It happened…
it happened Saturday in the late afternoon.
I knew the next one would be it, ’cause this is the screen I see…
As you can see on this picture (click on it to enlarge) here I have
1,148 comments BUT 148 spammed (you know the ones with all
the Russian rubbish?!) and one still waiting for moderation…
…and that one would be number #1000!!!!!
I was just as curious as you are,
so I clicked one more time to see who it would be…

Congratulations PETRA COOLEN!!!
Please mail me your address, and this original book will be on it’s way!
Have a nice Sunday you all,
Je t’embrasse!
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12 comments | tags: #1000 comment, comments, give-a-way
I played around a bit with that tiny ATC size…
At first, I found it difficult to think that small / create that small,
so it took me quite some time to create this one.

Made this with
the theme from
“Think Monday
Think ATC”
which was
(The buildings
are hand drawn,
using a picture
of the Twin Towers
as an example)

Here’s the back.
That’s the new
stamp I bought
last month,
so I can properly
sign all my
ATC’s (to come)
I started a series of four new ATC’s – I’m beginning to like it – but they’re
not done yet. I have something else to show you though…
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10 comments | tags: ATC, give-a-way, minibook, TMTA | posted in ATC's, Marit's blog
OK you blog visitors, readers, fans, critics… I’ve reached post #100
and I take this opportunity to let you know how fond I am of you all!
After all, without you I don’t know if I would have made it this far…
Some of you traveled with me through blog land right from the beginning,
some of you I met along the way and maybe some of you are here for the first time… welcome to you all!
Today it’s party time and everyone can profit from my give-a-way!
Yep, you read that right, I’m gonna reward one of you with a nice bag
stuffed with vintage goodies.
Let me show you the stuff first before I ramble about what you have to do
to lay your hands on this…
(ahaaa – there’s the snake in the grass – you’ll have to DO something 😉 )

Like what you see?
I promise you, you don’t have to do much to make a change to get this…
It’s super, simple easy!
I, on the other hand, will have to go to work.
Made you curious huh?
Let me tell you what I made up for you – and myself!
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23 comments | tags: Challenge, comments, give-a-way, one hundred, Photos | posted in Marit's blog, Photos