I like this “writing a blog post on Friday” ritual (#12 already!) in which I
show you some random art, share my thoughts, show you things I did the
days before or just ramble a bit before the weekend starts.
Today it’s all about my own work.
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27 comments | tags: Dad, dad and me, Me, silence, zentangle | posted in Art Journals, T.A.A.F.O.M.F.T., Zentangling
Image this:
One day you wake up and and a blur spot has appeared in your right eye.
You ask your partner if he/she sees it.
He/she looks into your eyes but doesn’t see anything…
During the day, the spot in your eye grows.
And grows.
And turns from blur to pink to red to black.
In less then 34 hours, you can’t see anything anymore with that eye…
you’re blind.

You go to
the doctor.
You have to
have surgery
right away.
You go to
the hospital
and they stick
a needle
into your eye…
That’s my dad’s story (the short version)
I wrote that down here.
And I wrote down the (long) version in my Art Journal…
(I warn you for a horrifying picture!)
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11 comments | tags: Art Journals, blind, Dad, eye, Miscellaneous, surgery | posted in Art Journals, Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud
Had to smile, when I saw the latest ScrapMojo challenge #30…. HA!!!
This was it:
“We know Valentines Day is done and over but we are sure you have pictures to scrap. This challenge is for those of you who have those love inspired pictures laying around collecting dust. Our challenge to you is use one of these as your title on your page… For the love of ______(fill in the blank) or My heart belongs to _______ (fill in the blank). The second part of our challenge is to use heart(s) on your layout.”
Those titles I can fill in easily! The name never changed either.
It’s a fact all my former boyfriends had a problem with! (Not that there were too many, but one by one they couldn’t cope with it. Until I met my love.
He’s the only one who understands and doesn’t have “issues” with this…)
I do love my man. Very much. No other man can compare to him.
I do love my son. Very much. No other child can compare to him.
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7 comments | tags: Challenge, Child, Childhood, Dad, Heart, Lay out, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
After my last “Wonderland” lay out, I had troubles to start another one.
I wondered through the house, looked at my photo’s, looked for my mojo,
did something else (cleaned the kitchen!) looked at my photo’s again and finally started a lay out with the Word Up #45 “Fun” (OLW challenge).
It turned out to be NO FUN at ALL!!!
Worked a few hours on it, and it became more and more ugly. It’s gone now! Threw it away! (after ripping of the, already glued, alphabet to re-use)
Sorry guys, but it was way to ugly to show – or even tell more – about that one.
Let’s forget OLW this time!
So, looking for fun on the Internet then, I came along Jessica’s blog and there
she wrote this:
“So, I tagged Lisa for the 6th pic in the 6th folder thingy and she left me this comment today “Now I dare you to go back and show us the 6th layout you ever made… that should be fun!! 😉 ” ….great idea… right..
Wanna play… Find the pic of the 6th layout… and post it… c’mon and leave me a link so I can see it… can’t be any uglier than mine!
OK, I was in for some fun so I looked up my first album and started
counting the pages….
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5 comments | tags: Dad, Fishing, Lay out, Nout, Scrap lay out, Tagged
Besides through phonecalls, letters and visits, my mum and dad can also follow my (scrap)life on this blog now, and I know they do… (Hi mum, hi dad!)
Last week I received a postcard from my mum who read my “season of the witch” journaling, and I can tell she liked it because the postcard said:
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1 comment | tags: Dad, Gift coupon, Mum, Witch