Mar 28 2009

Dutch delight

Prepare for another colourful lay out!!!
Scrapping out Loud came with this challenge:

“Split complimentary color challenge:
We have another color challenge for you all this week… but this time you are to use only 3 split complimentary colors from the color wheel on your layout….not sure what split complimentary means, check out the color wheel…”

I made you this example so you get an
idea what “split complimentary” means.

(I enlightened the 3 colours
I used on my lay out.)



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Jan 13 2009

(More than a)
“penpal from abroad”

In 1977 I started writing with boys and girls from other countries.
I was in my teens and it was very “hip” in those days to have a penpal from abroad. (It was also good for my English, it improved rapidly!) I had lots of penpals but while most of them disappeared over the years, Kumi stayed.
She lived in the USA, but studied in Europe for a year and visited me during her holiday. We became true friends over the years! The last time I saw her was 12 years ago and it was only for half an hour. She had to change planes in Amsterdam on her way from Germany to the USA. I took that day off from work and drove all the way up to Amsterdam (a 2 hour drive) to meet her.
On the airport I begged the customs office to let me behind the bars and
she begged on the other side with the officials. They wouldn’t let her out
nor me in… but I think they liked us girls because finally they agreed that this was a special occasion and they “let her out”. We had just enough time to kiss and hug and drink a cup of coffee…. and off she went. 🙁

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Nov 29 2008

Dutch girls
the old fashioned way

I’m working on an idea to make a LO about me and my friend as “dutch ladies”.
We’re friends since primary school, we grew up in a small village in “Zeeland” and we both have “Zeeuwse” ancestors. In Zeeland, people used to dress in regional costumes, and – although I’m not thát old – I remember elderly women were still dressed in this clothes when I was young!  › Continue reading