I’m getting ready for the top 2000… but before we take off this Saturday
I thought I’d show you some things I made.
(As you know, next week will have an everyday post that is filled with
top 2000 music-related layouts, no regular blogging.
I already received some marvelous artwork in my mailbox from all over
the world – I was flabbergasted! Be sure to check in every day during the
top 2000 week!)
Oh, and to make the top 2000 blog party more fun, I throw in a prize!
Yep, you heard me. I show you at the end of this post…
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13 comments | tags: Art journals, book, bookbinding, chronicles, music, prize, Top 2000 | posted in Art Journals, Marit's blog, Workshops
Yeh, right…
do I finally have some free time, and then I catch a cold…

I choose to ignore it
and I still play with my
pens and art journals,
but that’s kinda hard to do
when there’s something
dripping from your nose
on to your art journal page…
It’s the right time of the year
to catch a cold though…
I feel sooo related to Rudolph
and I sing along with the song…
‘Budolb the bed bose bendeew”
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20 comments | tags: Art journals, bookbinding, Top 2000 | posted in Marit's blog, Photos