
little album about this process
using the photo’s and this paper.
After running around with paper and teabags my hands still tickled to create
more, MORE! Only the gel medium on the Art Journal page still wasn’t dry…
so I looked for the photo I’ve been wanting to scrap for ages and gave it a go…
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8 comments | tags: Blog award, Disintegration project, Lay out, Scrap lay out | posted in Marit's blog, Photos
I just had a lovely dinner with “my men”. The dishes are done and while
my son and love are on their way to rent the DVD “Dark night” (wasn’t
Heath Ledger, who plays the Joker in that movie, a nominee for an Oscar? Thought I heard that somewhere ) I thought of checking my mail and comments before shutting down the computer and watching
the movie with my family…. and… surprise, surprise!!!
I’ve got an award again!!!

Dear Danielle awarded me
for being a “best blogging buddy”.
So I’ve got an
award even
before the Oscars
are presented!!!
I’m a lucky girl!!!
And I only have to pass it to 5 “blogging buddy’s” of my choice (no addictions this time, sorry if you were waiting for confessions. Maybe some other time)
And my winners are… (tatatatataaaaaa)
Melissa (for being my blogging buddy #1)
Jessica (for always loving what I make out of her sketches)
Gudrun (for sharing wonderful Norwegian photo’s, scraps and thoughts)
Birgit (for being one of thé Dutch scrappers I love)
Pat (for being the best “scrappin’ nana” EVER)
You all deserve this girls!!!!
And now I’m closing down. Gonna watch that movie with my two men, a glass of wine and a big bag of potato chips, YES!!! Don’t care about fat belly’s, it’s weekend! Enjoy! Je t’embrasse!
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Well, maybe I’m not but my blog sure is – Melissa gave me this blog award
to prove it!

Thanks soooo much Melissa!
I’m very proud! I love your blog too – especially your questions 😉
Check it out you all!
And now on to the rules:
I need to name 5 addictions, and 5 people I’d like to pass on this “award” to…
Well, uuuuuhhh, my addictions.
- SMOKING (for sure, even made a LO about that!)
- Coffee while reading the morning paper.
- Scrapbooking (I’m hooked on making mini-books)
- Putting on my PJ’s right after dinner.
- bloggin’ (recently developed this addiction, and it’s here to stay!)
And moving forward to my 5 fab bloggers. There are lots of blogs I follow and ladies I “met” last month, and I should probably not choose the ones Melissa or Denise (before Melissa) picked, but I sure want to mention both Denise and Jessica! Love reading your blog ladies!
But for my list of 5 fab bloggers I choose:
- Meka (please keep on bloggin’ girl!)
- Fauve (she deserves this!)
- Revlie (for making me smile almost every day)
- Ronda (she’s a real scrap-master)
- Christina (her photo’s are fabulous)
And now I’m off to finish the LO I’m working on.
It should be posted sometime today ’cause it’s nearly finished, so take a peek later to see if it’s there…
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5 comments | tags: Award, Blog award