I’m soooo happy with what I made last week!!!
I saw this tutorial a couple of weeks ago, and I new right away that I wanted
to work on that! My “Leonard Cohen Art Journal” still had no cover.
Well, that’s not true ’cause it HAD a cover – I tore down an old book and I
worked on the old pages, but that old fabric cover was still laying around
waiting for me to do something with it.
And now it screamed at me to be altered the way as shown in the tutorial!
Everything fell in place when I saw the Lotus Paperie challenge for this week:
“scrap anything that isn’t for an album (decor, altered things)”
And so I took
the old cover
out of the closet
and decided
that this was
to go work
on my
Leonard Cohen
Art Journal
Here’s how it
looked like
at first.