Aug 31 2009

Book of Me – more pages

For those who didn’t know already, I worked on a “Book of Me”
throughout August. On the Cocoa Daisy forum there was a
daily “BOM challenge/theme” to make pages for your own book
and if you did them all, you ended up with 31 pages… 
I skipped some challenges along the way ’cause I didn’t like all the
themes, and now I’m almost done with my book.

Still two pages to make (maybe three, after today’s challenge is posted
and I like the theme) and I want to make one “last page” myself, but
since the rest is done I made the cover last weekend.

This had to be
I chose my
favorite materials
for the cover.
Paper from an
old encyclopedia
and spray ink in
my fave colours!
I hand wrote & cut
the title to use as
a mask. It simply
says “I”

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Aug 26 2009

Back in the groove!

Slowly, but steadily, I’m coming back in the groove.
First I finished a page for my “BOM” (Book of Me)
On August 16 the prompt for a new page was about hidden talents.

When I thought about it, I smiled.
Yes, I do have a “hidden talent” and with this page I throw it out in the open…

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Aug 17 2009

Pet peeves??? RELAX!

Strange title?
Well, those where the BOM-prompts on August 14th and 15th!

I skipped two prompts for my “ME-book”

This was the prompt on August 12:
“If you had an imaginary friend who would it be??
You can pick a person who is well-known — from TV/Films…
is/was a politician or any historical character…”

You’re NOT gonna see a page about an “imaginary friend”
(I don’t have one, I never had & never will and I don’t want to think
about “celebrities or historical persons being friends with me” –
I’m perfectly happy with the friends I have in my life, thank you! 

The prompt on August 13:
“Get out a pen because you are writing a letter to yourself.
Your letter can be to who you are today, who you want to be tomorrow,
or who you were in the past. Your letter can be public or private.
Funny or poignant. Real or made up. Just write it down.”

I could do this. It’s totally up my alley, BUT
it is too personal.
I don’t want to do this in my BOM….

So, what DID I do???
Well, the next prompts were fun again, so let me show you:

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Aug 12 2009

I’m over it!

Remember my former post?
The pressure I felt?
I solved it!
I’m back to my familiar ME again.
Wanna know what I did?

I took a day “off” and did nothing scrapbook related
I forced myself to “loose another day” and I hoped, by doing that,
to get rid of the “must”- feeling.
It worked, ’cause when I started creating again yesterday, the joy was there!

I played with gesso, I made a mess with heavy gel medium (and yes, that takes
a night to dry, and that’s good for my soul and for my creativity ’cause I need
that time to over think my next “move”) and I had fun playing!
And today, when I woke up, I knew which way I wanted my pages to go
and I finished 3 (yep, three!) other pages for my BOM!

Are they any good?
Guess what – I don’t care!
I like them and I enjoyed myself again just creating.
Just for ME!

But of course I will show you what I did…

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Aug 7 2009


Lotus Paperie
challenge #136
is a sketch again
but before I
show you
what I did
with it,
you should
know this first…






  • In 1977, Yves Saint Laurent (a famous French fashion designer)
    launched a new perfume called “Paris” and a few years later it was
    available in the Netherlands. I was 19 and I liked the advertising
    campaign! There was a beautiful lady (skinny, of course) and the
    Eiffel Tower (of course!) and the smell was described as something
    with “wild roses”. At that very moment, I knew.
    This will be MY perfume!
    So I went to a perfume shop to smell the stuff – and I was right!
    I wear that perfume ever since. Yes, I know it’s expensive.
    It’s pure luxury! And yes, I tried different odours…
    but no. “Paris” is my perfume. 
    In fact, I heard several times from friends: “I was there-and-there
    and I smelled you come by, but it wasn’t you…
  • Just a couple of weeks ago, I met a fabulous lady on the Internet.
    Her name is Cynthia, she makes marvelous scraps and you should
    definitely check out her blog “Technicolorpostcards“.
    Although (or because?) she lives in the USA,
    she’s way over her head madly in love with France and Paris… 
    I saw some postcards and old pictures of Paris on her blog,
    and got inspired!

And so, dear readers…. my Lotus lay out is all about perfume this week!

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Aug 5 2009

ScrapMojo, BOM & Tagged…

WARNING: long post… Lot’s of stuff!

It’s been a while, but I made a lay out for ScrapMojo again.
There’s been some changes on that challenge blog and from now on
they’re doing only one challenge a month instead of the 2 they normally did.
This gives you longer to do them, which I am happy with ’cause I usually love
their challenges, but I can hardly find time to make all the lay outs I want
– or have to make – in one or two weeks!

Anyway, this is challenge #36
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We have all been through some
tough times or seen someone close to us struggle. We challenge you to make
a page about how the economy has affected you. Tell us your views or maybe
how you have survived these tough times. The second part of your challenge
is to use something square or something recycled.”

The first thing I thought about, reading this, were my shoes…
I have quite a few pair of shoes, but last year a lot of them got tattered,
and I didn’t have the money to buy new ones or even let them repair….
And every time I saw my shoes I had an old nursery rhyme spinning through my head… 

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Aug 2 2009

Book of Me

On August 1, Cocoa Daisy started with an initiative to create a “Book of Me”.
Every day in August there will be a post (“Daily Prompt”) on the
message board which can be used as a page in a Book of Me Album.
At the end of the 31 days, you’ll have 31 pages about yourself to compile.

Since I have an account there, I’d thought I would join in –
I decided to do a 6×6 album, and cut all the cardboard in advance.

There has been two prompts so far (August 1 and 2) and I like them both!!!
(if there’s a prompt you don’t like, you just skip that one)
If you wanna join in – it’s not to late! Hop on over and play along!

I have already finished two pages…
wanna see?

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